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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник

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Women are not unicorns
Дата добавления:
9 февраль 2024
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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник

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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник - описание и краткое содержание, автор Маргарита Резник, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

A book for women and about women. Cheerful, honest, frank. Unobtrusively teaches a woman to understand, accept and love herself. The author includes readers' own experience and knowledge, and also tells the stories of her friends, acquaintances and relatives, diluting the story with humor and practical advice for increasing female attractiveness and sexuality. The book provides answers to many questions that are not customary to ask in polite society, and reveals the secrets of happiness, financial solvency, achieving internal harmony and peace of mind.A woman is a person, not a rib.A woman is a person, not a unicorn.A woman is a person, not the weaker sex.

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Women are not unicorns - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Маргарита Резник
her and I don’t recommend it to you. She understands everything so much. Therefore, if you see a broken marriage, where everything was sacred and no one oversalted the potatoes, then look at the area of children.

Abortion or unplanned pregnancy, which was later disagreed with. It is enough to consider it as it is, recognize it as a mistake, and everything will dissipate.

I know a family where a couple repented to each other of a manipulative pregnancy, where the husband wanted children, but the wife did not. She honestly performed her function and took proper precautions. And one day my husband pierced the condom.

She was against abortion and gave birth. Everyone was happy, the child was an incredibly smart and kind boy. He is loved by both parents. And all this crime is buried under a happy family life. However, they began to communicate less, love disappeared somewhere and thoughts of divorce appeared.

After attending marital counseling, the husband admitted to what he had done and his wife forgave him. They cried for more than an hour, as if unloading into each other. And finally they left enlightened. Their child began to receive even more love, and to see the love of the parents between themselves, and this, instead of seeing a divorce and becoming a little less happy.

Do you see? It is important to discover your mistakes and admit them. Look at them and recognize them without excuses.

Even if after this your spouse turns away and leaves, you will stop reproaching yourself, your conscience will be clear.

My husband then demanded that I confess everything to him. That was not easy. Ugh.

I blushed and turned pale while I read all this.

But he didn't send me away. He was still waiting for me to admit to cheating. “That didn’t happen, my friend. Never.

And you?"

By the way, this question worried me and worries me the least. It seems that when you are clean, you cannot be hurt.


I have imagined his adultery several times, but I am neither cold nor hot. Well, maybe a little offensive, that’s all. Lately my love is so mature that I wish him happiness in any circumstances.

That evening (almost night) of October thirtieth, he picked me up and took me to his rented one-room apartment. I told the guys from whom I rented a place that I was going to a witch’s Sabbath so that they wouldn’t ask questions. They just laughed (it looked absurd)..

There in the apartment he was more sincere than ever. He asked me not to force things and to be careful at first. He promised to care and love as much as he could, so that I would not demand more than he could give now.

I agreed to everything.

There was sex. Slow and sad. I tried not to show that everything was very sad.

Later, of course, the sex got better and better until we started having fun, but more on that later.

That evening that was enough for me.

We slept together for the first time in two months. I rejoiced, as a child can do in a toy store, where he is allowed to do everything.

Of course, he immediately asked (he gave me an exact ultimatum) not to smoke, start eating right (otherwise I was exhausted) and cook delicious food.

Everything was done strictly.

So we got back together. I won. My persistence took over. Life taught me, and I learned this lesson like a diligent student. She didn’t give up, didn’t give up, didn’t become a victim. I won.

And what’s best is that I didn’t do it with whims, tears and manipulation like “now I’ll hang around with my friends left and right, drink, go for walks, find a new guy, he’ll get jealous, I’ll wait for him to crawl to me himself.” I wouldn't crawl. Not my man. Yes, and I'm not like that.

Therefore, my dear girls, no matter how “House Two” and other mind-bending shows teach you, never stoop to pathetic manipulations. Beautiful strategic cunning moves are permissible if you are confident in yourself and your love. Otherwise, I don’t even recommend them until you check yourself for the sincerity of your feelings for your partner. Remember, you can harm both him and yourself.

When I told this story to my sisters, they asked me to write a book for women.

I myself understand that there are few examples like mine, for the most part people just get divorced. However, there is, it’s just not all shared with the larger masses. I decided to open up to you, I hope I helped someone.

"Orgasm and frigidity, the search for marital sexuality"

So, next chapter. No less voluminous. Get ready for some revelations.

Sex is such a strange area that, in addition to gays and lesbians, there is frigidity and impotence. And there is everything together.

I could have an orgasm with self-stimulation, but not in the presence of a man.

After the reunion, my husband decided to get his way; he really wanted to see my orgasm. And I promised that I wouldn’t give up until he succeeded. I pushed the shame and discomfort further away to allow us to walk the path to my g-spot together.

There are a lot of courses on intimate gymnastics, on studying your genitals, erogenous zones, contracting and relaxing the necessary muscles, correct stimulation and the correct influence of your partner.

I took one of them three years ago. Not bad, but incomplete.

And we began to integrate my masturbation into our intimate life. And voila, after a couple of months everything worked out.

It turns out that if you give a man the right instructions and stop being nervous about his every mistake, then everything works out. Definitely no hands or nails in

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