Ознакомительная версия.
Ibid., 110–116.
Ibid., 118–125.
Ibid., 127–129.
George Steiner, In Bluebeard's Castle: Some Notes Toward the Re-definition of Culture (New Haven, Conn., 1971), 17–27. На рус. языке можно ознакомиться с одним отрывком из книги: Стайнер Дж. Великая Ennui: Эссе из книги «В замке Синей Бороды. Заметки к новому определению „культуры“ // Иностранная литература. – 2000. – № 8. – С. 261–271.
Блейк У. Мильтон. // Блейк У. Собр. соч.: В 8 т. Т. 3. – М.: Художественная литература, 1969.
Steiner, In Bluebeard's Castle, 23–24. На рус. языке можно ознакомиться с одним отрывком из книги: Стайнер Дж. Великая Ennui: Эссе из книги «В замке Синей Бороды. Заметки к новому определению культуры» // Иностр. лит. – 2000. – № 8. – С. 261–271.
I. F. Clarke, Voices Prophesying War: Future Wars 1763–3749, rev. ed. (Oxford and New York, 1992), 37–88.
Charles Royster, The Destructive War: William Tecumseh Sherman, Stonewall Jackson and the Americans (New York, 1991), 82.
Alan T. Nolan, Lee Considered: General Robert E. Lee and Civil War History (Chapel Hill, N. C., 1991), 112–133; Charles B. Strozier, Apocalypse: On the Psychology of Fundamentalism in America (Boston, 1994), 173–174, 177.
Robert C. Fuller, Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession (Oxford and New York, 1995), 111, 148.
Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1992), 87–90; George M. Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth Century Evangelicalism, 1870–1925 (Oxford and New York, 1980), 50–55; Strozier, Apocalypse, 183–185.
2-е послание к фессалоникийцам, 2:3–8.
1-е послание к фессалоникийцам, 4:16.
Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture, 57–63.
Ibid., 14–17; Nancy Ammerman, «North American Protestant Fundamentalism,» in Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby (eds.), Fundamentalisms Observed (Chicago and London, 1991), 8–12.
Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture, 55.
Johannes Sloek, Devotional Language (trans. Henrik Mossin; Berlin and New York, 1996), 83.
Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture, 110–117.
«Inspiration,» Princeton Review 2, April 11, 1881.
Benjamin B. Warfield, Selected Shorter Writings of Benjamin B. Warfield, 2 vols. (ed. John B. Meeber; Nutley, N. J., 1902), II, 99–100.
Charles Hodge, What is Darwinism? (Princeton, N. J., 1874), 142.
Ibid., 60.
Ibid., 139.
Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture, 22–25; Fuller, Naming the Antichrist, 111–112.
Ferenc Morton Szasz, The Divided Mind of Protestant America, 1880–1930 (University, Ala., 1982), 16–34, 37–41; Ammerman, «North American Protestant Fundamentalism,» 11–12.
Mrs. Humphry Ward, Robert Elsmere (Lincoln, Neb., 1969), 414.
New York Times, April 5, 1894.
Ibid., February 1, 1897.
Ibid., April 18, 1899.
Union Seminary Magazine, 19, 1907–1908.
Szasz, The Divided Mind, 28, 35–41.
Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture, 30, 78; Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More, 93.
Szasz, The Divided Mind, 75.
Ammerman, «North American Protestant Fundamentalism,» 12.
Fuller, Naming the Antichrist, 98–99.
Zygmunt Bauman, Modernity and the Holocaust (Ithaca, N. Y., 1989), 40–77. В рус. переводе: Бауман З. Актуальность холокоста. – М.: Европа, 2010.
Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (London, 1987), 365. В рус. переводе: Джонсон П. История евреев. – М.: Вече, 2007.
Ibid., 380.
Menachem Friedman, «Habad as Messianic Fundamentalism,» in Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby (eds.), Accounting for Fundamentalisms (Chicago and London, 1994), 335–336.
Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea (New York, 1969), 106.
Aviezer Ravitsky, Messianism, Zionism, and Jewish Religious Radicalism (trans. Michael Swirsky and Jonathan Chipman; Chicago and London, 1993), 16–18.
Ibid., 22–25, 49.
Laurence J. Silberstein, «Religion, Ideology, Modernity: Theoretical Issues in the Study of Jewish Fundamentalism,» in Silberstein (ed.), Jewish Fundamentalism in Comparative Perspective: Religion, Ideology and the Crisis of Modernity (New York and London, 1993), 13–15.
Mangol Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent: Socioreligious Thought in Qajar Iran (Syracuse, N. Y., 1982), 133–178.
Sad Kitaba, Letter 37, Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent, 160.
