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Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25 - Маргарита Резник

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Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25
Дата добавления:
28 май 2023
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Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25 - Маргарита Резник

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Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25 - Маргарита Резник - описание и краткое содержание, автор Маргарита Резник, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

In this inspiring book, we will embark on an exciting journey to health and activity. The author, sharing his personal experience and saturating it with humor, invites us to pay attention to the importance of self-respect and self-care. He offers practical tips and techniques to help overcome obstacles and find the joy of movement and youth. This book will become an indispensable companion for everyone who strives for a healthy and active lifestyle, and embodies the desire to surpass themselves and feel the full potential given to us by this amazing world. The administration of the Litres website is not responsible for the information provided. There may be medical contraindications, a specialist's consultation is necessary

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Recipes of youth: from 35 to 25 - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Маргарита Резник
that the most effective strategy is to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle that includes proper nutrition, physical activity and psychological well-being.

Instead of focusing solely on giving up sugar, we can focus on adding healthy and nutritious foods to our diet. Increasing our intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein products and healthy fats will help us meet our body's nutritional needs and reduce our desire for sweets.

It is also important to be an informed consumer and read the labels on product packages. Sugar can hide under different names such as fructose, glucose, syrups and others. By recognizing these names, we can consciously choose foods with a lower sugar content.

Finally, I want to emphasize that my approach to giving up sweets is based on personal experience and observation. I am already in my fourth year of not eating sweets, and the results have exceeded all my expectations. I have a good figure, healthy skin, hair and nails, and stable mood and energy. I feel better than ever before and look younger than when I was 25.

So, if you also strive for a healthy figure, well-being and an energetic life, reflect on the importance of sugar in your diet. And remember, giving up sweets does not mean giving up joy and enjoyment in life. There are many alternative ways to have fun and sweetness in your life without dangerous health consequences. You deserve to be healthy, happy and full of energy, and I believe that giving up sweets can be one of the keys to achieving that goal.

To summarize:

Part 1: Giving up sweets altogether

1.1 Rethinking Sweets: My approach is based on a complete rejection of sweets in any form. This includes sugar substitutes, honey and even sweet fruits. The goal is to kick the sweet taste habit and change your perception of food.

1.2 The Benefits of Giving Up Sweets: Giving up sweets can reduce your risk of diabetes, improve your teeth, skin, and figure. It also helps you avoid mood swings and improve your overall well-being.

Part 2: Moderate Consumption of Sugar in Foods

2.1 Mindful Eating: Realizing that it is almost impossible to eliminate sugar from all foods, I suggest a moderate consumption approach. Instead of completely avoiding foods that contain small amounts of sugar, we can learn to control our sugar intake.

2.2 Balance and variety: It is important to strive for variety and balance in our diet. A small amount of sugar in the foods we eat should not be a barrier to a healthy lifestyle.

Part 3: A Rational Approach to Nutrition and Healthy Living

3.1 Conscious Eating: To avoid the constant presence of thoughts about food and possible breakdowns, I encourage conscious eating. Instead of constantly thinking about what you can or cannot eat, focus on the quality and nutritional value of foods.

3.2 Healthy Substitutions: Instead of sweets, we can find healthy substitutions that satisfy our taste preferences. For example, fruits and berries can be a great alternative to sweet desserts, and natural spices such as cinnamon or vanilla add a pleasant aroma and flavor to various dishes.

3.3 Support and motivation: It is important to find support and motivation in your quest to give up sweets. Talking to people who share your healthy lifestyle philosophy can help you stay motivated and overcome possible challenges.

Part 4: My experience and results

4.1 Personal experience: I myself have gone from an overweight sweet tooth to a healthy lifestyle without sweets. I am now in my fourth year of not eating sweets, and it has brought me noticeable results. My figure has become more attractive, my face and hair have gained a healthy shine, I have no mood swings, and my tests testify to my overall health.

4.2 Youthfulness and Vitality: Giving up sweets and eating consciously has made me feel better than I did when I was 25. I gained energy, activity, and vitality that previously seemed unattainable.

4.3 The importance of choice: I want to emphasize that each of us has the right to make choices. I offer my approach based on giving up sweets, but the decision belongs to you. It is important to be aware and make informed decisions about your diet and healthy lifestyle.


It's important to remember that each of us is entitled to our own choices and approach to nutrition. I am simply sharing my experience and offering you my methodology. Base your decisions on awareness, knowledge and your own needs. Health and wellness is an individual journey, and I hope you find my story and methodology helpful.

Healthy Relationships and Sex: Mutual Understanding, Libido and Orgasms

We all strive for happy and healthy relationships in which understanding, respect and mutual support are the foundation. Within these relationships, sexuality plays an important role. Not only does it bring physical pleasure, but it also has a significant impact on our physical and psychological well-being.

I want to share my experience that helped me find a healthy relationship and enjoy a full sexual life. Previously, in my marriage to my ex-husband, I didn't listen to my body and my needs. We had different rhythms and perceptions of sexuality, and sex often became a forced act devoid of pleasure. The frequency of 2-3 times a week was too much for me, and it began to negatively affect my life.

After my divorce and meeting my current partner, everything changed. We immediately felt a mutual understanding and belonging to each other. Together we found our rhythm and frequency of sexual intercourse that suited us both – 2 times a month. It became a perfect balance for us between meeting our needs and maintaining a sense of the particularity of each sexual moment.

The importance of libido and orgasms:

It is important to note that sex should not be an end in itself. It is only one part of a healthy relationship. Instead of focusing solely on the frequency

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