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Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем - Дуглас Мюррей

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Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем
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Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем - Дуглас Мюррей

Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем - Дуглас Мюррей краткое содержание

Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем - Дуглас Мюррей - описание и краткое содержание, автор Дуглас Мюррей, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

В «Безумии толпы» Дуглас Мюррей исследует опасности «культуры отмены» и роста политики идентичности, которые все чаще становятся не способом защитить угнетенных, а инструментом наказания несогласных. Он обращается к таким противоречивым вопросам современности как сексуальность, пол, раса и влияние технологий на наше поведение в Интернете, где нам следует заново научиться прощению и состраданию.
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Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем читать онлайн бесплатно

Безумие толпы. Как мир сошел с ума от толерантности и попыток угодить всем - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Дуглас Мюррей


See for instance Russell T. Davies, ‘A Rose by any other name’, The Observer, 2 September 2001.


See ‘Generation Z – beyond binary: new insights into the next generation’, Ipsos Mori, 6 July 2018.


These are: B. S. Mustanski, M. G. Dupree, C. M. Nievergelt et al., ‘A genome-wide scan of male sexual orientation’, Human Genetics, 116 (2005), pp. 272 – 8; R. Blanchard, J. M. Cantor, A. F. Bogaert et al., ‘Interaction of fraternal birth order and handedness in the development of male homosexuality’, Hormones and Behavior, 49 (2006), pp. 405 – 14; J. M. Bailey, M. P. Dunne and N. G. Martin, ‘Genetic and environmental in fuences on sexual orientation and its correlates in an Australian twin sample’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 78 (2000), pp. 524 – 36.


Royal College of Psychiatrists’ statement on sexual orientation, Position Statement PS02/2014, April 2014 (


Royal College of Psychiatrists’ statement on sexual orientation, Position Statement PS02/2014, April 2014 (


Website of the American Psychological Association, ‘Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality’ ( accessed August 2018.


Bruce Bawer, A Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society, Touchstone, 1994, p. 82.


Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, Everybody Lies: What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp. 112 – 16.


This is why straight men watch porn’, Pink News, 19 March 2018.


‘Majority in U. S. Now Say Gays and Lesbians Born, Not Made’, Gallup, 20 May 2015.


See the discussion of this episode in Alice Dreger, Galileo’ s Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and One Scholar’s Search for Justice, Penguin, 2016, pp. 182 – 3.


‘Attitudes towards homosexuals and evolutionary theory’, in Ethology and Sociobiology. There is a useful summary of the Gallup – Archer exchange by Jesse Bering in Scientif c American, 9 March 2011.


Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book 7, chs 5 – 6. Incidentally among recent translations, the Cambridge University Press edition (2014) goes with ‘sodomy’ while the Oxford University Press edition (2009) goes with ‘paederasty’.


See for instance ‘What are the most cited publications in the social sciences (according to Google Scholar)?’, Elliott Green, LSE blogs, 12 May 2016.


Michael Foucault, The History of Sexuality, Volume 1 – The Will to Knowledge, trans. Robert Hurley, Penguin, 1998, p. 43.


David Halperin, ‘Historicising the sexual body: sexual preferences and erotic identities in the pseudo-Lucianic Erotes’, in Domna C. Stanton (ed.), Discourses of Sexuality: From Aristotle to AIDS, University of Michigan Press, 1992, p. 261. // See also Andrew Sullivan, Virtually Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality, Picador, 1996.


Foucault, The History of Sexuality, p. 156.


Hunter Madsen and Marshall Kirk, Aft er the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the’ 90s, Doubleday, 1989.


See Paul Berman, A Tale of Two Utopias: The Political Journey of the Generation of 1968, W. W. Norton & Company Ltd, 1996, pp. 154 – 5.


Bawer, A Place at the Table, p. 191.


Bawer, A Place at the Table, p. 193.


Ibid., pp. 220 – 1.


Andrew Sullivan, Virtually Normal: An Argument about Homosexuality, Picador, 1996, p. 204.


Berman, A Tale of Two Utopias, pp. 160 – 1.


@TheEllenShow, Twitter, 25 October 2017, 5.53 p. m.


Daily Telegraph, 14 February 2018.


Stop Funding Hate, Twitter, 16 February 2018.


‘Children of same-sex couples happier and healthier than peers, research shows’, Washington Post, 7 July 2014.


Sunday Morning Live, BBC 1, 27 October 2010.


‘Study identifes predictors of relationship dissolution among same-sex and heterosexual couples’, The Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law, 1 March 2018.


Pink News, 25 March 2018.


Bawer, A Place at the Table, p. 188.


Sir Ian McKellen: Brexit makes no sense if you’re gay’, Daily Telegraph, 10 June 2016.


Jim Downs, ‘Peter Thiel shows us there s a difference between gay sex and gay’, Advocate, 14 October 2016.


Организация запрещена в России по решению Верховного суда. – примеч. пер.


‘Bret Easton Ellis goes on Twitter rampage after GLAAD media awards ban’, Entertainment Weekly, 22 April 2013.


‘How straight people should behave in gay bars’, Pink News, 30 November 2018.


‘In the reign of the magical gay elves’, Bret Easton Ellis, Out, 13 May 2013.


Ovid, Metamorphoses, trans. A. D. Melville, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 60 – 1.


Daniel Mendelsohn, The Elusive Embrace: Desire and the Riddle of Identity, Alfred A. Knopf, 1999, pp. 73 – 5.


‘The social and political views of American professors’, a working paper by Neil Gross (Harvard) and Solon Simmons (George Mason), 24 September 2007.




Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, ‘Socialist strategy: Where

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