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Т. Шелкова - Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону

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Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону
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Т. Шелкова - Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону

Т. Шелкова - Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону краткое содержание

Т. Шелкова - Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону - описание и краткое содержание, автор Т. Шелкова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info
Ведение разговора по телефону на иностранном языке требует от обучающегося определенных навыков понимания, восприятия и удержания в памяти услышанного, а также незамедлительной словесной реакции на услышанное. Недостаточное развитие этих навыков является препятствием к тому, чтобы хорошо и уверенно говорить по телефону. Пособие ставит своей целью помочь учащимся овладеть навыками беседы по телефону, пользоваться общепринятой терминологией. Во второе издание (1-е — 1980 г.) внесены исправления редакционного характера. Для лиц, самостоятельно совершенствующих свои знания английского языка.

Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону читать онлайн бесплатно

Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Т. Шелкова

II. Give the closest Russian equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. Check the code and number. 2. ringing tone. 3. engaged tone. 4. number unobtainable tone. 5. Replace the receiver securely. 6. Make a call from an extension phone. 7. Wait for the switchboard operator to say. 8. to make sure she got it right. 9. and try to put you through. 10. This will save you time. 11. When you dial, don’t pause too long between digits. 12. It will usually pay, on an STD call, to clear and try again later. 13. International Subscriber Dialling. 14. whose telephone numbers are prefixed by the area code. 15. The call may fail. 16. Should you want the operator to get your call, dial the operator. 17. The three minutes minimum charge applies on all calls made through the operator. 18. Say what kind of call you want to book. 19. Indicate the duration of your call. 20. ADC calls. 21. a description of the many services offered by the telephone company.

III. Study the texts carefully and answer these questions.

1. What should you do if you want to make a call from your telephone?

2. What do you say when you answer the telephone?

3. What do you do when you make a call from a coin-box telephone?

4. How does a person make a call from an extension phone?

5. What should you do to get the best from STD?

6. What are the advantages of Subscriber Trunk Dialling?

7. How do people have to make their calls if the numbers they are calling are not on STD or ISD?

8. What information is to be given when a trunk-call is booked?

9. What trunk-calls can be booked?

10. In what case would you book a personal call?

11. Will you define an ADC call?

12. When do you think collect calls are accepted by subscribers?

13. What is the charge for a trunk-call based on?

14. What information can be obtained from a telephone directory?



1. A: Hello!

B: May I speak to Mr Stock, please?

A: Speaking.

B: Good morning, Mr Stock. This is Surikov calling.

A: Good morning, Mr Surikov.

2. A: Hello.

B: Could I speak to Mr Ivanov?

A: Who’s calling, please?

B: This is Brown from the Foreign Office.

A: Thank you. I’m putting you through.

I: Ivanov speaking.

3. A: Soviet Embassy. Good morning.

B: Good morning. Could you put me through to Mr Sokolov?

A: Sorry. The line is engaged. Can you hold on?

B: All right. Thank you.

4. A: Five-seven-three; one-nine-oh-four.

B: Good evening. Can I speak to Mr Jones, please?

A: Sorry. Mr Jones is on the other line. Will you wait, please?

B: All right.

A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. I’m putting Mr Jones on the line.

B: Thank you.

5. A: Hello.

B: Hello. David Black speaking. May I have a word with Mr Ivanov?

A: I’ll see if he is in. (A minute later.) I’m afraid Mr Ivanov is out at the moment.

B: Could you take a message?

A: Yes, of course.

6. A: Hello. This is Petrov from the Soviet Trade Delegation. Could you put me through to Mr Russell, please?

B: Hold on a moment, please. Sorry. Mr Russell is not in now and he won’t be back until late this afternoon.

A: Would you ask him to call me when he gets back? B: Certainly.

7. A: Hello. May I speak to Mr Roberts?

B: Sorry, sir. Mr Roberts is not available. Is there any message?

A: No, thank you. I’ll call back later.

B: Right. Good-bye.

8. A: Hello. May I speak with Mr Black for a minute?

B: Hold the line, please.

A: Thank you.

B: Sorry. There is no reply at his number.

9. A: Foreign Office. Good afternoon. Can I help you?

B: Good afternoon. I’d like to speak to Mr Tate.

A: What extension, please?

B: I think it’s twenty three.

A: Thank you. (After a moment.) You are through.

10. A: Good morning.

B: Good morning. May I have extension thirty-two, please?

A: Busy. Will you hold on, please?

B: Yes. Thank you.

11. A: Good morning. May I speak to Mr Parsons?

B: Mr Who?

A: Parsons: P-a-r-s-o-n-s.

B: Oh, I see. Mr Parsons. I thought at first you said Marshall. Could you give me your name, please?

A: Yes, Stogov. S — for sugar, T — for Tommy, О — for orange, G — for George, О — for orange, V — for Victor.

B: Thank you, Mr Stogov. Trying to connect you.

12. A: Three-four-five; eight-double seven-nine.

B: Can I speak to Mr Scott?

A: I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

B: Oh, sorry to have troubled you.

A: That’s all right.

13. A: Hello. I’d like to talk to Mr Smith.

B: I’m afraid you have the wrong number. What number were you calling?

A: I was calling 340-1907.

