Это упражнение носит несколько упрощенный характер. Результаты подбрасывания монеты независимы, тогда как изменение цен на конкретные акции независимым не является. Некоторые события вроде скачков процентных ставок оказывают воздействие на весь рынок. Таким образом, приобретение двух акций не даст того же эффекта диверсификации, какой даст разделение портфеля соответственно двум броскам монеты. Тем не менее общий результат этого эксперимента сохраняет силу.
Robert Davis. Museum Garage Is a Fine Cut; It May Be Pork, but City Hungry // Chicago Tribune, 1994, May 5.
Lizette Alvarez, David Barboza. Support for Corn-Based Fuel Despite Critics // New York Times, 2001, July 23.
Nicholas Kristof. Ethanol, for All Its Critics, Fuels Farmer Support and Iowa's Role in Presidential Races // New York Times, 2000, January 21.
Roger Ferguson. Economic Policy for Our Era: The Ohio Experience // Economic Commentary. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 2000, May 15.
Цит. no: Joe Klein. Eight Years: Bill Clinton Looks Back on His Presidency // The New Yorker, 2000, October 16, p. 201.
Elizabeth Kolbert. Back to School // The New Yorker, 2001, March 5.
Michael Сох, Richard Aim. Time Well Spent: The Declining Real Cost of Living in America // Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 1997, Annual Report.
Oded Galor, David N. Weil. Population, Technology, and Growth: From Malthusian Stagnation to the Demographic Transition and Beyond // American Economic Review, 2000, vol.20, № 4, September.
Miriam Jordan. Brazil's Age-Old Endemic // Wall Street Journal, 2001, August 20.
David Leonhardt. If Richer Isn't Happier, What Is? // New York Times, 2001, May 19.
Цит. no: Alexander Stille. A Happiness Index with a Long Reach: Beyond GNP to Subtler Measures // New York Times, 2000, May 20, p. A17.
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Для того чтобы построить индекс Джини, личные доходы жителей страны располагают в порядке их возрастания. Линия, называемая «кривая Лоренца», наглядно показывает совокупную долю личных доходов по отношению к совокупной доле населения. При полном равенстве кривая имеет наклон в 45°. Коэффициент Джини — это отношение площади фигуры, лежащей между диагональю и кривой Лоренца, к площади всей фигуры, лежащей ниже диагонали.
Jagadeesh Gokhale. Are We Saving Enough? // Economic Commentary. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 2000, July.
Danny Hakim. Investors Seek a Refuge, and Experts Do, Too // New York Times, 2001, September 23.
R. Mundell. A Reconsideration of the Twentieth Century // American Economic Review, 2000, vol.90, № 3, June, p.327–340.
Не помню цифры точно, но они были приблизительно такими.
David Berreby. All About Currency Printers: The Companies That Make Money from Making Money // New York Times, 1992, August 23.
Paul Krugman. Fear Itself // New York Times Magazine, 2001, September 30.
Stephanie Strom. Deflation Shackles Japan, Blocking Hope of Recovery // New York Times, 2001, March 12.
N. Gregory Mankiw. Principles of Economics. Fort Worth, Tex.: Dryden Press, 1998, p. 606.
Paul Krugman. The Magic Mountain // New York Times, 2001, January 23.
Charles Wheelan. Fast Food, Balinese Style // Valley News, 1989, January 25, p. 18.
The Battle in Seattle // The Economist, 1999, November 27.
Цит. no: Economic Nationalism: Bashing Foreigners in Iowa // The Economist, 1991, September 21.
Mary E. Buifisher, Sherman Robinson, Karen Thierfelder. The Impact of NAFTA on the United States // Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2001, vol.15, № 1, Winter.
Dan Barry. A Mill Closes, and a Hamlet Fades to Black // New York Times, 2001, February 16.
Marvin Zonis. Globalization // National Strategy Forum Review: Strategic Outlook 2001. National Strategy Forum, 2001, Spring.
The Sanctions Decade: Assessing UN Strategies in the 1990s. Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner, 2000.
Anthony DePalma, Simon Romero. Orange Juice Tariff Hinders Trade Pact for U.S. and Brazil // New York Times, 2000, April 24, p. Al.
UN Chief Blames Rich Nations for Failure of Trade Talks // New York Times, 2000, February 13, p. 12.
Thomas Friedman. Protesting for Whom? // New York Times, 2001, April 24.
Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn. Two Cheers for Sweatshops // New York Times Magazine, 2000, September 24, p. 70–71.
Thomas Friedman. Parsing the Protests // New York Times, 2000, April 14, p. 31.
Marvin Zonis. Op. cit.
Web Sites Provide Opportunity for Artisans Around the World to Sell Their Wares Thus Increasing Living Standards // National Public Radio, 2000, September 11.
Nicholas Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn. Op. cit.
A Survey of Globalization // The Economist, 2001, September 29.
Nicholas D. Kristof, Sheryl WuDunn. Op. cit.
Paul Krugman. Hearts and Heads // New York Times, 2001, April 22.
Economic Man, Cleaner Planet // The Economist, 2001, September 29.
Paul Krugman. Op. cit.
John Micklethwait, Adrian Wooldridge. Why the Globalization Backlash Is Stupid // Foreign Policy, 2001, September/October.
No Title // The Economist, 2001, March 31.
World Development Report 2000/2001: Attacking Poverty. World Bank. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
William Easterly. The Elusive Quest for Growth. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2001, p. 285.
World Development Report 2002: Building Institutions for Markets. World Bank. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002, p.3.
Thomas L. Friedman. I Love D. C. // New York Times, 2000, November 7, p. A29.
Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, James Robinson. The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation // NBER Working Paper, № W7771, 2000, June.