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Maryann Keller. Rude Awakening: The Rise, Fall and Struggle for Recovery of General Motors. N. Y.: HarperCollins, 1990.
Duff McDonald. The Firm: The Story of McKinsey and its Secret Influence on American Business. N. Y.: Simon & Schuster, 2013.
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Adam Richardson. Innovation X: Why a Company’s Toughest Problems Are Its Greatest Advantage. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010.
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Schumpeter. Anonymous Social Networking. Secrets and Lies // Economist. 2014. March 22. URL: http://www.economist.com/blogs/schumpeter/2014/03/anonymous-social-networking.
Louise Jury. Secret Cinema to Kick Off Season of New Films with The Grand Budapest Hotel // London Evening Standard. 2014. February 17. URL: http://www.standard.co.uk/goingout/film/secret-cinema-to-kick-off-season-of-new-films-with-the-grand-budapest-hotel‑9133327.html.
Hallie Sekoff. 13P Implodes: A Decade After Its Debut, the Innovative Playwright Collective Dissolves // Huffington Post. 2012. September 14. URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/13/13ps-implosion_n_1881214.html.
Karl Johnson. Karl Johnson Silhouette Event in Santa Monica. Facebook, 2011. May 1. URL: https://www.facebook.com/events/208860315800264/, accessed February 27, 2014.
Lauren Milligan. Margiela Sans Margiela // Vogue. 2009. October 3. URL: http://www.vogue.co.uk/news/2009/10/03/martin-margiela-no-longer-at-the-maison.
Eve Oxberry. Martin Margiela Exits Margiela. Drapers, 2009. December 9. URL: http://www.drapersonline.com/news/womenswear/news/martin-margiela-exits-margiela/5008679.article#.UzdFlvldWyU.
Patrick Knowles. Kenya Hara // SOMA Magazine. 2010. November. URL: http://www.somamagazine.com/kenya-hara/.
Несколько примеров: Clorox and S. C. Johnson раскрывают ингредиенты своих продуктов; стартап Buffer публикует зарплаты сотрудников; консалтинговая фирма LRN публикует результаты аттестации всех работников, включая основателя и генерального директора Дова Сейдмана; IDEO делает открытым код всего творческого процесса через OpenIDEO; интернет-браузер Mozilla переводит всю разработку на открытую платформу.
Deyan Sudjic. The Messy Vitality of Opacity. Design Mind, 2012. Issue 17. URL: http://designmind.frogdesign.com/articles/radical-openness/the-messy-vitality-of-opacity.html.
Марина Абрамович, Анна Данери, Джачинто Ди Пьетрантонио, Лоран Хедьи, Общество Раффаэлло Санцио и Анджела Веттезе. N. Y.: Charta, 2002. Они снова встретились спустя три с лишним десятилетия на ретроспективе «Художник» здесь в музее MoMA. В рамках одного из перформансов выставки Абрамович молча сидела за столом, и любой из посетителей мог сесть напротив нее. В день открытия Улай просто подошел и сел, это была очень эмоциональная встреча.
Maria Popova. Susan Sontag on Marriage // Brain Pickings. 2012. August 17. URL: http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/08/17/susan-sontag-on-marriage/.
Miyoung Kim. Samsung Sets New Smartphone Sales Record in Fourth Quarter. Widens Lead Over Apple: Report // Reuters. 2014. January 28. URL: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/28/us-samsung-sales-idUSBREA0R00S20140128.
Atari graveyard found: Millions of E.T. cartridges, legendary ‘worst video game ever’. // Associated Press. 2014. April 26. URL: http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_25644581/hundreds-atari-e-t-games-surprise-landfill-diggers.
Andrew Mason. Groupon Founder Andrew Mason’s Farewell Letter to Employees – full text // Guardian, 2013. March 1. URL: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/blog/2013/mar/01/groupon-andrew-mason-fired-letter.
Jill Ahlberg Yohe. Situated Flow: A Few Thoughts on Reweaving Meaning in the Navajo Spirit Pathway // Museum Anthropology Review. 2012. № 6 (1) URL: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/mar/article/view/1033/2037.
Joan Didion. The White Album. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1979.
Heidi Grant Halvorson. How Happiness Changes with Age. Atlantic, 2013. May 28. URL: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/05/how-happiness-changes-with-age/276274/.
David Finegold, Susan Mohrman and Gretchen M. Spreitzer. Age Effects on the Predictors of Technical Workers’ Commitment and Willingness to Turnover // Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2002. August. P. 655–674.
Dennis Lim. Nine More Years On, and Still Talking // New York Times. 2013. May 3. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/05/movies/ethan-hawke-and-julie-delpy-discuss-before-midnight.html?_r=0.
Declining Employee Loyalty: A Casualty of the New Workplace. Knowledge @ Wharton, 2012. May 09. URL: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/declining-employee-loyalty-a-casualty-of-the-new-workplace, accessed 2014. May 31.
Brian Eno by Alfred Dunhill. YouTube. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mqtc2Z3K8o&feature, accessed 2014. March 26.
Cultural Capital. URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_capital, accessed 2014. March 1.
Jonathan Franzen. Liking Is for Cowards. Go for What Hurts // New York Times. 2011. May 29. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/29/opinion/29franzen.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0.
Andrew Bird. Puzzling Through. A Love Song // New York Times. 2013. August 30. URL: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/08/30/puzzling-through-a-love-song/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0.
John Cage. Silence: Lectures and Writings, 50th Anniversary Edition. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2013.
Katie Roiphe. The Allure of Messy Lives // New York Times. 2010. July 30. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/01/fashion/01Cultural.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0.
Alexa Clay. The Amish Futurist and the power of buttermilk. Republica 14, 2014. May 8. URL: http://re-publica.de/en/session/amish-futurist-and-power-buttermilk.