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В. Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
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В. Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

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В. Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - описание и краткое содержание, автор В. Каушанская, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка читать онлайн бесплатно

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор В. Каушанская

Сомс остановился перед картиной одного из начинающих xyдожников, с интересом ее рассматривая. «Что бы это могло изображать?» — думал он. «Они могли бы, по крайней мере, сделать надпись. Ах вот, судя по каталогу, это, наверное (должно быть), и есть картина, изображающая „Город будущего". А что значат эти вертикальные черные полосы? Может быть, это самолеты? Джун опять устраивает выставки произведений молодых художников. Она, должно быть, все еще полна иллюзий и думает, что со временем они могут стать знаменитостями. Но где же Флер? Что могло ее задержать? Не могла же она забыть о своем обещании? Да нет, она, наверное, опять пошла к Имоджин Кардиган. Эти женщины! На них никогда нельзя положиться!» Вдруг он заметил даму и юношу. Что-то в ней показалось ему знакомым. Неужели Ирэн? После стольких лет! И она его увидела. В глазах его, должно быть, отразилась саркастическая улыбка Джорджа Форсайта, так как лицо ее приняло жесткое выражение, и она прошла мимо.

Exercise 8. Comment and translate into Russian (to be + infinitive).

1. The typewriter people were again clamoring for money, insistently pointing out that according to the agreement rent was to be paid strictly in advance. (London)2. By that time of evening only a few persons were to be seen on the wet streets and most of the shops and stores were dark and closed for the night. (Caldwell)3. "You're to go now, Blick!" said Hunter, getting up. (Murdoch)4. I distinctly told you to stay with her every minute I was away. You are not to be trusted. (Fischer) 5. It was after breakfast, and we had been summoned in from the playground, when Mr. Sharp entered and said: "David Copperfield is to go into the parlour." (Dickens)6. Demetrius was nowhere to be found. (Douglas)7. When my wife and I settle down at Willowmere it's possible that we shall all come together. But if this isn't to be, for Heaven's sake, let us recognise that it is simply because it can't be, and not wear hypocritical faces and suffer and be wretched. (Pinero)8. The snow which had lain so thick and beautiful when I left the country was scarcely to be seen in the city... (Murdoch)9. Your mother arranged that she was to come down from London and that I was to come over from Dover to be introduced to you. (Shaw)10. Mrs. Moore, your delightful doctor has decided on a picnic, instead of a party in his house; we are to meet him out there... (Forster)11. For June this evening, that was to have been "her treat", was the most miserable she had ever spent. (Galsworthy)12. Eliza, you are to live here for the next six months, learning, how to speak beautifully, like a lady in a florist's shop. (Shaw)

Exercise 9. Comment and translate into Russian (to have+ infinitive, to be+ infinitive).

1. Blanche: I didn't save a penny last year and so I had to come here for the summer. That's why I have to put up with my sister's husband. And he has to put up with me, apparently so much against his wishes. Surely he must have told you how much he hates me. (Tennessee Williams)2. "His mother, my dear," said Miss Tox, "whose acquaintance I was to have made through you, does not at all resemble her." (Dickens)3. I had made arrangements so as not to have to come to the office again for a little while. (Murdoch)4....I could scarcely repress my curiosity as to the nature of this composition which was to be published, at his request, presumably, by The Banner. (Dreiser)5. There are some things that have to be said sooner or later, and I'd rather hear them from you than from anybody else. (Caldwell)6. She [Ellie] begins stroking Mangan's head, reversing the movement with which she put him to sleep. "Wake up, do you hear! You are to wake up at once. Wake up..." (Shaw)7. "I can't stay in this place any longer!" she cried in utter desperation. We've got to move out of this apartment. (Caldwell)8. He had been indeed with that luckless expedition of the Chevalier de St. George, who was sent by the French King with ships and an army from Dunkirk, and was to have invaded and conquered Scotland... (Thackeray)

Exercise 10. Insert to have (to have got) or to be in the appropriate form. Translate into Russian.

