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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник

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Women are not unicorns
Дата добавления:
9 февраль 2024
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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник

Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник краткое содержание

Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник - описание и краткое содержание, автор Маргарита Резник, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

A book for women and about women. Cheerful, honest, frank. Unobtrusively teaches a woman to understand, accept and love herself. The author includes readers' own experience and knowledge, and also tells the stories of her friends, acquaintances and relatives, diluting the story with humor and practical advice for increasing female attractiveness and sexuality. The book provides answers to many questions that are not customary to ask in polite society, and reveals the secrets of happiness, financial solvency, achieving internal harmony and peace of mind.A woman is a person, not a rib.A woman is a person, not a unicorn.A woman is a person, not the weaker sex.

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Women are not unicorns - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Маргарита Резник
a Bum.”

Or no, better “Find the treasure in the scrotum of a homeless man.”

Great years. Unforgettable. I’m still silent about completely “non-sexual” activities: for example, an autopsy after a stroke, or surgery for hemorrhoids.

Wonderful time.

Okay, just kidding. Seventy percent of the years are wasted. I consider thirty percent of the squeeze useful, as I already said, but it could have taken two years in total, and not seven damn (I’m repeating myself, sorry) years.

I never entered the theater school. Do I regret it? Yes. Do I blame my parents? No. I'm correcting mistakes. I'm studying now. I'm heading for a blockbuster.

So ladies. In this chapter I intend to enlighten you. Well, it’s not for nothing that I absorbed this wisdom so much. Let me share with you the most intimate secrets of the human body.

Pour some tea, it will be exciting.

Now I will immerse you in the world of your vagina:

Vagina is the Latin name for the vagina. It is often confused with the vulva — the external genitalia of a woman. Apparently, because both words are feminine, have three syllables, and begin with “B.”

But let's figure it out. You can remember this: “where the soft sign is, there is the clitoris,” you won’t be confused anymore.

Of course, I had a case when a sexual partner put his pepper in the wrong place for his wife, but he didn’t get it wrong, it was petting. He came from behind and penetrated between the labia, rested on the clitoris, and with her hand she created the illusion of a canal.

In her words, an incredible feeling.

Well, we've sorted out the concepts. Now let's look at what is in the vagina and not in the vulva, and vice versa.

The female reproductive apparatus is not very different from the male. Just one more organ.

Well look:

Penis — clitoris (part of the vulva)

Scrotum — labia (part of the vulva)

Prostate — Uterus.

Testicles — ovaries

I spread my hands — Vagina.

The vagina is needed for childbirth, just like the uterus, right. Through it, the sperm enters the uterus, and a new person comes out.

Then how does a woman have an orgasm? It's simple. Just like a man — with his penis.

Yes, our clitoris is small on the outside, but inside its legs reach the entrance to the vagina, which is why many people think that they have a vaginal orgasm.

Okay, now everything has fallen into place, it’s very clear and even easier to live. However…

More than eighty percent of women do not orgasm during sex, or at all. More on this later, in another chapter.

Let's consider our vagina.

This is a hollow, but with closed walls, tube that opens only during penetration of the penis, speculum, child, or dildo. To prevent bacteria from penetrating into the internal environment of the body through the cervix, it is kept closed.

If you want to examine it, wash your hands thoroughly, trim your nails, or wear a sterile glove. This is the right thing to do, you need to get to know yourself, but don’t forget about hygiene.

Many of you are now wincing or experiencing internal disgust. “A finger in a place where everything is so smooth, slippery, in folds? God forbid I get hurt."

Think correctly, but don’t confuse your feelings.

The fear of injury can be easily removed with the help of a thin latex glove. Dislike for your genitals is another thing. Realize that the body you have is yours. It cannot be replaced with someone else’s, it cannot be exchanged with someone. What you have now cannot be changed, start loving your possessions.

Wanted a penis, but got a vagina? Well, I'll tell you, no one gave you anything. They took it themselves. Therefore, please be happy with your choice.

I'm not talking about God or my parents. I mean that everything in our lives, including metaphysical processes that concern us, are solely the result of our decision. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a conscious decision or one that we have forgotten about and deny, it’s still our decision. Proven.

OK. So you put on a sterile glove and carefully, without sudden movements, begin to examine yourself. You should not think that discomfort caused by shyness and pain are equivalent things. Only stop testing if there is real pain. If there is no pain, lie in bed, turn on music that relaxes you, and slowly become friends with a part of your body. She's yours. You are her mistress.

The clitoris is another organ that also belongs to you. This is the part of the vulva, the stimulation of which causes mind-blowing pleasure. Do you think that since he is a source of pleasure, he controls you?

No, you definitely think so.

Not out loud, but it seems to you that he is in command. Like a man's penis.

You know, such a small dude, a rudiment of a penis, a kind of masculinity in us.

They say we didn’t want it, but they gave it to us.

So a woman should only receive seminal fluid with the help of a hollow tube on the way to the uterus, then bear an heir to her husband, and finally give birth. And then suddenly it turns out that she also has a penis. And that she can cum no worse than a man.

Well, no, what are you talking about, these are all the machinations of the devil. Certainly Eve and the early women of the Bible did not have such a thing. It was then that someone’s labia mutated and their skin grew on top of the opening of the urethra.

Just an evolutionary error, a satanic creation, a genetic mutation of alien forces.

Brad, really?

A woman is not a

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