Taxation in the Context of Economic Security: Opportunities and Technologies - Mikhail Yuryevich Chernavsky
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Taxation in the Context of Economic Security: Opportunities and Technologies - Mikhail Yuryevich Chernavsky краткое содержание
The aim of the present work is conducting the theoretical and legal analysis of threats and risks of tax security of the state, as well as developing on this basis measures to eliminate them and prevent their occurrence, improving methods of minimization, and neutralizing the possible consequences of their impact. To solve the set goal, the method of expert survey was used that allowed generalizing the concept of tax security, determining its economic, social, and legal nature, as well as defining the main risks and threats to the tax security of the state. The article substantiates the relevance of the study the issue concerning insurance of tax security of the state. Various approaches of scientists to the definition of the tax security concept essence were considered, which would satisfy the interests of all entities of tax relations.