1. He toiled on all day, recollecting, at the last moment, that he __ to have dinner at the Morses'. (London)2. He shook his head again, when Gertrude offered him money, though he knew that within the day he __ to make a trip, to the pawnbroker. (London)3. There were thirty poems in the collection and he __ to receive a dollar apiece for them. (London)4. But just then we hit a stretch of unpaved road where the mud was thick and the ruts were hard to follow. I __ to stop talking and watch what I was doing. (Maltz)5. During their absence, Mahmoud Ali had gone off in his carriage leaving a message that he should be back in five minutes, but they __ on no account to wait. (Forster) 6. At this meal they arranged their daily habits. The major __ to take the responsibility of ordering everything to eat and drink; and they __ to have a late breakfast together every morning, and a late dinner together every day. (Dickens)7. Stella: People — to tolerate each other's habits, I guess. (Tennessee Williams)8. He told me to say you __ not to worry about him and that he'll recover in time. (Murdoch)9. She trembled that day as she prepared to go down to the wedding. She __ to be a bridesmaid. (Lawrence)10. The time was fixed for his sailing. It __ to take place almost immediately: yet much remained to be done; many domestic preparations __ to be made. (Gaskelt) 11. "You see practically the minute he left town, Lon spent his whole ailowance. All of it." "But he's only been there a week and that money — to last him through October," Mrs. Smith said. (Benson)

Exercise 11. Translate into English using the verbs can, may, must and the expressions to be + infinitive and to have-f- infinitive.

1. Теперь всему миру придется поверить, что человечеству суждено заселить если не все, то многие планеты солнечной системы. 2. Если бы кто-нибудь сказал это лет пятьдесят тому назад, ему ответили бы, что об этом и думать нельзя. 3. Скептикам, которые говорили, что этого не может быть, приходится признать, что нам суждено стать свидетелями межпланетных полетов. 4. Для того чтобы осуществить запуск космической ракеты в межпланетное пространство, ученым пришлось сделать точные вычисления, чтобы знать, куда направить ракету. Они решили, что она должна пройти в непосредственной близости от Луны. 5. Полагают, что Луна, может быть, будет служить базой для межпланетных полетов. 6. Ученые думают, что на Луне, должно быть, нет атмосферы. 7. Трудности, которые нам придется преодолеть для того, чтобы создать пассажирские межпланетные ракеты, очень велики. Но мы, несомненно, преодолеем их.

Exercise 12. Translate into English using modal verbs and expressions (should, ought, to have to, to be to).

1. Вы должны были давно прочесть «Дни и ночи» Симонова. Ведь книга издана в 1948 году. 2. Как это вы умудрились потерять книгу? Вы должны были положить ее в портфель, тогда вы бы ее не потеряли. Теперь вам придется расстаться с какой-нибудь из своих книг. 3. Собрание должно было состояться вчера, но не состоялось. 4. Мне придется пойти к ней, у нее испорчен телефон. 5. Вам бы следовало сделать то, что я вам говорила, тогда вы не оказались бы в таком глупом положении теперь. 6. Как мы условились, я должна была зайти к ней и привести ее сюда. 7. Вы должны были мне сказать, что вы были больны. 8..Это случилось как раз в то время, когда она должна была, уехать на юг. 9. Я должен был прийти к ней в два часа, но я оставил дома ее адрес, и мне пришлось вернуться; поэтому я опоздал. 10. Вам следует помочь ей, она ведь очень устала.

Exercise 13. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian (shall, will).

