Природа шизофрении. Предисловие…
Природа шизофрении. Предисловие…
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 19.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 16.
Природа шизофрении. Предисловие…
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 146.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 267.
На эту хронику и обращает внимание Подволл. См.: Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity: A Compassionate Approach to Understanding and Treating Psychosis. Boston, Mass.: Shambhala Publications, 1990. P. 44–46.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 294.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 295.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 305.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 329.
Perceval J. Perceval’s Narrative… P. 321.
Hervey N. Advocacy or Folly: Te Alleged Lunatics’ Friend Society, 1845–63 // Medical History. 1986. Vol. 30. P. 245. См. также: Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 52–53.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 58–59.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 34–37.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 39.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 209.
Podvoll E. Te Compassionate Practice of Psychotherapy: Transcript of an Intensive Training Seminar at the Karme Choling Meditation Center on Contemplative Psychotherapy and the Windhorse Project, 1982. October 1–4. <http://www.windhorseguild.org/podvoll_doc_podvoll1.html>.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 62.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 63–66.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 224.
Fortuna J. M. Te Windhorse Project: Recovering from Psychosis at Home // Journal of Contemplative Psychotherapy. 1994. Vol. IX. P. 73–96.
Fortuna J. M. Te Windhorse Project: Recovering from Psychosis at Home // Journal of Contemplative Psychotherapy. 1994. Vol. IX. P. 73–96.
Podvoll E. Recovering Sanity… P. 262–263.
Crossley N. Contesting Psychiatry: Social Movements in Mental Health. Abingdon, Oxfordshire; N.Y.: Routledge, 2006. P. 112. См. также: Crossley N. Fish, Field, Habitus and Madness: Te First Wave Mental Health Users Movement in Great Britain // British Journal of Sociology. 1999. Vol. 50. No. 4. P. 647–670; Crossley M. L., Crossley N. «Patient» Voices, Social Movements and the Habitus; How Psychiatric Survivors «Speak Out» // Social Science & Medicine. 2001. Vo l. 52. No. 10. P. 1477–1489; Crossley N. R. D. Laing and the British Anti-Psychiatry Movement: A Socio-History Analysis // Social Science & Medicine. 1998. Vol. 47. Nо. 7. P. 877–889. В своих работах Кроссли дает исчерпывающий анализ описанной ситуации, на этот анализ мы и опираемся.
См.: Mad Pride: A Celebration of Mad Culture / T. Curtis, R. Dellar, L. Esther et al. (eds). L.: Spare Change Books, 2000.
Durkin L. Patient Power – Review of a Protest // Social Work Today. 1972. Vol. 3. No. 15. P. 13–15; Durkin L. Protest at Paddington Day Hospital // Rat Myth and Magic: A Political Critique of Psychology. L.: J. Rowan, 1972. P. 56.
Bangay F. A CAPO Tribute to Eric Irwin // Asylum. 1988. Vol. 3. No. 1. P. 6–11.
Graaf W. van de. Te CAPO Interview: With Eric Irwin and Frank Bangay // Asylum. Vol. 3. No. 3. P. 5 (4–8).
Durkin L. Mental Patients’ Union // Health and Social Service Journal. 1973. August 4; Durkin L., Douieb B. Mental Patients’ Union // Community Work Two / D. Jones, M. Mayo (eds). L.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1975.
Menninger K. Te Human Mind. N.Y.: A. A. Knopf, 1937. P. 3.
Irwin E., Mitchell L., Durkin L. Te Need for a Mental Patients Union – Some Proposals (1972) // Mad Pride: A Celebration of Mad Culture / T. Curtis, R. Deller, E. Leslie et al. (eds). Gloucester: Spare Change Books, 2000. P. 23–28.
Irwin E., Mitchell L., Durkin L. Te Need…
Mad Pride: A Celebration of Mad Culture / T. Curtis, R. Deller, E. Leslie et al. (eds). Gloucester: Spare Change Books, 2000. P. 7.
Barnett M. People Not Psychiatry. L.: Allen & Unwin, 1973.
Crossley N. Contesting Psychiatry… P. 113.
Barnett M. People Not Psychiatry. P. 55.
Pringl J. A Case of Schizophrenia // Te Times. 1970. May 9.
Crossley N. Contesting Psychiatry… P. 126.
Wallace M. Schizophrenia 1992: Catch 22. L.: SANE Pamphlet, 1991. P. 12.
Colucci M., Di Pierangelo V. Franco Basaglia. Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2001. P. 77.
Guarnieri P. Te History of Psychiatry in Italy // History of Psychiatry. 1991. Vol. 2. No. 7. P. 293.
