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Мотивация и личность - Абрахам Харольд Маслоу

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Мотивация и личность
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Мотивация и личность - Абрахам Харольд Маслоу

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Мотивация и личность - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Абрахам Харольд Маслоу
Religious Inquiry, 1960, 28, 4–7; R. May (Ed.), Existential psychology, Random House, 1961; D. E. Hamachek (Ed.), The self in growth, teaching and learning, Prentice-Hall, 1965. Japanese translation, 1965.

77. Resistance to being rubricized. In B. Kaplan and S. Wapner (Eds.), Perspectives in psychological theory, essays in honor of Heinz Werner, International Universities Press. (Included in No. 86.)

78. Some parallels between the dominance and sexual behavior of monkeys and the fantasies of patients in psychotherapy. (With H. Rand and S. Newman.) Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 131, 202–212. Reprinted in M. DeMartino (Ed.), Sexual behavior and personality characteristics, Citadel Press, 1963. Reprinted in W. Bennis et al., Interpersonal dynamics (2nd ed.), Dorsey, 1968.


79. Health as transcendence of the environment. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1, 1–7. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in Pastoral Psychology, 1968, 19, 45–49.

80. Peak-experiences as acute identity experiences. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 21, 254–260. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in A. Combs (Ed.), Personality theory and counseling practice, University of Florida Press, 1961. Digested in Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1961, 439. Reprinted in C. Gordon and K. Gergen (Eds.), The self in social interaction (Vol. I), Wiley, 1968.

81. Eupsychia – The good society. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1, 1–11.

82. Are our publications and conventions suitable for the personal sciences? American Psychologist, 16, 318–319. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in WBSI Report No. 8, 1962; General Semantics Bulletin, 1962, 28 & 29, 92–93; A. A. Hitchcock (Ed.), Guidance and the utilization of new educational media: Report of 1962 conference, American Personnel and Guidance Association, 1967.

83. Comments on Skinner’s attitude to science. Daedalus, 90, 572–573.

84. Some frontier problems in mental health. In A. Combs (Ed.), Personality theory and counseling practice, University of Florida Press.


85. Some basic propositions of a growth and self-actualization psychology. In A. Combs (Ed.), Perceiving, behaving, becoming: A new focus for education. 1962 yearbook of Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Washington, DC. (Included in No. 86.) Reprinted in C. Stacey and M. DeMartino (Eds.), Understanding human motivation (rev. ed.), Howard Allen, 1963; G. Lindzey and L. Hall (Eds.), Theories of personality: Primary sources and research, Wiley, 1965; B. J. Ard, Jr. (Ed.), Counseling and psychotherapy: Classics on theories and issues, Science & Behavior Books, 1966; W. Sahakian (Ed.), History of psychology: A source book, Peacock, 1968.

86. Toward a Psychology of Being. Van Nostrand. (Includes papers 60, 62, 63, 69, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 82, 85, 93.) Preface reprinted in General Semantics Bulletin, 1962, 28 & 29, 117–118. Japanese translation, Tuttle, Tokyo, 1964 (Y. Ueda, Translator).

87. Book review: John Schaar, Escape from authority. Humanist, 22, 34–35.

88. Lessons from the peak-experiences. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2, 9–18. Reprinted as WBSI Report, No. 6, 1962. Digested in Digest of Neurology and Psychiatry, 1962, p. 340. Reprinted in Turning On, 1963, No. 2; R. Parson (Ed.), Science and human affairs, Science and Behavior Books, 1965.

89. Notes on being-psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2, 47–71. Reprinted in WBSI Report No. 7, 1962; H. Ruitenbeek (Ed.), Varieties of personality theory, Dutton, 1964; A. Sutich and M. Vich (Eds.), Readings in humanistic psychology, Free Press, 1969.

90. Was Adler a disciple of Freud? A note. Journal of Individual Psychology, 18, 125.

91. Summary comments: Symposium on human values. L. Solomon (Ed.), WBSI Report No. 17, 41–44. Reprinted in Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1962, 2, 110–111.

92. Summer notes on social psychology of industry and management, Non-Linear Systems, Inc. (Includes papers Nos. 97, 100, 101, 104.) Edited and improved revision published as Eupsychian management: A journal, Irwin-Dorsey, 1965.


93. The need to know and the fear of knowing, Journal of General Psychology, 68, 111–125. (Included in part in No. 86.) Reprinted in H. J. Peters and M. J. Bathroy (Eds.), School counseling: Perspectives and procedures, Peacock, 1968; D. Lester (Ed.), Explorations in exploration, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969.

94. The creative attitude. The Structurist, 3, 4–10. Reprinted as a separate monograph by Psychosynthesis Foundation, 1963. Reprinted in The Ethical Forum, 1966, No. 5; R. Mooney and T. Razik (Eds.), Explorations in creativity, Harper & Row, 1967.

95. Fusions of facts and values, American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 23, 117–131. Reprinted in The Ethical Forum, 1966, No. 5.

96. Criteria for judging needs to be instinctoid. Proceedings of 1963 International Congress of Psychology, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 86–87.

97. Further notes on being-psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 3, 120–135.

98. Notes on innocent cognition. In L. Schenk-Danzinger and H. Thomas (Eds.), Gegenwartsprobleme der Entwicklungspsychologie: Festschrift fur Charlotte Bühler, Verlag für Psychologic, Göttingen. Reprinted in Explorations, 1964, 1, 2–8.

99. The scientific study of values. Proceedings 7th Congress of Interamerican Society of Psychology, Mexico, DF.

100. Notes on unstructured groups. Human Relations Training News, 7, 1–4. (Included in No. 112.)


101. The superior person. Trans-action, 1, 10–13. (Included in No. 112.)

102. Religions, values and peak-experiences. Ohio State University Press. Chap. 3 reprinted in The Buzz Sheet, Dec. 1964. Paperback edition, The Viking Press, 1970.

103. Synergy in the society and in the individual. Journal of Individual Psychology, 20, 153–164. (With L. Gross.) Reprinted in Humanitas, 1964, 1, 161–172; M. C. Katz, Sciences of man and social ethics, Branden Press, 1969.

104. Further notes on the psychology of being. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 4, 45–58.

105. Preface to Japanese translation of Toward a psychology of being, Seishin-Shobo, Tokyo.


106. Observing and reporting education experiments. Humanist, 25, 13.

107. Foreword to A. Angyal, Neurosis and treatment: A holistic theory, Wiley, pp. v–vii.

108. The need for creative people. Personnel Administration, 28, 3–5, 21–22.

109. Critique and discussion. In J. Money (Ed.), Sex research: New developments. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, pp. 135–143, 144–146.

110. Humanistic science and transcendent experiences. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 5, 219–227. (Included in No. 115.) Reprinted in Manas, July 28, 1965, 18, 1–8; Challenge, 1965, 21 & 22; American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1966, 26, 149–155; E. P. Torrance and W. F. White (Eds.), Issues and advances in educational psychology, Peacock, 1969.

111. Criteria for judging needs to be instinctoid. In

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