B: This is 340-1907. But there is no one by the name of Smith here. This is a private residence.

A: I’m sorry to have bothered you.

B: That’s quite all right.

14. A: I’m sorry. I can’t hear what you are saying. Could you speak up, please?

B: Hello, hello… Are you there?

A: Your voice is fading and there’s some background noise interfering. Hello, hello… (No reply.) Operator, we had a very bad connection and could scarcely hear each other. Then we were cut off completely. Could you help us?

Operator. Yes, sir. I’ll try to do something about it.

15. A: International. Good evening.

B: Good evening. I want to book a call to Moscow for 10 p.m. My name is Grachev.

A: Good. What number are you calling from?

B: It’s 843-1227.

A: What number do you want in Moscow?

B: 244-40-90.

A: Would you like to make it personal?

B: No. I just want a station-to-station call.

A: Thank you.

16. A: Number, please.

B: 437-8181. Can I have a personal call to Manchester 645-9302 with ADC, please?

A: Will it be on credit?

B: Yes, it will.

A: Who are you calling?

B: Mr Kapp.

A: Your number, please?

B: 01-193-4005.

17. A: I’m terribly sorry that you have been disconnected. I’ll try to connect you again. (After a moment.) There seems to be some interruption in our connection with Chicago. I’ll call you back as soon as there is another circuit open.

B: Will it take very long?

A: It’s hard to say. I’ll keep working on your call and ring you as soon as I have your party again. It shouldn’t be more than ten or fifteen minutes.

B: Thank you. I’ll wait for your call.

18. A: Hello. I’m wondering if you could help me. I’ve been dialling 340-1908 for the past hour but I can’t get through.

B: One moment, please. I’ll check the line. (After a moment.) You are through now, sir. Go ahead, please.

A: Thank you.


1. Speaking. Слушаю.

This is Surikov calling. Говорит Суриков.

2. Who’s calling, please? Кто говорит (звонит)?

3. Could you put me through to Mr Sokolov? Вы не могли бы соединить меня с г-ном Соколовым?

I’m putting you through. (I’m ringing your party now.) Соединяю.

Ivanov speaking. Говорит Иванов.

The line is engaged. Номер занят.

Can you hold on? Вы можете подождать?

4. Mr Jones is on the other line. Г-н Джоунз разговаривает по другому телефону.

Sorry to have kept you waiting. Извините, что я заставил вас ждать.

I’m putting Mr Jones on the line. Передаю трубку г-ну Джоунзу.

5. I’ll see if he is in. Я сейчас посмотрю, у себя ли он.

Mr Ivanov is out at the moment. Г-на Иванова сейчас нет.

Could you take a message? (Could I leave a message?) Вы не могли бы передать ему мою просьбу?

6. Hold on a moment, please. Подождите минутку, пожалуйста.

Не won’t be back until late this afternoon. Он будет только в конце дня.

7. Mr Roberts is not available. Г-на Робертса нет.

Is there any message? Что-нибудь передать ему?

I’ll call back later. Я позвоню еще раз позже.

Right. Br. Хорошо.

8. Hold the line, please. He кладите трубку, пожалуйста. (Подождите, пожалуйста.)

There is no reply (answer) at his number. Его номер не отвечает.

9. What extension, please? Добавочный, пожалуйста.

You are through. Вас соединили.

10. May I have extension thirty-two, please. Соедините меня, пожалуйста, с добавочным 32.

11. Trying to connect you. Соединяю.

12. You’ve got the wrong number. Вы ошиблись номером.

Sorry to have troubled (bothered) you. Простите за беспокойство.

13. There is no one by the name of Smith here. Здесь нет никого по фамилии Смит.

This is a private residence. Это частная квартира.

I’m sorry to have bothered you. Извините за беспокойство.

That’s quite all right. Пожалуйста.

14. Could you speak up, please. He могли бы вы говорить громче?

Are you there? Вы меня слышите?

Your voice is fading and there’s some background noise interfering. Ваш голос исчезает, и появляется какой-то шум.

We had a very bad connection. Было очень плохо слышно.

We could scarcely hear each other. Мы почти не слышали друг друга.

Then we were cut off completely. А затем нас вообще разъединили.

15. I want to book a call to Moscow for 10 p. m. (I want to place a call at Moscow for 10 p. m.) Я хочу заказать разговор с Москвой на 10 часов вечера.

What number are you calling from? С какого номера вы звоните?

Would you like to make it personal? Br. (Would you like to make it person-to-person? Am.) Вы хотите вызвать определенное лицо?

I just want a station-to-station call. Соедините меня просто с абонентом.

16. Will it be on credit? Br. (Is it a credit card call? Am.) Вы заказываете разговор в кредит?

17. I’m terribly sorry that you have been disconnected. Извините, что вас разъединили.

There seems to be some interruption (interference) in our connection with Chicago. Вероятно, прервалась связь с Чикаго.

I’ll call you back as soon as there is another circuit open. Я вам позвоню, как только освободится другая линия.

I’ll ring you as soon as I have your party again. Я позвоню вам, как только ответит ваш номер.

18. I can’t get through. Я не могу дозвониться.

Go ahead, please. Говорите, пожалуйста.

The Most Common Words Used When Spelling Names on the Phone


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