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Будущее медицины: Ваше здоровье в ваших руках
Дата добавления:
29 январь 2019
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Эрик Тополь - Будущее медицины: Ваше здоровье в ваших руках

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Эрик Тополь - Будущее медицины: Ваше здоровье в ваших руках - описание и краткое содержание, автор Эрик Тополь, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info
Мир медицины проходит в наши дни революционную трансформацию. Цифровой мониторинг информационных потоков, повсеместное распространение компьютеров, новейшие молекулярные и генетические разработки, направленные на предотвращение болезней, всевозможные медицинские датчики, исследования и анализы, а главное – доступ к данным о собственном здоровье – в корне меняют систему здравоохранения.Известный врач, ученый, первопроходец передовых технологий в медицине Эрик Тополь считает, что традиционная субординация в отношениях врача и пациента уходит в прошлое, человек сам становится хозяином своего здоровья, и неизбежная демократизация медицины обещает нам ее эффективность и доступность.

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Ознакомительная версия.

65. G. Lyon, "Stopping 23andMe Will Only Delay the Revolution Medicine Needs," The Conversation, November 25, 2013,

66. V. Hughes, "23 a nd You," Medium, December 4, 2013,

67. "The FDA vs. 23andMe: A Lesson for Health Care Entrepreneurs," Knowledge at Wharton( [email protected]), December 18, 2013,

68. R. Bailey, "Leave 23andMe Alone,", February 25, 2014,

69. H. Binswanger, "FDA Says, 'No Gene Test for You: You Can't Handle the Truth,'" Forbes, November 26, 2013,

70. M. Allison, "Direct-to-Consumer Genomics Reinvents Itself," Nature Biotechnology 30, no. 11 (2012): 1027–1029.

71. G. J. Annas and S. Elias, "23andMe and the FDA," New England Journal of Medicine 370 (2014): 985–988.

72. M. White, "The FDA is Not Anti-Genetics," Pacific Standard, January 17, 2014:

73. C. Wood, "Does the FDA Think You're Stupid?" Casey Research, December 5, 2013,

74. C. Farr, "23andMe Remains Optimistic Despite FDA Issues: 'We Are Not Going Anywhere' (Exclusive)," Venture Beat, December 7, 2013,

75. L. Downes and P. Nunes, "Regulating 23andMe to Death Won't Stop the New Age of Genetic Testing," Wired, January 1, 2014,

76. N. S. Downing and J. S. Ross, "Innovation, Risk, and Patient Empowerment The FDA-Mandated Withdrawal of 23andMe's Personal Genome Service," Journal of the American Medical Association 311, no. 8 (2014): 793–794.

77. "Irresistible Force Meets Immoveable Object," Nature Biotechnology 32, no. 1 (2014): 1.

78. D. Dobbs, "The F.D.A. vs. Personal Genetic Testing," New Yorker, November 27, 2013,

79. G. Marchant, "The FDA Could Set Personal Genetics Rights Back Decades," Slate, November 26, 2013, /2013/11/_23andme_fda_letter_premarket_approval_ requirement_could_kill_at_home_genetic.html.

80. U. Francke et al., "Dealing with the Unexpected: Consumer Responses to Direct-Access BRCA Mutation Testing," PeerJ, February 12, 2013,

81. R. Epstein, "The FDA Strikes Again: Its Ban on Home Testing Kits Is, as Usual, Likely to Do More Harm Than Good," Point of Law, November 27, 2013:

82. A. Wolfe, "Anne Wojcicki's Quest for Better Health Care," Wall Street Journal, June 27, 2014,

83. C. Bloss, N. Schork, and E. Topol, "Effect of Direct-to-Consumer Genomewide Profiling to Assess Disease Risk," New England Journal of Medicine 364, no. 6 (2011): 524–534.

84. R. C. Green and N. A. Farahany, "The FDA Is Overcautious on Consumer Genomics," Nature 505 (2014): 2.

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87. S. Pasha, "23andMe Revealed a Condition It Took My Doctors Six Years to Diagnose," Quartz, November 28, 2013,

88. "The FDA and Thee," Wall Street Journal, November 25, 2013:

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92. P. Offt, Do You Believe in Magic? (New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2013).

93. A. O'Connor, "Spike in Harm to Liver Is Tied to Dietary Aids," New York Times, December 22, 2013,

94. J. Pickrell, "Should the FDA Regulate the Interpretation of Traditional Epidemiology?" Genomes Unzipped, February 12, 2013,

95. D. Dobbs, "Is the National Cancer Institute Telling Me to Remove My Breasts?" Neuron Culture, December 2, 2013,

96. M. Eisen, "FDA vs. 23andMe: How Do We Want Genetic Testing to Be Regulated?" it is NOT junk, November 26, 2013,

97. "The FDA and me," Nature 504 (2013): 7–8.

98. C. Seife, "23andMe Is Terrifying, but Not for the Reasons the FDA Thinks," Scientific American, November 27, 2013,

99. A. R. Venkitaraman, "Cancer Suppression by the Chromosome Custodians, BRCA1 and BRCA2," Science 343 (2014): 1470–1475.

