Ознакомительная версия.
ING Barings Loses Team Of Exchange Dealers…
Simons R. How Risky is Your Company? // Harvard Business Review, 1999, May/June.
Strassman P. Measuring and Managing Intellectual Capital // Knowledge Inc., 1999, June.
Donaldson T. H. The Treatment of Intangibles. St Martin’s Press, 1992.
Birchard W. Intangible Assets + Hard Numbers – Soft Finance // Fast Company, 1999, October.
Цит. по: Roos G., Roos J. Measuring your Company’s Intellectual Performance // Long Range Planning, 1997, 30(3).
Birchard W. Intangible Assets…
Copeland T., Koller T., Murrin J. Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies. John Wiley & Sons, 1990. [Рус. изд.: Коупленд Т., Коллер Т., Муррин Дж. Стоимость компаний: оценка и измерение. 2-е изд. М.: Олимп—Бизнес, 2000.]
Markides C. Strategic Innovation // Sloan Management Review, 1997, Spring.
Kawasaki G., Moreno M. Rules for Revolutionaries. HarperCollins Publishers Inc., 1999.
Van der Pluijm H. Box Suppliers Turn to Services (Dozenschuivers gaan in diensten // Intermediar, 1999, March 25.
Padgett N. Night Vision comes to Cadillac // Automobile Industries, 1998, 178(9).
Kawasaki G., Moreno M. Rules for Revolutionaries…
Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: Enhancing organizational success by unlocking the value of ideas. KPMG Intellectual Property Portfolio Service.
По данным различных источников, в том числе: Rough Ride // The Economist, 1998, November 14; A Handbrake on Subsidies // The Economist, 1999, February 13; When Crashing is Not an Option // The Economist, 1999, November 28; Microsoft joins forces with Ford to sell cars online // FEMDeDag, 1999, September 21.
Kelly K. New Rules for the New Economy. Viking Penguin Group, 1998.
По данным различных источников, в том числе: Martin P. Buying an Experience // Financial Times, 1999, September 14; The Revolution at Ford // The Economist, 1999, August 7; FEMDeDag, 1999, August 5.
Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne R. Creating New Market Space // Harvard Business Review, 1999, January/February.
Истории Bloomberg и Philips Lighting Company основаны на материалах: Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne R. Creating New Market Space…
Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne R. Creating New Market Space…
Пример основан на материалах: Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne R. Creating New Market Space…
Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne R. Creating New Market Space…
Пример основан на материалах: Kim W. Chan, Mauborgne R. Creating New Market Space…
Примеры заимствованы из: Eccles R. G., Lanes K. L., Wilson T. C. Are You Paying Too Much For That Acquisition? // Harvard Business Review, 1999, July/August.
IFI Plenum Data Corporation. Wilmington, NC, 1998.
Rivette K. G., Kline D. Discovering New Value in Intellectual Property // Harvard Business Review, 2000, January/February.
Rivette K. G., Kline D. Discovering New Value…
FEMDeDag, 2000, February 28.
Quinn J. B. Strategic Outsourcing: Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities // Sloan Management Review, 1999, Summer.
Sullivan P. H. Extracting Value from Intellectual Assets // Profiting from Intellectual Capital / Ed. Sullivan P. H. John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
Rivette K. G., Kline D. Discovering New Value…
O’Shaughnessy J., Sullivan P. H. The Role of Intellectual Capital in Valuing Knowledge Companies // Profiting from Intellectual Capital…
Economic Espionage. http://www.asisonline.org/stat3.html.
По материалам: Legal Espionage // CIO Enterprise Magazine, 1998, July 15.
Tissen R., Andriessen D., Lekanne Deprez F. The Knowledge Dividend. Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000.
Maccoby M. Why Work? Motivating and leading the new generation. Touchstone/Simon & Schuster, 1988.
Tissen R., Andriessen D., Lekanne Deprez F. The Knowledge Dividend…
Van Breukelen W., van der Vlist R. Motivation, Work, and Organizational Psychology // De Psycholoog, 1997, February.
Цит. по: Leadbetter C. Why the Traditional Methods May Have Had Their Day // Financial Times, 1999, April.
В чистом виде (франц.) – Примеч. переводчика.
Van Teeffelen G.-J. Glass Ball (Glazen bol) // De Volkskrant, 1999, October 2.
Improving Business Reporting: A customer focus, meeting the information needs of investors and creditors. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1994.
Lev B. The Old Rules No Longer Apply // Forbes, 1997, April 7.
Van Teeffelen G.-J. Glass Ball…
Internal Control, Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code. The Institute of Chartered Accountants, 1999, September.
Companies Face Tough Rules on Risk Management // Financial Times, 1999, September 27.
Financiers Want More Insight into a Company’s Future (Financier wil meer zicht op toekomst bedrijf) // Net Financieele Dagblad, 1997, August 8.
Stewart T. A. Trying to Grasp the Intangible // Fortune, 1995, October 2.
Lev B. The Old Rules…
Van Empel F. Only People on the Balance (Alleen nog maar mensen op de balans) // Next, 1999, July/August.
Lev B. The Old Rules…
Davidow W. The Virtual Corporation. HarperBusiness, 1993.
Clikeman P. M. Improving Information Quality // Internal Auditor, 1999, June.
Think of a Number // The Economist, 1999, September 11.
Shareholders Aren’t Everything // Fortune, 1999, February 17.
Creating Sustained Shareholder value and Dispelling Some Myths // Financial Times, 1999, November 15.
Ознакомительная версия.