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Структура и динамика психического (сборник)
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Карл Юнг - Структура и динамика психического (сборник)

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На протяжении многих десятилетий швейцарский психолог и мыслитель Карл Юнг (1875–1961) разрабатывал психотерапевтическую систему, получившую впоследствии название «аналитическая психология».

В данном томе собраны важные работы Карла Юнга, относящиеся к так называемому «постпсихоаналитическому периоду», охватывающему зрелый и поздний этапы (1916–1957) его творчества, сгруппированные по тематическому принципу.

Книга адресована как специалистам – психологам, терапевтам, философам, историкам культуры, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся вопросами аналитической психологии

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Структура и динамика психического (сборник) - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Карл Юнг

MEIER, Carl Alfred. «Spontanmanifestationen des kollektiven Unbewussten»,

ZentralblattfUr Psychotherapie (Leipzig), XI (1939), 284–303.

MEIER, CARL AlFREE). Zeitgemasse Probleme der Traumforschung. (Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule: Kultur– und Staatswissenschaftliche Schriften, 75.) Zurich, 1950.

MERINGER, R. «Worter und Sachen», Indogermanische Forschungen (Strassburg), XVI (1904), 101–196.

MlGNE, JACQUES Paul (ed.). Patrologiae cursus completus.

[P.L.] Latin series. Paris, 1844–1864. 221 vols.

[P.G.] Greek series. Paris, 1857–1866. 166 vols.

[These works are cited as «MlGNE, P.L». and «MlGNE, P.G» respectively. References are to columns, not to pages.]

Morgan, Conway Lloyd. Habit and Instinct. London, 1896.

MURCHISON, C. (ed.). Psychologies of 1930. (International University Series in Psychology.) Worcester, Mass., 1930.

MYERS, Frederic W.H. «The Subliminal Consciousness», Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (London), VII (1892), 298–335.

MYLIUS, JOHANN Daniel. Philosophia reformata. Frankfurt, 1622.

NELKEN, JAN. «Analytische Beobachtungen uiber Phantasien eines Schizophrenen», Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen (Leipzig), IV (1912), 504–562.

NIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm. Thus Spake Zarathustra. Translated by Thomas Common, revised by Oscar Levy and John L. Beevers. London, 1932.

NUNBERG, H. «On the Physical Accompaniments of Association Processes». In: Studies in Word-Association. . under the direction of C.G. Jung. Translated by M.D. Eder. London, 1918; New York, 1919. (P. 531–560.)

ORANDUS, ElRENAEUS. Nicholas Flammel: His Exposition of the Hieroglyphicall Figures, etc. London, 1624.

ORIGEN. De principiis. See MlGNE, P.G., vol. 11, cols. 115–414. For translation, see: On First Principles. Translated by G.W. Butterworth. London, 1936.

ORIGEN. In Jeremiam homiliae. See MlGNE, P.G., vol. 13, cols. 255–544.

Ostwald, (Friedrich) Wilhelm. Die Philosophic der Werte. Leipzig, 1913.

PARACELSUS (Theophrastus Bombastes of Hohenheim). Das Buch Paragranum. Edited by Franz Strunz. Leipzig, 1903.

PARACELSUS. De vita longa. Edited by Adam von Bodenstein. Basel, 1562.

PARACELSUS. Samtliche Werke. Edited by Karl Sudhoff and Wilhelm Matthiessen. Munich and Berlin, 1922–1935. 15 vols.

PARACELSUS. Erster [-Zehender] Theil der BiXcher und Schrifften Philippi Theophrasti Bombast von Hohenheim, Paracelsi genannt. Edited by Johannes Huser. Basel, 15891591. 10 vols.

PAULI, W. «The Influence of Archetypal Ideas on the Scientific Theories of Kepler». Translated by Priscilla Silz. In: The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche. New York (Bollingen Series LI) and London, 1955.

PAULUS, JEAN. Le Probleme de l’hallucination et revolution de la psychologie d’Esquirol a Pierre Janet. (Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Philosophic et de Lettres de l’Universite de Liege, fasc. 91.) Liege and Paris, 1941.

PECHULL–LOESCHE, EDUARD. Volkskunde von Loango. Stuttgart, 1907.

PETERSON, Frederick, and Jung, C.G. «Psycho-physical Investigations with the Galvanometer and Pneumograph in Normal and Insane Individuals», Brain (London), XXX (1907), 153–218. Also in: Jung, Experimental Researches, q.v.

PHILO Judaeus. De opificio rnundi. In: [Works]. Translated by F.H. Colson and G.H. Whitaker. (Loeb Classical Library.) New York and London, 1929. 12 vols. [I, 2—137.)

PlCAVET, FRANCOIS. Essais sur I’histoire generate et comparee des theologies et des philosophies medievales. Paris, 1913.

PlCO DELLA MlRANDOLA. Opera omnia. Basel, 1557.

