Ознакомительная версия.
Collier A. R. D. Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy. P. 196.
Thompson M. G. Preface // The Psychoanalytic Review. 2000. Vol. 87, № 4. Special Issue. P. 477.
Clarke L. The Time of the Therapeutic Communities. P. 109.
Clay J. R. D. Laing: a Divided Self. P. 82.
Heaton J. M. On R. D. Laing: Style, Sorcery, Alienation The Psychoanalytic Review. 2000. Vol. 87, № 4. Special Issue. P. 511.
Mullan B. Mad to be Normal. P. 350–351.
Schneider K. R. D. Laing Remembered. P. 40.
См.: Miller G. Psychiatry as Hermeneutics: Laing’s Argument with Natural Science // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 2008. Vol. 48, № 1. P. 42–60.
Raschid S. Editorial Introduction / R. D. Laing: Contemporary Perspectives / Ed. by S. Raschid. London: Free Association, 2005. P. 26.
Reznek L. The Philosophical Defence of Psychiatry. London; New York: Routledge, 1991. P. 56.
Redler L., Gans S., Mullan В. Remembering Ronny // Janus Head. 2001. Special Issue: The Legacy of R.D.Laing (http://www.janushead.org/4–1/redler.cfm).
Groth М. Laing’s Presence // Janus Head. 2001. Special Issue: The Legacy of R. D. Laing (http://www.janushead.org/4–1/groth.cfm).
Лэйнг Р. Д. Использование экзистенциальной феноменологии в психотерапии / Эволюция психотерапии. М.: Класс, 1998. Т. 3. Let it be…: Экзистенциально-гуманистическая психотерапия. – С. 57.
Berke J. Trick or Treat: The Divided Self of R. D. Laing // Janus Head. 2001. Vol. 4, № 1. Special Issue: The Legacy of R. D. Laing / Ed. by Burston (http://www.janushead.org/4-1/berke.cfm).
Thompson M. G. The Fidelity to Experience in R. D. Laing’s Treatment Philosophy // Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 1997. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 601.
Thompson М. G. The Heart of The Matter: R.D.Laing’s Enigmatic Relationship with Psychoanalysis // The Psychoanalytic Review. – Vol. 87, № 4. Special Issue. P. 486.
Thompson M. G. Existential Psychoanalysis: A Laingian Perspective / Psychoanalytic Versions of the Human Condition and Clinical Practice. Ed. by P. Marcus, A. Rosenberg. New York: New York University Press, 1997. P. 332–361.
Heaton J. M. On R. D. Laing: Style, Sorcery, Alienation // The Psychoanalytic Review. 2000. Vol. 87, № 4. Special Issue. P. 519.
Gordon J. B. The Meta-Journey of R. D. Laing / R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry. P. 77.
Gans S. Awakening to Love: Ronnie Laing’s Phenomenological Therapy. P. 527–547.
Crossly N. Contesting Psychiatry. P. 100–101.
Mullan B. Mad to be Normal. P. 340.
Bortle S. R. D. Laing as Negative Thinker // Janus Head. 2001. Special Issue (http://www.janushead.org/4-1/bortle.cfm).
Boyers R. Preface / R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry. P. vii-viii.
Sigal C. Working with Laing // The New York Review of Books. 1996. Vol. 43, № 20. December 19 (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/1996/dec/19/working-with-laing/).
Kotowicz Z. R. D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry. P. 1.
Sedgwick P. PsychoPolitics. London: Pluto, 1982. P. 6.
Laing‘s Understanding of Interpersonal Experience / The Oxford Companion to the Mind / Ed. R. L. Gregory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. P. 417.
Подробнее об проблеме отчуждения у Лэйнга см.: Burston D. Laing and Heidegger on Alienation // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1998 Vol. 38, № 4. P. 80–93.
Redler L., Gans S., Mullan В. Remembering Ronny // Janus Head. 2001. Special Issue: The Legacy of R.D. Laing (http://www.janushead.org/4–1/redler.cfm).
Больше всего Лэйнг гордился тем, что Мирча Элиаде предложил ему стать автором главы о шаманизме для своей книги. К сожалению, Лэйнг не обладал достаточными знаниями в этой области, и от предложения пришлось отказаться.
Mullan B. Mad to be Normal. P. 363.
Burston D. The Wing of Madness: the Life and Work of R. D. Laing. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996. P. 109.
Kotowicz Z. R. D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry. P. 1.
Thompson M. G. The Fidelity to Experience in R. D. Laing’s Treatment Philosophy. P. 595.
Howarth-Williams M. R. D. Laing: His Work and its Relevance for Sociology.P. 132.
Collier A. R. D. Laing: The Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy. P. 1.
Double D. Challenging Risk: A Critique of Defensive Practice / Liberatory Psychiatry: Philosophy, Politics, and Mental Health. Ed. by C. I. Cohen, S. Timimi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. P. 57.
Storr A. Mad about Schizophrenia // Financial Times. 1996. 30 June, 12.
Redler L., Gans S., Mullan В. Remembering Ronny // Janus Head. Special Issue: The Legacy of R. D. Laing (http://www.janushead.org/4–1/redler.cfm).
R. D. Laing: Creative Destroyer / Ed. by B. Mullan. London: Cassell Publishers, 1997. P. 3.
Schneider K. R. D. Laing Remembered. P. 40.
Эко У. Маятник Фуко / Пер. Е. Костюкович. СПб: Symposium, 2006. С. 416.
Huxsley F. The Liberating Shaman of Kingsley Hall: Obituaries // The Guardian. 25 August. См. также: Huxsley F. Shamanism, Healing and R. D. Laing / R. D. Laing: Contemporary Perspectives. P. 179–198.
Gordon J. S. Who Is Mad? Who is Sane? P. 79.
Mullan B. Mad to be Normal. P. 344.
Resnick J. In Fact, I Cannot // Asylum. 1990. Vol. 4, № 2. P. 15.
Sigal C. Working with Laing // The New York Review of Books. 1996. Vol. 43, № 20. December 19 (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/1996/dec/19/working-with4aing/).
Ясперс К. Речь памяти Макса Вебера // Избранное. Образ общества / Пер. с нем. М. И. Левиной, А. В. Михайлова, С. В. Карпушина. М.: Юрист, 1994. С. 556.
Friedenberg E. Z. R. D. Laing. P. 119.
Podvoll E. An Interview on R. D. Laing. P. 112.
Ясперс К. Речь памяти Макса Вебера. С. 553.
Ознакомительная версия.