1. "Don't want it, thanks. Finish it yourself." "Shall I? or shall I keep it for an emergency?" (Priestley) 2. No, Hubert; no chivalry and that sort of nonsense. You shan't have all this beastliness alone. I'm going to share it. (Galsworthy)3. I ask your advice; and I am waiting for it. I will not have all the responsibility thrown on my shoulders. (Shaw)4. El lean: I will offer to go down to the village with Paula this morning — shall I? Aubrey (touching her hand gently): Thank you — do. (Pinero)5....I am yours for ever and ever. Nothing can or shall divide me from you, unless you stop loving. (Galsworthy)6. Soames lifted his eyes: "I won't have anything said against her," he sa!d unexpectedly. (Galsworthy) 7. Let snobbish people say what they please: Barbara shall marry not the man they like, but the man I like. (Shaw)8. Sir George: The fact is, Mrs. Tanqueray, I am not easy in my mind about the way I am treating my poor old mother. Lady Orreyed (to Paula): Do you hear that? That's his mother, but my mother he won't so much as look at. (Pinero)9. And now, Dr. Trench, since you have acted handsomely, you shall have no cause to complain of me. There shall be no difficulty about money; you shall entertain as much as you please: I will guarantee all that. (Shaw)10. "If I could have a picture of you, I should treasure it." "Of course you shall!" (Galsworthy)11. I've told you over and over again that I will not be inter-; fered with when I'm playing patience. (Maugham)12. Will you have rum in your tea? (Galsworthy)13. I've proved to you that I love you more than anybody else loves you and still you won't leave that Glenn Kenworthy and go with me. (Caldwell)14. Barbara. I will not have Charles called Cholly: the vulgarity of it positively makes me iil. (Shaw)15. Only don't talk to me about divorce, for I simply won't hear of itl (Murdoch)! 16. Princess. You must come and see me and you shall tell me! all the news of home. (Maugham)17....he won't see a doctor,] or take any advice. He won't see anyone. (Galsworthy) IS, The! editors, subeditors, associate editors, most of them... are men wha| wanted to write and who have failed. And yet they, of all crea-1 tures under the sun the most unfit, are the very creatures whoi decide what shall and what shall not find its way into print.. J (London)

Exercise 14. Insert shall, will or the contracted forms oi shall not, wlla not (shan't, won't). Translate into Russian.

1. Ellie: You __ not run away before you answer. I have found out that trick of yours. (Shaw)2. " __ you come in a moment?" "Thank you kindly, young man." (contracted) (Cronin)3. Napoleon (beside himself):...Once more, and only once, will you give me those papers or __ I tear them from you by force! (Shaw)4, You must be tired, dear; __ you go to bed? (contracted) __ I bring you something up? (Galsworthy)5. Soames is very fond of you, he __ have anything said against you; why don't you show him more affection? (contracted) (Galsworthy)6. Aubrey: Have you seen EHean this morning? Paula (coldly): Your last observation but one was about Ellean. Aubrey: Dearest, what __ I talk about? (Pinero)7. __ you please leave my room? (Galsworthy)8. Then he __ be here in a few minutes! What __ I do? (Shaw)9. " __ I speak to Diana, then, about what we've been saying?" "If you __, Dinny." (Galsworthy)10. Mohammed Latif _ be severely punished for inventing this. (Forsier) 11. Jack: Gwendolen, __ you marry me? (Goes on his knees.) Gwendolen: Of course I __, darling. (Wilde)12. I give and bequeath a hundred pounds to my younger son Christopher Dudgeon, fifty pounds to be paid to him on the day of his marriage to Sarah Wilkins, if she __ have him. (Shaw)13. "Martin darling, you're drunk," said Antonia. " __ I order you a taxi to go home in?" (Murdoch)14. Mrs. Cortelyon: You know we are neighbours, Mrs. Tanqueray. Paula: Neighbours? Are we really? __ you sit down? (contracted) (Pinero)15. A man who __ work is no good, take that from me. (contracted) (London)1(3. I'11 go, Dinny, if Hallorsen __ take me. (Galsworthy)17. Since you have taken the minister's place, Richard Dtfdgeon, you __ go through with it. The execution will take place at 12 o'clock as arranged; and unless Anderson surrenders before then, you __ take his place on the gallows. (Shaw)18. "I'm not lying," I said. "If you __ believe what I say why do you keep asking me?" (contracted) (Murdoch)19. Lady: I cannot permit you, General, to enter my chamber. Napoleon: Then you __ stay here, madam, whilst I have your chamber searched for my papers. (Shaw) stood by my father, and by G — I I'll stand by you. You __ never want a friend, Harry, while Francis James Viscount Castlewood has a shilling. (Thackeray)21. "Your master is a true scoundrell" I replied. "But he _ answer for it." (E. Bronte) 22. __ we go, Blanche? (Tennessee Williams)23. You may come, if you __ (E. Bronte) 24. Aubrey: __ I burn this, dear? (Referring to ihe letter he holds in his hand.) Let me, let me! (Pinero)25. Paula: Why are you here? Why aren't you with your friend? El lean: I've come home — if you __ have me. (Pinero)

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