Martin Born, Geographie der landlichen Siedlungen 1: Die Genese der Siedlungsformen in Mitteleuropa (Stuttgart, 1977), inserts after p. 156.
Edward Miller and John Hatcher, Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change 1086–1348 (London, 1978), p. 87.
напр.: Brian K. Roberts, The Green Villages of County Durham (Durham, 1977).
J.G. Hurst, 'The Changing Medieval Village in England', in JA Raftis (ed.). Pathways to Medieval Peasants (Toronto, 1981), pp. 27–62, pp. 51, 48 and plan 2. 8.
Wolfgang Prange, Siedlungsgeschichte des Landes Lauenburg im Mittelalter (Neumunster, 1960), pp. 166–7 and map 45.
Miller and Hatcher, Medieval England, p. 86.
Егоров Д.Н. Колонизация Мекленбурга в XIII веке. Т. 1. М, 1915, с. 506.
См. по этой проблеме сборник статей: Hans-Jurgen Nitz (ed.). Historisch-genetische Siedlungsforschung (Darmstadt, 1974), part 3: 'Die Rundlingsfrage'.
О поселениях такого типа см.: Hans-Jurgen Nitz, 'The Church as Colonist: The Benedictine Abbey of Lorsch and Planned Waldhufen Colonization in the Odenwald', Journal of Historical Geography 9 (1983), pp. 105–26.
Eilert Ekwall, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Place Names (4th ed., Oxford, 1960), pp. xxui, 49 and 136.
Adolph Bach, Deutsche Namenkunde (2nd ed., 3 vols., Heidelberg, 1952–6) 2/ii, p. 126.
ibid., pp. 129–36.
ibid., p. 125.
Цит. по кн.: Helmold, Chronica Slavorum 1. 12, ed. Stoob, p. 68. (Имеется рус. издание: Гельмольд Славянская хроника. М., 1963.)
Liber fundationis episcopatus Vratislaviensis, p. 168; Helbig and Weinrich 2, no. 39, p. 188.
Liber fundationis... Heinrichow 1. 3, ed. Grodecki, p. 257; Helbig and Weinrich 2, no. 13, p. 104.
См.: Adriaan von Müller, 'Zum hochmittelalterlichen Besiedlung des Teltow (Brandenburg): Stand eines mehrjahrigen archaologischsiedlungsgeschichtlichen Forschungsprogrammes', in Walter Schlesinger (ed.). Die deutsche Ostsiedlung als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 311–32.
Последнее издание Ратцебургского реестра см.: Hans Wurm in Hans-Georg Kaack and Hans Wurm, Slawen und Deutsche im Lande Lauenburg (Ratzeburg, 1983), pp. 137–205; факсимильная копия включена в кн.: Егоров Д.Н. Колонизация Мекленбурга в XIII веке; фрагменты содержатся также в кн.: Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 63, pp. 260–66.
Cartae et alia munimenta... de Glamorgan, ed. George T. Clark (6 vols., Cardiff, 1910), 1, no. 151, p. 152; Davies, Conquest, pp. 153, 188.
Annales Pegavienses, MGH, SS 16, p. 247.
Charles Higounet, Die deutsche Ostsiedlung im Mittelalter (Berlin, 1986), p. 110; cf. p. 252.
Gonzalez, Repoblacion 1, p. 172; 2, pp. 271–99.
Repartimiento de Sevilla, ed. Julio Gonzalez (2 vols., Madrid, 1951), 1, pp. 251–3; 2, pp. 14,18–19.
Herbert Helbig, 'Die slawische Siedlung im sorbischen Gebiet', in Herbert Ludat (ed.), Siedlung und Verfassung der Slawen zwischen Elbe, Saale und Oder (Giessen, 1960), pp. 27–64.
Schlesisches UB, ed. Heinrich Appelt and Winfried Irgang (4 vols, to date, Graz, Cologne and Vienna, 1963 —), 3, no. 103, p. 75 (Gtogow [Glogau], 1253).
Helbig & Weinrich 1, no. 87, pp. 328–33.
R.E. Glasscock, 'England circa 1334', in H.C. Darby (ed.), A New Historical Geography of England before 1600 (Cambridge, 1976), pp. 136–85, at p. 139 (fig. 35) and 178 (fig. 40).
G. Jacob (ed.), Arabische Berichte von Gesandten an germanische Fürstenhofe aus dem 9. und 10. Jahrhundert (Berlin and Leipzig, 1927), p. 12.
Jifi Kejf, 'Die Anfange der Stadtverfassung und des Stadtrechts in den Bohmischen Landern', in Walter Schlesinger (ed.). Die deutsche Ostsiedlung des Mittelalters als Problem der europaischen Geschichte (Vortrage und Forschungen 18, Sigmaringen, 1975), pp. 439–70.
Gearoid MacNiocaill, Na Buirgeisi (2 vols., Dublin, 1964) 1, pp. 78–81, and Elenchus fontium historiae urbanae 2/2, ed. Susan Reynolds et al., (Leiden, etc., 1988), pp. 162–5; Na Buirgeisi, pp. 75–7, Elenchus fontium, pp. 161–2.
Geoffrey Martin, 'Plantation Boroughs in Medieval Ireland, with a Handlist of Boroughs to с 1500', in David Harkness and Mary O'David (eds.). The Town in Ireland {Historical Studies 13, Belfast, 1981), pp. 25–53.
