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В. Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка
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В. Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка

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В. Каушанская - Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - описание и краткое содержание, автор В. Каушанская, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор В. Каушанская



Exercise 1. Insert the appropriate form oi Participle I.

1. Derek, who had slept the sleep of the dead, __ none for two nights, woke __ of Nedda. (to have, to think) (Galsworthy) 2. The street was full of people, t- and __ home, (to laugh, to go) (Greene)3. The gypsy smiled, __ his teeth, (to show) (Hemingway)4. While __ my directions, he glanced at me now and then, suspiciously, from under his frost-white eye-lashes, (to obey) (Ch. Bronte)5. __ them, he raised his coffee cup. (to watch) (Cronin)6. It (the letter] contained very little matter, __ in haste; but the meaning was bulky enough, (to write) (Hardy)7. He went upstairs again, __ past the door, and, __ his room, switched on the light, (to tiptoe, to enter) (Galsworthy)8. The missionary, __ daily opportunities of looking at this seascape for thirty years or so, pays no heed to it, __ in trimming a huge red geranium bush. (to have, to absorb) (Shaw)9. __ my back on him I started down the steps, (to turn) (Clark)10. At that moment he was plunged in the depth of an easy-chair, __ to by Mr. Vandernoodt. (to talk) (Eliot)11. There was only one candle __ on the rough board table. (to ficker) (Stone)12. Boldwood, __ her comparatively isolated, came up to her side, (to see) (Hardy)13. On the sultry platform of Grand Central he opened the bulky Times..., __ the valise on his feet, (to set) (Priestley) 14. Young Herndon had done preparatory work at Illinois College for a year but, not __ to the college proper, had returned home, (to admit) (Stone)15. __ his hands and __ a towel over his face, he followed her down the stairs of the hushed house, (to wash, to pass) (Galsworthy) 16. Frank __ the step on the gravel, turned sharply round. (to hear) (Trollope)17. She had not brought him money or position, __ no more than the daughter of a Wort ley doctor, (to be) (Cronin)18. Abraham was back at the end of three weeks, __ an extra eighty miles, (to ride) (Stone)19. Then swiftly __ neither to left nor right, she returned to Adrian, (to look) (Galsworthy) 20. And __ this in her official and impersonal tone of voice, the chambermaid then grinned, winked and vanished, (to say) (Priestley) 21. The campaign progressed uneventfully, from day to day, no longer __ in news broadcasts, (to mention) (Mailer)22. __ that no one else was coming, Mr. Lincoln rose, (to see) (Stone) 23. __ dinner, Soames lighted the second of his two daily cigars, and took up the earpieces of the wireless, (to finish) (Galsworthy)

Exercise 2. State the form and the function of Participle I. Translate into Russian.

1. Having traversed seven hundred miles he was now travelling toward the border of the United States. (Horgan) 2. There was a tiny smile playing about the corners of his mouth. (Stone)3. He bad a beautiful old house in Queen Anne Street, and being a man of taste he had furnished it admirably. (Maugham)4. Dona Carlotta covered her face with her hand, as if swooning. (Lawrence)5. Turning in anger, she gave John a shove, spilling his tea. (Lindsay)6. To Maggie, the new protective gentleness of her son was sweet, and also very frightening. (Lessing)7. Judging him by his figure and his movements, he was still young. (Collins)8. Placing his drink upon the mantlepiece the ex-convict stood for a moment observing the young man out of the corner of his eye. (Cronin)9. Being very tired with his walk however, he soon fell asleep and forgot his" troubles. (Dickens)10. He [Lincoln] raised his eyes, looked at her as though peering over the top of spectacles. (Stone)11. There were four girls sitting on the wooden benches of the agency's front room. (/. Shaw)12. Having shaken hands with them, he brought his own hands together with a sharp slap. (Priestley) 13. Manuel went in, carrying his suitcase. (Hemingway)14. While pondering this problem, I sat in the dormitory window-seat. (Ch. Bronte)15". I am going to Rome, having friends there. (Dickens)16. There was sunlight coming in through the shutters. (Hemingway)17. Abraham appeared at noon the next day, bringing with him two hundred dollars in cash. (Stone)18. Much of the afternoon I looked out of the window, as though thinking, but not really thinking. (Snow)19. He was thoughtful for a moment while leaning perilously close to the fire. (Stone)20. Cecilia had heard very little being absorbed in her own reflections. (Crawford)21. Having breakfasted, out I went. (Ch. Bronte)22. He looked at his father listening with a kind of painful desperation. (Cronin)23. She recrossed her legs comfortably, as though preparing for a long session on the sofa. (/. Shaw)24. Never having encouraged friends to drop in spontaneously, she was almost totally alone. (Stone)25. A cold wind swept the pavement, bearing a scrap of silver paper from a chocolate box across the lamplight. (Greene)

