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John Locke - Saving Rachel

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Saving Rachel
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4 октябрь 2019
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John Locke - Saving Rachel

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Saving Rachel - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор John Locke
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Sam and Rachel look at Callie. Callie puts her hand out to Rachel. Rachel looks at me. I nod. Rachel approaches Callie and embraces her. “I’m sorry I called you a whore,” she says. Callie bristles. “You probably should have kept that remark to yourself.” “Well, you did sleep with her husband,” I say. Callie says, “We can get past that.” She smiles at me and says, “You’ve got your hands full with this one.” Sam says, “Hey, Karen, how about a quick fuck before you hit the road?”

I kneel down and lift Sam’s head off the floor so he won’t choke on his own blood. Lou hands me his jacket, and I stuff it under Sam’s head. To Callie, Rachel says, “What did you hit him with? I never saw you move a muscle.” Callie looks at her but says nothing. Rachel steps slightly behind me to make herself less of a target—just in case. Lou says to Rachel, “You can see why I surrendered so easily.” “Lou,” I say again. “About the money …”

Chapter 41

Lou says, “I can put it back. Three point two-five billion. Take me thirty seconds. But I need your word.” One of Sam’s fingers starts twitching. “That’s a good sign,” I say. Callie says, “You have a reason to want him alive? Because the only way I can get the stench off me is to end the memory.” “I might have a use for him,” I say. Callie cocks her head at me. “My understanding was Sam wasn’t coming out of the cage alive.” “Look at him,” I say. “Guy’s lost his wife, his job. Don’t you think he’s been through enough?”

Callie gives me a puzzled look. In front of my chest, where Rachel can’t see, I point my thumb toward myself and move it slightly to indicate Rachel. Callie picks up on it and nods. “Fine,” she says. “We’ll keep him alive then.” “I might have a use for him,” I repeat. “He’s got a mouth on him, though,” Callie says. “I think you solved that problem already.”

To Lou, I say, “We’ve been through a lot, and like you said before, I’m running out of friends. We can’t work together anymore, but I’m willing to let you walk out of here and build a life.” “Thank you, Donovan. I’ll transfer the money as soon as I get some distance between us,” he says. “I’ll trust you to do it,” I say. We shake hands. He hesitates. “I have your word on this, right?” he says. “You do.” He looks at Callie. “Are we going to have a problem?” She looks at me and then back at Lou. “I guess not. Looks like everyone gets a free pass today.” “Thanks, guys,” Lou says. “Old times, huh?” “Old times,” I say. “Uh … if it’s not too much trouble …” Lou says.

With a quickness to rival Jimmy Squint, Callie produces a knife. She cuts him loose from his plastic twist ties, and Lou walks away. Rachel says, “You trust that guy to wire three billion to your account?” I laugh. “I think if he had the money he would.” “He doesn’t have the money?” Callie says.

Sam is still unconscious, but his arm is jerking in a strange motion above his chest, as though he were swatting flies in slow motion.

I say, “Remember how I told Sam to enter my code last?”

Callie nods.

“As you know, Victor is a computer genius too. He’s been working with Sam’s Web site for months. He couldn’t access the accounts without the names, but he reset all the data parameters. All the funds went to the last account entered.”

“But Lou said he personally put the money in his account,” Rachel says.

“This computer had nothing to do with the accounts,” I say. “That’s why Sam couldn’t make it work a few minutes ago. Lou was inputting data directly onto Victor’s computer screen, not the bank’s. We wouldn’t have trusted anyone with nine billion dollars and a keystroke. Not even Lou Kelly.” “So he never saw the money at all,” Callie says. “The nine billion was just a made-up number?” I nod. “It’s a close estimate. We won’t know how much there is until I access my account. That’s where the money is.” “Victor trusts you to do the right thing?” Callie says. “Wouldn’t you?” “I would,” she says. “You may be a killer, but you’re not a crook.”

From behind me, Rachel pipes up. “Kevin is not a killer. He’s the nicest man I know.” Callie says, “You poor thing.” I kneel back down and check Sam’s pulse. To Rachel, I say, “He’s going to be all right. You want to go home now?” She looks puzzled. “You mean we get to keep the house?” I smile. “To pack some clothes. We’re going on vacation.” “What about my job?” “You’re quitting.” “But—” “Come here a sec. I want to show you something.” I sit at the computer, log into the Citizen’s Bank Web page, and type in an account number. Rachel’s name comes up. “That’s my name,” she says. “But I don’t bank there.” “I opened this account for you,” I say, pulling up her balance. “Check it out.” “Twenty-five million dollars?” I nod.

“Oh … my … God!”

She starts dancing around the room, hopping up and down and squealing like a banshee with her first orgasm. While she does that, I access my account and check the last deposit.

“Nine billion seven hundred million and change,” I say.

“Nice haul,” Callie says.

“You and Eva have plans for spending it?”

“Not yet. We’ll kick back and enjoy our life awhile.”

“How many years can she perform?”

“Solo trapeze? If she stays injury free, one, maybe two more years.”

“She won’t stay on after she gets demoted?”

Callie smiles. “She won’t need to, now.”

Rachel’s pirouette ends. She kisses my cheek and says, “I love you, Kevin.”

“Does that mean you’ll vacation with me?”

“Can I bring my sex toys?”

“That’s my girl!”

Sam starts coming to.

“Will he be okay?” Rachel asks.

“I think so. Just to be safe, I’ll have Callie take him to a hospital.”

“Thanks, Callie,” Rachel says.

“My pleasure,” Callie says, sweetly.

Then she and I exchange a knowing look.

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