Karl Hoffmann, 'Die Stadtgriindungen Mecklenburg-Schwerins in der Kolonisationszeit vom 12. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert', Jahrbuch für mecklenburgische Geschichte 94 (1930), pp. 1–200; Walter Kühn, 'German Town Foundations of the Thirteenth Century in Western Pomerania', in H.B. Clarke and Anngret Simms (eds.). The Comparative History of Urban Origins in Non-Roman Europe (British Archaeological Reports, International Series 255, 2 vols., Oxford, 1985) 2, pp. 547–80, at p. 569.
John Bradley, 'Planned Anglo-Norman Towns in Ireland', in Clarke and Simms (eds.). Comparative History 2, pp. 411–67, at p. 420.
Henri Bresc, 'Feodalite coloniale en terre d'Isiam: La Sicile (1070–1240)', in Structures feodales et feodalisme dans l'Occident mediterraneen (Xe-XIIIe s.) (Paris, 1980), pp. 631–47, at p. 644.
Liv-, esth- und curlandisches UB, ed. F.G. von Bunge et al. (1st ser., 12 vols.. Reval and Riga, 1853–1910), 1, no. 53, col. 57 (1221).
Alfonso Garcia-Gallo, 'Los Fueros de Toledo', Anuario de historia del derecho espanol 45 (1975), pp. 341–488, doc. 8, at pp. 469–71.
Domesday Book, ed. Abraham Parley (2 vols., London, 1783), 1, fol. 269.
Mary Bateson, “The Laws of Breteuil”, English Historical Review 15 (1900), pp. 73–8, 302–18, 496–523, 754–7; 16 (1901), pp. 92–110, 332–45.
Das alte Lübische Recht, ed. Johaim Friedrich Hach (Lubeck, 1839), p. 185.
Codex iuris municipalis regni Bohemiae 2, ed. Jaromir Celakovsky (Prague, 1895), p. 38.
Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 15, pp. 124–31 (1235); Lawrence of Wroclaw for Walter, ibid., 2, no. 22, pp. 144–7.
Zbigniew Zdrojkowski, 'Miasta na prawie Sredzkim', Sląski kwartalnik historyczny Sobotka 41 (1986), pp. 243–51.
Coleccion de fueros municipales у cartas pueblos de los reinos de Costilla, Leon, Corona de Aragon у Navarra, ed. Tomas Mufloz у Romero (Madrid, 1847), p. 243; Fuero de Jaca, ed. Mauricio Molho (Saragossa, 1964).
Schlesisches UB 3, no. 373, pp. 241–2.
Quellenbuch zur Geschichte der Sudetenlander 1, ed. Wilhelm Weizsacker (Munich, 1960), no. 23, pp. 52–4; см. также список литературы в кн.: Helbig & Weinrich, 2, p. 61, п. 4.
Wilhelm Ebel (ed.), Lubecker Ratsurteile (4 vols., Göttingen, 1955–67).
Narcisco Hergueta, 'El Fuero de Logroflo: su extensidn a otras poblaciones', Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia 50 (1907), pp. 321–2.
Helbig & Weinrich 2, no. 41, pp. 192–5.
Andre Joris, Huy et sa charte de franchise, 1066 (Brussels, 1966).
Kejf, 'Die Anfange der Stadtverfassung', pp. 461–2.
Chronicle of Morea, tr. Harold E. Lurier, Crusaders as Conquerors (New York, 1964), p. 137; Raimund Friedrich Kaindl, Geschichte der Deutschen in den Karpathenlandem (3 vols.. Gotha, 1907–11) 2, p. 405; Т.Н. Parry-Williams, The English Element in Welsh (Cymmrodorion Record Series 10, London, 1923), p. 155.
E.M. Cams-Wilson, “The First Half-Century of the Borough of Stratford-upon-Avon', Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 18 (1965), pp. 46–63.
Fuero de Logrono, ed. T. Moreno Garbaya, Apuntes historicos de Logrono (Logrono, 1943), pp. 42–9.
Cronicas anonimas de Sahagun 15, ed. Antonio Ubieto Arteta (Textos medievales 75, Saragossa, 1987), pp. 19–21.
Lacarra, no. 187.
Cronica del rey don Alfonso X 11, in Cronicas de los reyes de Costilla 1 (Biblioteca de autores espafloles 66, Madrid, 1875), pp. 1–66, at p. 9.
См. хартию об основании города Сьюдад Реал в кн.: Margarita Penalosa Esteban-Infantes, La fundacion de Ciudad Real (Ciudad Real, 1955), pp. 9–11; cf. Julio Gonzalez, Repoblacion de Castillo la Nueva (2 vols, Madrid, 1975–6) 1, pp. 349–50.
План города см.: ibid. 2, p. 95.
Jose Maria Font Rius (ed.), Cartas de poblacion у franquicia de Cataluna (2 vols., Madrid and Barcelona, 1969) 1, no. 49, pp. 82–4.
Primera cronica general de España 1071, ed. Ramon Menendez Pidal (2 vols., Madrid, 1955), 2, p. 747.
См. карту в кн.: Repartamiento de Sevilla, ed. Julio Gonzalez (2 vols., Madrid, 1951), 1, opposite p. 314.
Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemiae, ed. Gustavus Friedrich et al. (5 vols, to date, Prague, 1904 —). 2, no. 381, p. 429; Kejf, 'Die Anfange der Stadtverfassung', p. 458.
Annates capituli Cracoviensis (Rocznik Kapitulny Krakowski), ed. August Bielowski, MPH 2 (Lwów, 1872, repr. Warsaw, 1961), pp. 779–816, at p. 806.