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Джим Моррисон - Боги и Новые создания

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Боги и Новые создания
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Дата добавления:
18 сентябрь 2019
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Джим Моррисон - Боги и Новые создания

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Первоначально были опубликованы в 1969 году как два отдельных издания за собственный счет автора тиражом всего по 100 экземпляров.

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menstrual fur

Dance naked on broken

bones feet bleed stain

glass cuts cover your mind

the dry end of vacuum

boat while the people

drop lines in still pools

pull ancient trout

from the deep home. Scales

crusted gleaming green

A knife was stolen. A

valuable hunting knife

By some strange boys

from the other camp across

the Lake

* * *

Are these our friends

racing shuddering

thru the calm vales of parliament

My son will not die in the war

He will return

numbed peasant voice of Orient


Last time you said

this was the only way

voice of tender young girl

Running speaking

infected green


consult the oracle

bitter creek


they exist on rainwater


mantra mate

maker of brandy

* * *

The poison isles

The poison

Take this thin granule

of evil snakeroot

from the southern


way out miracle

will find thee

The chopper blazed over

inward click sure

blasted matter, made

the time bombs free

of leprous lands

spotted w/ hunger

clinging to law


show us your ragged head

silted smiling eyes

calm in fire

a silky flowered shirt

edging the eyes, alive

spidery, distant

dial lies

* * *

come, calm one

into the life-try

already wifelike

latent, leathery, loose

lawless, large languid

She was a kindom-cry

legion of lewd marching


Where are your manners

out there on the sunlit


boundless glaxies of dust

cactus spines, beads

bleach stones, bottles

rust cars, stored for shaping

The new man, time-soldier

picked his way narrowly

thru the crowded ruins

of once grave city, gone

comic now w/ rats

insects of refuge

He lives in cars

goes fruitless thru

the frozen schools

finds no space

in shades of


the monitors are silenced

the great graveled guard-towers

sicken on the westward beach

so tired of watching

if only one horse were left

to ride thru the waste

a dog at his side

to sniff meat-maids

chained on the public poles

there is no more argument

in beds, at night

blackness is burned

Stare into the parlors of town

where a woman dances

in her European gown

to the great waltzes

this could be fun

to rule a wasteland


Cherry palms

Terrible shores


many more

This we know

that all are free

in the school-made

text of the unforgiven

deceit smiles

incredible hardships are suffered

by those barely able

to endure

but all will pass

lie down in green grass

smile, muse, gaze

upon her smooth


to the mating-Queen

who it seems

is in love

w/the horseman

now, isn't that fragrant

Sir, isn't that knowing

w/a wayward careless

backward glance

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