Paharthana Yizirat, in ibid., 161.
Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent, 44.
Quhnikhani yi – Sirat, Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent, 161.
Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent, 174–179.
Nikki R. Keddie, Roots of Revolution: An Interpretive History of Modern Iran (New York and London, 1981), 66–67.
Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798–1939 (Oxford, 1962), 69–109; Bassam Tibi, The Crisis of Political Islam: A Pre-Industrial Culture in the Scientific-Technological Age (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1988), 103–104; Tibi, Arab Nationalism, A Critical Enquiry, 2nd ed. (trans. Marion Farouk Sluglett and Peter Sluglett; London, 1990), 84–88.
Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 69.
Albert Hourani, A History of the Arab Peoples (London, 1991), 304–305.
Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 77–78.
Ibid., 81.
Ibid., 195–97, 245–259; Tibi, Arab Nationalism, 99–105.
Nikki R. Keddie, Islamic Response to Imperialism: Political and Religious Writings of Sayyid Jamal al-Din «Al-Afghani» (Berkeley, 1968); Bayyat, Mysticism and Dissent, 134–148; Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 108–192; Majid Fakhry, A History of Islamic Philosophy (New York and London, 1970), 372–375.
Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 127–128.
Tibi, The Crisis of Political Islam, 70.
Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 123–124.
Ibid., 126; Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent, 148.
Keddie, Islamic Response to Imperialism, 187.
Tibi, The Crisis of Political Islam, 90.
Bayat, Mysticism and Dissent, 147.
Коран 13:11.
E. Kedourie, Afghani and Abduh: An Essay on Religious Unbelief and Political Activism in Modern Islam (London, 1966), 45.
Ernest Renan, Histoire generale et systeme compare des langues semitiques (ed. H. Pischiari; Paris, 1955), 145–146; Renan, L'Islamisme et la science (Paris, 1983). В рус. переводе: Ренан Э. Ислам и наука… – СПб., 1883.
The Philosophy of Law, Paragraphs 246, 248.
Marshall G. S. Hodgson, The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization, 3 vols. (Chicago and London, 1974), III, 208; Tibi, The Crisis of Political Islam, 1–25.
Evelyn Baring, Lord Cromer, Modern Egypt, 2 vols. (New York, 1908), II, 146–147.
Ibid., II, 184.
Youssef M. Choueiri, Islamic Fundamentalism (London 1990), 36.
Fakhry, A History of Islamic Philosophy, 376–81; Tibi, Arab Nationalism, 90–93; Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 130–161; Hodgson, The Venture of Islam, III, 274–276.
Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 131–132.
George Annesley, The Rise of Modern Egypt: A Century and a Half of Egyptian History, 1798–1957 (Durham, U. K., 1994), 308–309.
Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 137.
Ibid., 144.
Ibid., 137–139.
Ibid., 154–155.
Leila Ahmed, Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New Haven, Conn., and London, 1992), 160.
Ibid., 139–140.
Ibid., 144–156.
Baring, Modern Egypt, II, 134, 155, 538–539.
Ahmed, Women and Gender in Islam, 154.
Ibid., 160–161.
Ibid., 163–167.
У. Б. Йейтс. Второе пришествие, пер. Г. Кружкова (http://kruzhkov.net/translations/william-butler-yeats.html#40).
Peter Gay, A Godless Jew: Freud, Atheism and the Making of Psychoanalysis (New Haven, Conn., and London, 1987), 39–50.
Robert T. Handy, «Protestant Theological Tensions and Political Styles in the Progressive Period,» in Mark A. Noll (ed.), Religion and American Politics: From the Colonial Period to the 1980s (Oxford and New York, 1990), 282–288.
Christianity and the Social Order (New York, 1912), 458.
Ferenc Morton Szasz, The Divided Mind of Protestant America, 1880–1930 (University, Ala., 1982), 42–55.
Ibid., 56–57.
Charles O. Eliot, «The Future of Religion,» Harvard Theological Review 20, 1909.
George M. Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture: The Shaping of Twentieth-Century Evangelism, 1870–1925 (New York and Oxford, 1980), 117–122.
Szasz, The Divided Mind, 78–81; Nancy T. Ammerman, «North American Protestant Fundamentalism,» in Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby (eds.), Fundamentalisms Observed (Chicago and London, 1974), 22.
Даниил 11:15, Иеремия 1:14
Robert C. Fuller, Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession (Oxford and New York, 1995), 115–117; Paul Boyer, When Time Shall Be No More: Prophecy Belief in Modern American Culture (Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1992), 101–105; Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture, 141–144, 150, 157, 207–210.
Ознакомительная версия.