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How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market - Roman Smirnov

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How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market
Дата добавления:
7 июнь 2023
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How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market - Roman Smirnov

How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market - Roman Smirnov краткое содержание

How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market - Roman Smirnov - описание и краткое содержание, автор Roman Smirnov, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

In this book you will learn:– 3 semi-automatic trading options are given (daily, weekly, weekly+)– 2 options for trading on the robot are given (automatic, automatic +)– Forex secrets that have been hidden for more than 15 years…– How to earn 1 million dollars, a step-by-step financial plan is given.– A demo version of the software is presented, which will help you earn consistently every week- Provided text and video materials for study

How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market читать онлайн бесплатно

How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Roman Smirnov
click next (Fig. 1)
(Fig.1) Installation process will start (Fig.2)(Fig.2)
After the installation process, you need to click the Finish button, (fig.3)
Rice. 3
After that, the trading terminal itself will open, (Fig. 4)

Next, we need to open a demo account, for this you need to click File -Open Account. (Figure 5)

fig. 5Next, select a demo account, and install (Fig. 6)
fig. 6
Next, click New demo account (Fig. 7)fig-7
Next, we need to fill in all the fields (Fig. 8)
Click next, after that we will generate a new demo account (Fig. 9)
fig. 9

– Download our product

We need to download our product to the desktop and then left-click and click copy from the menu (Fig. 10)

fig. 10

– See how to install and configure

In order to install our product, you need to click File – open the data directory (Fig. 11)

Next, go to the mql4 folder (Fig. 12)
Next to the Experts folder (Fig. 13)

And here we download our product, for this we click there with the left mouse button and there it will be inserted into the menu (Fig. 14)

The soft_demo.ex4 file should appear (Fig. 15)

Next, restart your terminal, Ready!

Part 2. (vps, installation, configuration)

– What is vps

Vps is a virtual dedicated server, it's like you have a computer, only in the cloud, it allows your advisors to work around the clock, with maximum connection speed, and uninterrupted operation. This allows you to unload your computer from round-the-clock work and waste of electricity.

Our products need a vps to work 24/7. To rent and create a vps, you need to register on a site that provides rent a vps, we recommend that you: Verified service

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Терминалы: 1 шт.Терминалы: 2 шт.Терминалы: 3 шт.Терминалы: 4 шт.ОЗУ: 1 ГБОЗУ: 2 ГБОЗУ: 3 ГБОЗУ: 4 ГБПамять: 3 ГБПамять: 6 ГБПамять: 9 ГБПамять; 12 ГБЛокация: ГерманияЛокация: ГерманияЛокация: ГерманияЛокация: Германия
На каждый терминал в заказанной Вами услуге будет выделено не больше 1 ОВ оперативной памяти. Например Вы заказываете услугу ГХ4 для размещения 4 программ МТ4. Общий объем оперативной памяти будет 4ОВ, но для каждой программы МТ4 будет установлено ограничение в потреблении оперативной памяти 1 СЬ.

1. To register, you need to click Register on this site

2. Pay the rent, select how many terminals you need, then wait for the instructions to your email.

– See how to install and configure

Here you are registered in the service, then you only need to read how


to install, click support

Next you need to click on FAQs:

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FAQs Файловый архив

And here read how to install and configure:

Как мы можем помочь?

:ть в(


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Part 3. (Earning options, semi-automatic)

– View 1 earning option (daily)

Friends, in order to make money on our software, you need at least $1000 on your account, if you do not have such an opportunity, we recommend that you make a cent account and deposit from $150 there.Look, to install our software, click open the navigator (Ctrl + N )

such a window will appear, click attach to the chart (Fig. 16) fig.16

Next, we look at the General tab, where we need to check the box Allow the Expert Advisor to trade, Allow function import from dll, Allow import from external experts fig. 17

fig. 17

Roman Smirnov читать все книги автора по порядку

Roman Smirnov - все книги автора в одном месте читать по порядку полные версии на сайте онлайн библиотеки My-Library.Info.

How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market отзывы

Отзывы читателей о книге How to earn 1 million dollars with 100$ in your pocket or win-win trading in the Forex market, автор: Roman Smirnov. Читайте комментарии и мнения людей о произведении.

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