Exercise 3. Translate into English, using Participle I where possible.




1. Получив телеграмму, моя сестра немедленно выехала в Москву. 2. Войдя в класс, учительница спросила дежурного, кто отсутствует. 3. Мать улыбалась, глядя на детей, играющих в саду. 4. Взяв перо и бумагу, мальчик стал писать письмо отцу, уехавшему на Дальний Восток. 5. Услышав голос товарища, я вышел из комнаты, чтобы встретить его. 6. Увидев незнакомого человека, я извинился и вернулся в свою комнату. 7. Будьте осторожны, переходя улицу. 8. Приехав в Москву, мы прежде всего сдали веши на хранение (to leave something in the left luggage room). 9. Прожив много лет в Англии, он хорошо говорит по-английски. 10. Читая эту книгу, я встретил несколько интересных выражений (to come across). 11. Прочитав книгу, мальчик вернул ее в библиотеку. 12. Проведя лето в деревне, больной совершенно поправился (to be fully recovered). 13. Студенты, читающие английские книги в оригинале, легко овладевают языком. 14. Увидев своих друзей, пришедших проводить его, он подошел к ним.


Based on an episode from Uncle Tom's Cabin by H. E. Beecher-Stowe.

1. Законы, существовавшие в Америке, позволяли покупать и продавать негров. 2. Узнав, что хозяин продал ее единственного ребенка, Элиза решила бежать и пробраться в Канаду. 3. Выйдя из дома, Элиза направилась в городок Т., который лежал на берегу реки Огайо. 4. Добравшись до реки Огайо, она постучала в дверь небольшой таверны (public house). 5. Женщина, открывшая ей дверь, была хозяйкой таверны. 6. Ребенок Элизы заплакал, так как устал после долгого пути. 7. Элиза успокоила мальчика, плакавшего от усталости. 8. Положив ребенка на кровать, она подошла к окну, выходившему на реку (to overlook the river). 9. Элиза стояла у окна и глядела на реку Огайо, лежавшую между ней и свободой. 10. Вдруг она увидела работорговца, купившего ее ребенка. 11. В комнате была дверь, выходившая к реке (to open to the river). 12. Схватив ребенка, Элиза бросилась к реке. 13. С диким криком она прыгнула на большую льдину (a slab of ice), плывшую недалеко от берега. 14. Перепрыгивая (to leap) с одной льдины на другую, Элиза добралась до противоположного берега реки. 15. Она посмотрела на человека, стоявшего на берегу, как бы моля его о помощи.

Exercise 4. State the function oi Participle II, Translate into Russian.