Basaglia F. L’istituzione negata. Torino: Einaudi, 1968. P. 32, 33. Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out: Selected Writings of Franco Basaglia / N. Scheper-Hughes, A. M. Lovell (eds). N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1989. P. 8.
Basaglia F. Crisi istituzionale o crisi psichiatrica? // Basaglia F. Scritti I. Dalla psichiatria fenomenologica all’esperienza di Gorizia. Torino: Einaudi, 1981. P. 443. Цит по: Psychiatry Inside Out. P. 7.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence / transl. by T. Shtob // Psychiatry Inside Out: Selected Writings of Franco Basaglia / N. Scheper-Hughes, A. M. Lovell (eds). N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1989. P. 64.
Lovell A. M., Scheper-Hughes N. Introduction. Te Utopia of Reality: Franco Basaglia and the Practice of a Democratic Psychiatry // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 3.
Basaglia F. Le istituzioni di violenza // Basaglia F. Scritti II. Dall’apertura del manicomio alla nuova legge sull’ assistenza psichiatrica. Torino: Einaudi, 1982. Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 4.
Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 4.
Basaglia F. Conversazione: A proposito della nuova legge 180 // Basaglia F. Scritti II. P. 481. Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 17.
Ramon S. Triest, Italy: Reform and the Work Cooperatives: A Case Study of Immersion in the Community // Innovating in Community Mental Health: International Perspectives / R. Schulz, J. R. Greenley (eds). Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995. P. 55.
Ongaro Basaglia F. Politics and Mental Health II // Te International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 1992. Vol. 38. No. 1. P. 36.
Basaglia F., Ongaro Basaglia F. Madness/Delirium / transl. by A. M. Lovell // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 231.
Basaglia F., Ongaro Basaglia F. Madness/Delirium / transl. by A. M. Lovell // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 231.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 61.
Basaglia F. Te Disease and Its Double and the Deviant Majority: Critical Propositions on the Problem of Deviance / transl. by T. Shtob // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 107.
Basaglia F. Te Disease and Its Double… P. 133.
Basaglia F. Science and the Criminalization of Need // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 208.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 61.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 62.
Basaglia F. Science and the Criminalization of Need. P. 202.
Basaglia F., Ongaro Basaglia F. Peacetime Crimes: Technicians of Practical Knowledge / transl. by T. Shtob // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 155.
Basaglia F., Ongaro Basaglia F. Peacetime Crimes… P. 144.
Basaglia F. Science and the Criminalization of Need. P. 208.
Basaglia F., Ongaro Basaglia F. Peacetime Crimes… P. 146.
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Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 65.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 68.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 72.
Basaglia F., Ongaro Basaglia F. Peacetime Crimes… P. 76.
Jervis G. Il buon rieducatore. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1977. P. 20. Цит. по: Donnelly M. Te Politics of Mental Health in Italy. L.: Routledge, 1992. P. 39.
Basaglia F. A Dialogue with R. D. Laing // Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 198.
Psychiatry Inside Out: Selected Writings of Franco Basaglia / N. Scheper-Hughes, A. M. Lovell (eds). N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1987. P. XIV–XV.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 75.
Basaglia F. Institutions of Violence. P. 79.
Donnelly M. Te Politics of Mental Health… P. 43.
Tranchina P., Archi G., Ferrara M. The New Legislation in Italian Psychiatry: An Advanced Law Originating from Alternative Practice // International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 1981. Vol. 4. P. 185.
Tranchina P. Norma e Antinorma. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1977. P. 169. Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 15.
Pirella A. Intervista // Basaglia F., Onagaro Basaglia F., Pirella A. et al. La Nave Che Afonda. Rome: Savelli, 1978. P. 40. Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 16.
Basaglia F. La distruzione dell’ospedale psichiatrico come luogo di istituzionalizzazione // Basaglia F. Scritti I. P. 256. Цит. по: Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 18–19.
Psychiatry Inside Out… P. 21–27.
Buonaresta A. Mythe et Réalité de la Psichiatrie Alternative Itallienne: De l’Alternative à la Réforme. Tesis. Université Catholique de Louvain. Belgium, 1981; Bonner Y. La thérapie familial et son utilization dans un service publique en Italie // Psychologie et Societé. 1981. No. 4; см. также: Donnelly M. Te Politics of Mental Health… P. 46–49.
Micheli G. I Nuovi Catari: Centralità della Conoscenza nell’Esperienza Psichiatrica di Perugia. Bologna: Il Milino, 1982.
Balduzzi E., Balduzzi C. La Loi Psychiatrique du 13 Mai 1978: Introduction au Probleme // L’Information Psychiatrique. 1981. Vol. 57. No. 567–580.
Bennett D. H. Community Psychiatry // British Journal of Psychiatry. 1978. Vol. 132. P. 210–211.