PlTRA, JEAN Baptiste. Analecta sacra et classica Spicilegio Solesmensi parata. Paris and Rome, 1876–1891. 8 vols.

PLOTINUS. The Enneads. Translated by Stephen Mackenna. 2nd edn., revised by B.S. Page. London, 1956.

Pratt, J.G.; Rhine, J.B.; Stuart, C.E.; Smith, В.М.; and Greenwood, J.A. ExtraSensory Perception after Sixty Years. New York, 1940.

PREUSS, К.Т. «Der Ursprung der Religion und Kunst», Globus (Brunswick), LXXXVI (1904), 321–392 passim; LXXXVII (1905), 333–419 passim.

PROSPER OF Aquitaine. Sententiae ex Augustino delibatae. See MlGNE, P.L., vol. 51, cols. 427–496.


REID, Thomas. Essays on the Active Powers of Man. Edinburgh, 1788.

RHINE, J.B. Extra-Sensory Perception. Boston, 1934.

RHINE, J.B. «An Introduction to the Work of Extra-Sensory Perception», Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (New York), Ser. ii, XII (1950), 164–168.

RHINE, J.B. New Frontiers of the Mind. New York and London, 1937.

RHINE, J.B. The Reach of the Mind. London, 1948. Reprinted Harmondsworth (Penguin Books), 1954.

RHINE, J.B. and Humphrey, Betty M. «A Transoceanic ESP Experiment», Journal of Parapsychology (Durham, North Carolina), VI (1942), 52–74.

RlCHET, CHARLES. «Relations de diverses experiences sur transmission mentale, la lucidite, et autres phenomenes non explicable par les donnees scientifiques actuelles», Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (London), V (1888), 18-168.

RlCKSHER, C., and JUNG, C.G. «Further Investigations on the Galvanic Phenomenon», Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology (Albany, N. Y.), II (1907), 189–217. Also in: JUNG, Experimental Researches, q.v.

Ripley, Sir George. Opera omnia chemica. Cassel, 1649.

RlVERS, W.H.R. «Instinct and the Unconscious», British Journal of Psychology (Cambridge), X (1919–1920), 1–7.

ROHR, J. «Das Wesen des Mana», Anthropos (Salzburg), XIV–XV (1919–1920), 97-124.

Rosenberg, Alfons. Zeichen am Himmel: Das Weltbild der Astrologie. Zurich, 1949.

ROSENCREUTZ, Christian. Chymische Hochzeit. Strasbourg, 1616.

Saint-Graal. Edited by Eugene Hucher. Le Mans, 1878. 3 vols.

SCHILLER, Friedrich. On the Aesthetic Education of Man. Translated by Reginald Snell. London, 1954.

ScHILLER, Friedrich. «The Cranes of Ibycus». In: The Poems. Translated by E.P. Arnold-Forster. London, 1901. (P. 158–163.)

ScHMIEDLER, G.R. «Personality Correlates of ESP as Shown by Rorschach Studies», Journal of Parapsychology (Durham, North Carolina), XIII (1949), 23–31.

ScHOLZ, WiLHELM von. Der Zufall: eine Vorform des Schicksals. Stuttgart, 1924.

SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. Parerga und Paralipomena. Edited by R. von Koeber. Berlin, 1891. 2 vols.

SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. Transcendent Speculations on the Apparent Design in the Fate of the Individual. Translated by David Irvine. London, 1913.

SCHULTZE, FRITZ. Psychologic derNaturvolker. Leipzig, 1900; another edn., 1925.

SELIGMANN, CHARLES Gabriel. The Melanesians of British New Guinea, Cambridge, 1910.

SlEBECK, HERMANN. Geschichte der Psychologic Gotha, 1880–1884. 2 parts.

SlLBERER, HERBERT. Problems of Mysticism and Its Symbolism. Translated by Smith Ely Jelliffe. New York, 1917.

SlLBERER, HERBERT. «Über die Symbolbildung», Jahrbuch fUr psychoanalytischeund psychopathologische Forschungen (Vienna and Leipzig), III (1911), 661–723; IV (1912), 607–683.

SlLBERER, HERBERT. Der Zufall and die Koboldstreiche des Unbewussten. (Schriften zur Seelenkunde und Erziehungskunst, 3.) Bern and Leipzig, 1921.

SOAL, S.G. «Science and Telepathy», Enquiry (London), 1:2 (1948), 5–7.

SOAL, S.G. «The Scientific Evidence for Extra-Sensory Perception», Discovery (London), X (1949). 373–377.

SOAL, S.G. and BATEMAN, F. Modern Experiments in Telepathy. London, 1954.

SODERBLOM, NATHAN. Das Werden des Gottesglaubens. Leipzig, 1926.

SPEISER, ANDREAS. Über die Freiheit. (Basler Universitatsreden, 28.) Basel, 1950.

SPENCER, Bald1 IN, and Gillen, F.J. The Northern Tribes of Central Australia. London, 1904.

