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The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник

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The Before Short Story Series. Part 1
Дата добавления:
8 ноябрь 2023
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The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник

The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник краткое содержание

The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник - описание и краткое содержание, автор Иван Перепелятник, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

The short stories of the Before series—notes from the future about the technologies of the emerging civilization—tell us about events that take place 100–150 years from now, in the second half of the 22nd century. The events are taking place in different countries all around the world—not even limited only to the Earth—such as Russia, the U.S., Japan, Germany, Luxembourg… and also on an international space station near the Earth, and on the Moon (natural satellite of the Earth). The characters often recur to parallels with the past, that is with the time we are living in, in the beginning of the 21st century.

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The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Иван Перепелятник
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of the forecast leads to irreversible consequences over a period of 10 years. Regarding health indicators, regular comprehensive examinations are carried out every 2 years. Resulting from such tests and monitoring is an individually developed unique pharmacological substance designed to make timely corrections to the program of life and health. The PAX calculates all relevant components and conditions related to each patient, comparing primary forecasts with up-to-date data obtained on the basis of a comprehensive examination and analysis. Resulting from the survey is the production of a unique drug, a pill, taking which once a month provides corrections of micro software errors.

– But there are also those who refuse to participate in such a practice. Those who do not want and are not ready to be part of some plan, even though it has been developed in good faith as stated, Reed objected.

«Exactly, Reed. You're right again," Al replied. Such citizens do not want to be part of the Republic either, they often become hermits and freaks. And sometimes they actively oppose society. In their opinion, people give up their freedom and life as payment for the imaginary opportunities provided by modern civilization. They go outside the limits of a modern society. Such divergents claim that their personal freedom, freedom of choice, is worth more than the possibilities of living in an artificially created, computer-programmed reality. These are their fundamental and basic reasons, Reed.

– I don't even know. As for me, these reasons are completely controversial. No one restricts us in our thoughts, freedoms and actions. By and large, we act as we believe we have to. We say what we think is right. To reject the achievements of science, not to participate in public institutions, to stay away from the latest technological discoveries, not to use what medicine offers for your well-being seems to me simply unreasonable. It's kind of being stupid. Nonsense.

– Reed, 99.99% of the Republic agree with you, – said Al enthusiastically. – We are already approaching our destination. We'll be downtown in less than 2 minutes, Reed.

Al's hologram gradually faded away. Filling the silence, the computer turned on the sound transparency mode, letting the muffled noise of the forest rushing past the capsule window into the cabin. A quiet wind, gently touching treetops, occasional overflowing voices of their permanent residents trilling their claims to the territory, rays of light breaking through the dense green curtain of trees. —Everything here is peaceful,– Reed thought.

The capsule slowed down a little before the next U-turn of the winding mountain serpentine. 1950 meters above the sea level – read the marking on the next road sign.

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