1. Stirred by the beauty of the twilight, he strolled away from the hotel. (Cronin)2. All the country near him was broken and wooded. (Aldington)3. For a moment the trio stood as if turned to stone. (Murdoch)4. Through the dark hall, guarded by a large black stove... I followed her into the saloon. (Mansfield)5. If left to myself, I should infallibly have let this chance slip. (Ch. Bronte)6. He spoke when spoken to, politely and without much relevance. (Hansford Johnson) 7. He cast upon her one more look, and was gone. (Hichens) 8. Miss Brodrick, though not personally well known in the county, had been spoken well of by all men. (Trollope)9. Prepared, then for any consequences, I formed a project. (Ch. Bronte)10. Thus absorbed, he would sit for hours defyng interruption. (Stone) U. As directed, I took the lead, almost happily. (Salinger)12. He looked at her for a moment as though amazed at her friendliness. (Greene)13. Fancy a married woman doomed to live on from day to day without one single quarrel with her husband. (Jerome K. Jerome)14. He bowed low when presented to Dinny. (Galsworthy)15. Displeased and uncertain Brande gazed from his son to the Spanish gardener. (Cronin)

Exercise 5. Translate into English, using Participle II where possible.

1. На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом. 2. Если меня спросят, я скажу правду (to tell the truth). 3. В вазе было несколько увядших роз. 4. Я не люблю смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных (to cage). 5. Книга будет здесь, пока ее не спросят (to ask for). 6. Муж ее был отставным полковником. 7. Хотя он был очень удивлен, он не сказал ни слова. 8. Вот новые учебники, присланные для нашей школы. 9. Оставленный один в темноте, ребенок заплакал. 10. Студенты писали сочинение о системе образования в Англии, как она описана Диккенсом. 11. Солнце село, и деревья казались темными, как будто высеченными (to cut) из черного мрамора.

Exercise 6. Insert Participle I or II.

1. It was a windy day, and the air __ on Little Dorrit's face soon brightened it. (to stir) (Dickens)2. He took a __ strip of paper from his vest and gave it to the reporter, (to fold) (Faulkner)3. There was one bright star __ in the sky. (to shine) (Dickens)4. He reminded you of a __ sheep __ aimlessly hither and thither, (to frighten, to run) (Maugham)5. At one end was a group of beautiful women exquisitely __, __ diamonds on their heads and bosoms... (to gown, to wear) (Stone)6. Maxim stooped, and picked up a __ petal and gave it to me. (to fall) (Du Maurier)7. They came to the quiet little station __ by a single bulb, almost __ in a mass of oleander and vines and palmettos, (to light, to hide) (Faulkner)8. She remained silent but her silence was like a question __ in the dark between them. (to hang) (Lessing)9. With __ eyes he leaned back on the bench, (to close) (Байт) 10. We walked down the hall and down the wide thickly __ stairs, (to carpet) (Hemingway)11. There were __ candles on the table, (to light) (Hemingway)12. There was a long line of __ trucks and carts on the road __ up the bridge, (to abandon, to lead) (Hemingway)13. A tall, thin man with a sharp pointed face sat at a table __ for dinner, (to lay) (Greene)14. The voice had something __ in it. (to appeal) (Dreiser)15. There was a balcony along the second floor __ by the columns, (to hold up) (Hemingway)16. On the next afternoon Horace went out to his sister's, again in a — car. (to hire) (Faulkner)

Exercise 7. Translate into English, using Participle I or II as an attribute where possible.




1. Количество школ, построенных в Советском Союзе за последние годы (of late years), очень велико. 2. Школа, строящаяся на нашей улице, откроется к 1 сентября. 3. Рабочие, строящие эту школу, обещали закончить ее к началу учебного года. 4. Девушка поставила в вазу цветы, присланные ей в день рождения. 5. Человек, приславший ей цветы, был ее старым школьным товарищем. 6. В Публичной библиотеке есть рукописи, написанные много столетий тому назад. 7. Имя человека, написавшего эту рукопись, неизвестно. 8. Он вошел в комнату и увидел письмо, лежащее на столе. 9. Письма, опущенные в ящик до 12 часов, доставляются (to post, to deliver) в тот же день. 10. Люди, проводящие много времени на открытом воздухе, обычно сильные и здоровые. 11. Молодые музыканты говорили о днях, проведенных в Москве во время конкурса имени Чайковского (the Tchaykovsky music contest).

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