SPIELREIN, S. «Über den psychologischen Inhalt eines Falles von Schizophrenic», Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psychopathologische Forschungen (Vienna and Leipzig), III (1911), 329–400.

SPINOZA, Benedict. Ethics. Translated by Andrew Boyle. (Everyman’s Library.) London and New York, 1934.

Spirit and Nature. (Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, 1.) Translated by Ralph Manheim and R.F.C. Hull. New York (Bollingen Series XXX), 1954; London, 1955.

STEKEL, WiLHELM. «Die Verpflichtung des Namens», Zeitschrift fu.r Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie (Stuttgart), III (1911), noff.

STERN, L. William. Über Psychologie der individuellen Differenzen. (Schriften der Gesellschaft fur psychologische Forschung, 12.) Leipzig, 1900.

SYNESIUS. Opuscula. Edited by Nicolaus Terzaghi. (Scriptores Graeci et Latini.) Rome, 1949.

SZONDI, LlPOT. Experimentelle Triebdiagnostik. Bonn, 1947–1949. 2 vols.

SZONDI, LlPOT. Triebpathologie. Bern, 1952.

Tao Teh Ching. See WALEY.

TREAT RUM CHEMICUM. Ursel and Strasbourg, 1602–1661. 6 vols. (Vols. 1–3, Ursel, 1602; etc.)

Contents quoted in this volume:


i Dorn: Speculativae philosophiae [p. 255–310].

ii Dorn: Philosophia meditativa [p. 450–472].

iii Dorn: De tenebris contra naturam et vita brevi [pp. 518–535].


iv Aegidius de Vadis: Dialogus inter naturam et filium philosophiae [p. 95—123].

THORNDIKE, Lynn. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. New York, 1929–1941. 6 vols.

TYLOR, EDWARD B. Primitive Culture. 3rd edn., London, 1891. 2 vols.

TYRRELL, G.N.M. The Personality of Man. London, 1947.

VERAGUTH, OTTO. Das psycho-galvanische Reflexphanomen. Berlin, 1909.

VlLLA, Guido. Einleitung in die Psychologie der Gegenwart. (Translated from Italian.) Leipzig, 1902.

VlRGIL [Works]. Translated by H. Rushton Fairclough. (Loeb Classical Library.) London and New York, 1929. 2 vols.

VlSCHER, FRIEDRICH Theodor. Auch Einer. Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1884. 2 vols.

WALEY, ARTHUR (trans.). The Way and Its Power. London, 1934.

WARNECKE, J. Die Religion der Batak. Leipzig, 1909.

WEI Po-YANG. «An Ancient Chinese Treatise on Alchemy entitled Ts’an T’ung Ch’i» (translated by Lu-chiang Wu), Isis (Bruges), XVIII (1932), 210–289.

WEYL, HERMANN. «Wissenschaft als symbolische Konstruktion des Menschen», Eranos-Jahrbuch 1948 (Zurich, 1949), 375–439.

White, Stewart Edward. The Road I Know, New York, 1942; London, 1951.

WHITE, Stewart Edward. The Unobstructed Universe. New Y)rk, 1940; London, 1949.

WlLHELM, HELLMUT. «The Concept of Time in the Book of Changes». In: Man and Time, q.v.

WlLHELM, Richard. Chinesische Lebensweisheit. Darmstadt, 1922.

WlLHELM, Richard. (trans.). The Secret of the Golden Flower. With a commen tary and a memorial by C.G. Jung. London and New York, 1931; 2nd edn., revised, 1962. Jung’s commentary in his Alchemical Studies, q.v.

WlLHELM, Richard. Das wahre Buch vom sUdlichen BlUtenland. Jena, 1912.

Wilhelm, Richard. See also / Ching.

WOLF, Christian VON. Psychologia empirica. Frankfurt and Leipzig, 1732.

WOLF, Christian VON. VernUnftige Gedanken von Gott, der Welt, und der Seele des Menschen. 1719.

WUNDT, WlLHELM. Grundzuge der physiologischen Psychologic 5th edn., Leipzig, 1902–1903. 3 vols.

WUNDT, WlLHELM. Outlines of Psychology. Translated by Charles Hubbaid Judd. Leipzig, 1902.

Wundt, Wilhelm. Volkerpsychologic Leipzig, 1911–1923. 10 vols.

ZELLER, Eduard. Die Philosophic der Griechen in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung darg-estellt. Tubingen, 1856. 3 vols.



Сведение к причинам (лат.).


Любовь к Богу (нем.).


Высшего замысла (франц.).


Сведения к причинам (лат.).


Сведения к основным фигурам (лат.).


Желание, побуждение (греч.).


Жизненный порыв (франц.).


Обряды введения (франц.).


Churinlgas – различные предметы у аборигенов Австралии, в которые превратились их мифические герои. Последние считаются воплощением родового тотема. – Прим. ред.


Бог дикаря (франц.).


До бесконечности (лат.).


В состоянии зарождения (лат.).


В сжатом виде (лат.).


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