Alex Pentland. Social Physics: How Good Ideas Spread – The Lessons from a New Science. N. Y.: Penguin Press, 2014.
Ned Resnikoff. Glassholes at Work / The Baffler. 2014. May 14. URL: http://www.thebaffler.com/blog/2014/05/glassholes_at_work.
F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Crack-Up. Esquire, 2008. February 26. URL: http://www.esquire.com/features/the-crack-up.
The Two Cultures. Wikipedia. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Two_Cultures, accessed 2014, February 25.
Leon Wieseltier. Perhaps Culture Is Now the Counterculture. New Republic, 2013. May 28. URL: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/113299/leon-wieseltier-commencement-speech-brandeis-university‑2013.
The Teaching of the Arts and Humanities at Harvard College: Mapping the Future. Harvard University, 2013. May 31. URL: http://artsandhumanities.fas.harvard.edu/files/humanities/files/mapping_the_future_31_may_2013.pdf, accessed 2014. March 17, 2014.
David Silbey. A Crisis in the Humanities? The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2013. June 10. URL: http://chronicle.com/blognetwork/edgeofthewest/2013/06/10/the-humanities-crisis/. Силби предполагает, что цифры Гарварда неверны, потому что они не включают степени, полученные по истории, визуальному и театральному искусству. Он также выступает против утвержденного среднего по «всем степеням» в Соединенных Штатах, утверждая, что «мы выдаем сегодня гораздо больше степеней по гуманитарным наукам в пересчете на численность населения, чем в 1950‑е или в 1980‑е годы». В заключение Силби указывает, что в 1960‑е годы произошел резкий и беспрецедентный скачок в количестве гуманитарных дипломов, поэтому они не могут служить адекватной точкой отсчета.
John van Doren. The Beginnings of the Great Books Movement at Columbia. Living Legacies: Great Moments and Leading Figures in the History of Columbia University / Columbia Magazine. 2001. URL: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/alumni/Magazine/Winter2001/greatBooks.html.
Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies. N. Y.: W. W. Norton & Company, 2014.
Tim Laseter. Management in the Second Machine Age / Strategy + Business, 2014. Summer. Issue 75. URL: http://www.strategy-business.com/article/00252?pg=all.
Lee Foster. 1816 – The Year Without Summer. National Weather Service. URL: http://www.erh.noaa.gov/car/Newsletter/htm_format_articles/climate_corner/yearwithoutsummer_lf.htm, accessed 2014. February 26.
Mary Shelley. History of a Six Weeks’ Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland; with Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva and of the Glaciers of Chamouni. L.: T. Hookham, Jr. and C. and J. Ollier, 1817. Google Books. accessed 2014. March 2.
Seán Manchester. A Byronic Legacy. Gothic Press. URL: http://www.gothicpress.freeserve.co.uk/Byronic%20Legacy.htm, accessed 2014. March 20.
Terry Castle. Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know. // New York Times. 1997. April 13. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/books/97/04/13/reviews/970413.13castlet.html.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The Sorrows of Young Werther. Mineola, N. Y.: Dover Publications, 2002.
Isaiah Berlin. The Roots of Romanticism. Recorded 1965. L.: Chatto & Windus: 1999.
Gordon Campbell. The Hermit in the Garden: From Imperial Rome to Ornamental Gnome // Oxford University Press, 2013.
Jokes by Steven Wright. URL: http://www.wright-house.com/steven-wright/steven-wright-Kn.html, accessed 2014, February 28.
Tim Blanning. The Romantic Revolution: A History. N. Y.: Random House, 2011.
Sophie Fontanel. The Art of Sleeping Alone: Why One French Woman Suddenly Gave Up Se. N. Y.: Scribner, 2011.
A. W. Price. Love and Friendship in Plato and Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989.
Sigmund Freud. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. Eastford, CT: Martino Fine Books, 2011.
Paul Bloom. The Pleasures of Imagination. Chronicle of Higher Education, 2010. May 30. URL: http://chronicle.com/article/The-Pleasures-of-Imagination/65678.
Paul Bloom. How Pleasure Works: The New Science of Why We Like What We Like. N. Y.: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010.
Hickies.com. URL: http://www.hickies.com/blogs/news/12504485-hickies-announces-key-management-additions-raises‑4-2mm-investment-round-to-fuel-global-expansion-and-product-development, accessed 2014. February 27.
Alexa Clay. The Rise of the Intrapreneurs. Fast Company, 2012, October 3. URL: http://www.fastcoexist.com/1680655/the-rise-of-the-intrapreneurs.
Прийя помогла сотням топ-менеджеров и другим лидерам и группам создать индивидуализированные манифесты, а ее «Лаборатория перспектив» стала тем изначальным зерном, из которого выросла эта книга.
Peter Sloterdijk. Critique of Cynical Reason. Theory and History of Literature 40, 1988. February 1.
Esther Eidinow and Rafael Ramírez. The Eye Of The Soul: Phronesis And The Aesthetics Of Organizing // Organizational Aesthetics. 2012. № 1. P. 26–43.
WhatIS.com. Definition Director of First Impressions. URL: http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/Director-of-First-Impressions, accessed 2014. February 28.
Alex Bryson and George MacKerron. Are You Happy While You Work? / Center for Economic Performance. Discussion Paper 1187, 2013. February. URL: http://cep.lse.ac.uk/pubs/download/dp1187.pdf.
Kenneth Matos. HP & Yahoo’s Telecommuting Breakup: It’s Not You, It’s Me! // The Huffington Post. 2013. October 23. URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kenneth-matos/hp-telecommuting-policy_b_4149658.html.
Tim Leberecht. The Office Is Everywhere. Means the World. URL: http://meanstheworld.co/work/the-office-is-everywhere.
Erwin van der Koogh. Case-study: Github. Business in the 21st Century. URL: http://businessin21stcentury.com/articles/profile-github/, accessed 2014. April 11.
Следует упомянуть, что к моменту выхода этой книги GitHub был втянут в скандал по обвинениям в гендерном преследовании на рабочем месте. После внутреннего расследования сооснователь и генеральный директор Том Престон-Вернер подал в отставку. Расследование не выявило доказательств харассмента, но признало, что он «совершал ошибки и выносил неверные суждения».
Nellie Bowles. GitHub Clears President Tom Preston-Werner, But He Resigns Anyway After Harassment Controversy. 2014. April 21. URL: http://recode.net/2014/04/21/github-ceo-tom-preston-werner-resigns/.