100. D. B. Agus, "The Outrageous Cost of a Gene Test," New York Times, May 21, 2013,

101. Supreme Court of the United States, "Association for Molecular Pathology et al. versus Myriad Genetics, Inc., et al." SCOTUS, 2013,

102. M. Specter, "Can We Patent Life?" New Yorker, April 1, 2013,

103. E. Marshall, "Supreme Court Rules Out Patents on 'Natural' Genes," Science 340 (2013): 1387–1388.

104. N. Feldman, "The Supreme Court's Bad Science on Gene Patents," Bloomberg View, June 13, 2013,

105. R. Cook-Deegan, "Are Human Genes Patentable?" Annals of Internal Medicine 159, no. 4 (2013): 298–299.

106. N. Totenberg, "Supreme Court Asks: Can Human Genes Be Patented?" NPR Shots, April 15, 2013,

107. E. J. Topol, "DNA & Supreme Court: Nature Cannot Be Patented," Union-Tribune San Diego, April 27, 2013,

108. J. Guo, "The Supreme Court Reveals Its Ignorance of Genetics," New Republic, June 13, 2013,

109. D. J. Kevles, "Can They Patent Your Genes?" New York Review of Books, March 7, 2013,

110. C. Y. Johnson, "Eric Lander Weighs In on Gene Patenting Case," Boston Globe, February 26, 2013,

111. L. O. Gostin, "Who Owns Human Genes? Is DNA Patentable?" Journal of the American Medical Association 310, no. 8 (2013): 791–792.

112. G. Mohan, "Researchers Hail Supreme Court Decision on Gene Patent," Los Angeles Times, June 13, 2013,,0,6362625,print.story.

113. H. Ledford, "Myriad Ruling Causes Confusion," Nature 498 (2013): 281–282.

114. S. Reardon, "I Discovered the BRCA Genes," Slate, June 15, 2013, new_scientist/2013/06/brca_gene_discovery_mary_ claire_king_says_the_supreme_court_is_right_not.html.

115. J. Carlson, "Myriad Stock Falls as Competitors Offer Lower Prices for Gene Testing," Modern Healthcare, June 13, 2013,

116. J. Walker, "Reimbursement for Breast-Cancer Risk Test to Be Cut," Wall Street Journal, December 29, 2013, SB10001424052702304361604579288591617575358 -lMyQjAxMTA0MDIwOTEyNDkyWj.

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119. M. Scudellari, "Myriad Sues Developers of Competing Breast Cancer Tests," Nature Medicine 19, no. 8 (2013): 948.

120. R. Nussbaum, "Free Our Genetic Data," MIT Technology Review, July 25, 2013,

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Глава 5

1. A. Pentland, «How Big Data Can Transform Society for the Better,» Scientific American, October 1, 2014,

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4. J. L. Gardy et al., "Whole-Genome Sequencing and Social-Network Analysis of a Tuberculosis Outbreak," The New England Journal of Medicine 364 (2011): 730–739.

5. E. Topol, "Individualized Medicine from Prewomb to Tomb," Cell 157 (2014): 241–253.

6. T. Simonite, "Life's Trajectory Seen Through Facebook Data," MIT Technology Review, April 24, 2013,

7. A. Regalado, "Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics," MIT Technology Review, May 8, 2013,

8. N. A. Christakis and J. H. Fowler, Connected (New York, NY: Little, Brown and Co., 2009).

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12. I. Ezkurdia et al., "Multiple Evidence Strands Suggest That There May Be as Few as 19,000 Human Protein-Coding Genes," Human Molecular Genetics, June 16, 2014,

13. A. Butte, "Should Healthy People Have Their Genomes Sequenced at This Time?" Wall Street Journal, February 15, 2013, 2396390443884104577645783975993656.

14. E. C. Hayden, "Non-Invasive Method Devised to Sequence DNA of Human Eggs," Nature News & Comment, December 19, 2013,

15. R. W. Taylor et al., "Use of Whole-Exome Sequencing to Determine the Genetic Basis of Multiple Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex Deficiencies," Journal of the American Medical Association 312, no. 1 (2014): 68–77.

16. J. Lupski, "Genetics. Genome Mosaicism– One Human, Multiple Genomes," Science 341 (2013): 358–359.

17. M. J. McConnell et al., "Mosaic Copy Number Variation in Human Neurons," Science 342 (2013): 632.

18. I. Cho and M. Blaser, "The Human Microbiome: At the Interface of Health and Disease," Nature Reviews Genetics 13 (2012): 260–270.

19. R. Chen et al., "Personal Omics Profiling Reveals Dynamic Molecular and Medical Phenotypes," Cell 148 (2012): 1293–1307.

20. E. Aiden and J.-B. Michel, "The Predictive Power of Big Data," Newsweek, December 25, 2013,

21. R. Almeling, "The Unregulated Sperm Industry," New York Times, December 1, 2013,

22. M. Allyse and M. Michie, "You Can't Predict Destiny by Designing Your Baby's Genome," Wall Street Journal, November 8, 2013, 052702304448204579182353852538422.

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