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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник

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Women are not unicorns
Дата добавления:
9 февраль 2024
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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник

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Women are not unicorns - Маргарита Резник - описание и краткое содержание, автор Маргарита Резник, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

A book for women and about women. Cheerful, honest, frank. Unobtrusively teaches a woman to understand, accept and love herself. The author includes readers' own experience and knowledge, and also tells the stories of her friends, acquaintances and relatives, diluting the story with humor and practical advice for increasing female attractiveness and sexuality. The book provides answers to many questions that are not customary to ask in polite society, and reveals the secrets of happiness, financial solvency, achieving internal harmony and peace of mind.A woman is a person, not a rib.A woman is a person, not a unicorn.A woman is a person, not the weaker sex.

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Women are not unicorns - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Маргарита Резник
your state of mind affects sexual arousal. And poverty and wealth greatly change our mood.

You know, I just attacked my acting teacher and wrote him a whole tirade. Do you think I would have allowed myself this if I weren’t wealthy? Unlikely. If only she were a hysterical person, which, of course, I am not.

Here, in fact, is the letter.

"Alexei. I held on. But I am forced to speak out.

I came not for a stick, but for a result. I want to learn, not be beaten. I want my teacher to motivate me, and not completely shave off my efforts. I spent two days poring over this dialogue. I gave it my all.

Now my hands have given up.

I'm not going to change my goal, I'm going to move towards Hollywood. I had a dream and I won’t give it up at the first difficulty.

But I won’t let myself be devalued.

Capricious? No. Purposeful and persistent, yes. I also write books (you said that you write). Yes, I haven’t published it in print yet, but it’s on the Internet — if you just enter my first and last name, I’ll be in the top 30 on 25 points. And I’m on my way to writing what will be published. I also manage a network of medical centers, I am a personal brand coach for doctors, I have a high CI, and good erudition. And I wouldn’t have achieved what I have in life now if I hadn’t been so persistent.

I want to give you confirmation that you are talented and you have so much experience.

And I heard your point about why people react to ratings. It has its place. I have my own point of view on this.

No matter how people react to evaluations, it is necessary to reward the right actions and discourage the wrong ones. Otherwise the person gets confused.

I can live with any sensation, I am trained in life.

No. I don’t want the teacher I choose, no matter how great he is, to withhold encouragement.

Don't abstain. I’m not arrogant, and I won’t feel crowned if you give confirmation of what was actually done well.

Then the disadvantages will not be perceived so harshly, and you will want to correct them.

I hope I got my point across. Thank you."

We women must be able to stand up for ourselves. And I understand that the results of my activities give me self-confidence.

I see the luxurious life that I have managed to earn over the past three years, and I understand that I did it. I! “Who's great? I’m great (quote).”

You see, there is no reason to consider yourself a loser if you don’t have money yet.

But how else do you measure your ability to change the world? Right. Only by changes in this world.

If a person is honest and did not steal money, but earned it, then most likely he can make some changes in the world. If people are also grateful to him for this, then he did a very good job. If they paid him a lot, then this means that he is great.

For me, the luxury that my husband and I have achieved helps a lot in life. Solve, for example, such questions in an acting course.

It also helps in family life and sex.

When I'm broke, all I think about is where to get money, what to buy food for.

And when my main problems are solved, my basic needs are satisfied, I can think about high things.

True, about the lofty. I don't consider sex a basic need.

And you?

If it is necessary for your head to be empty of pressing problems, then apparently this means something.

Sex is admiration for your partner, I read from wise people. So how can this then be a need at the level of eating? No, of course, “Eat Me” may have quite an erotic connotation. But in general, we don’t eat our partner.

It turns out that in order to turn off thoughts during coitus (I will sometimes call it that), you need to solve everything that can attract attention to itself.

Well then you can go to the monastery. Honestly. You can't solve all the problems in the world.

Do you really think about all the problems in sex? And how to save children in Ethiopia, and will Elon Musk be able to fly everyone to the moon?

No, for the most part, we think about the mundane, about what is happening right now.

You say:

— Well, it's not always a question of money.

— True, however, money could solve this problem.

“I just don’t have anyone to leave my child at home with tomorrow.”

— Yeah. If you had money, you would hire the best nanny.

— My husband’s passport has expired, but he needs to fly to another country.

— For work?

— Yes.

— Change the ticket.

— I can not. A delegation is waiting there for major negotiations.

— If you have money, then: A) you will skip these negotiations without much damage to yourself, B) you will agree that a colleague will do this for you, send him there at your own expense, C) you will find an agency that will legally do it for you passport in a short time.

— It turns out that money decides everything?

— Almost all.

I'm not talking about difficult times now, such as serious illness or loss. At such moments, you should not have sex, otherwise you will generally feel disgusted with it in the future.

Is this commercialism? Maybe I'm too focused on finances, and with my dear paradise and in the hut?

Or maybe the option is to live in a tent or hut in Bali and constantly meditate?

Well, you first need to buy a ticket to Bali, and also

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