Ознакомительная версия.
James Slack, The history of the late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment, Army and Navy Cooperative Society, 1884, p.100–101.
Ernest Descoubès, Historique du 1er règiment de Zouaves. Berger-Levrault, 1882, Paris, p. 105
Французы и русские в Крыму. Письма французского офицера к своей семье во время Восточной войны 1853–1855 гг. генерала Эрбе, бывшего полкового адъютанта 95-го пехотного полка. Минск. 1894 г., с. 2–4.
Французы и русские в Крыму. Письма французского офицера к своей семье во время Восточной войны 1853–1855 гг. генерала Эрбе, бывшего полкового адъютанта 95-го пехотного полка. Минск. 1894 г., с. 1.
Штенцель А. История войн на море, М., 2002 г., с.485–486.
Our Veterans of 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: In Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, Lon-don, 1859, p.17–18.
March, Catherine, The life of Arthur Vandeleur, Major, Royal Artillery, London, 1862, p. 133.
Robert Bonner, capitan, John Brophey of the 63rd Regiment/AThe War Correspondent, Vol.26, №4, January 2009, p. 27
Lieutenant-Colonel S. J. G. Calthorpe Letters from Headquarters. The realities of the War the Crimea. By an Officer on the Staff. In two Volumes. Vol. 1. London. 1856, p. 28.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.C.B.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p. 10–11.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.C.B.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p. 19–20.
Lieutenant-Colonel S. J. G. Calthorpe Letters from Headquarters. The realities of the War the Crimea. By an Officer on the Staff. In two Volumes. Vol. 1. London. 1856, p. 32.
Lieutenant-Colonel S. J. G. Calthorpe Letters from Headquarters. The realities of the War the Crimea. By an Officer on the Staff. In two Volumes. Vol. 1. London. 1856, p. 38.
Henri Roswag, Historique du 13e regiment d'artillerie, H. Charles-Lavauzelle, Paris, 1891, p. 135.
Lettresdu maréchal Bosquet a ses amis, 1837–1860, Société des bibliophiles du Beam, L. Ribaut, Pau, 1879, p. 145.
Ernest Descoubès, Historique du 1er regiment de Zouaves. Berger-Levrault, 1882, Paris, p. 106.
Charles Auger Guerre d'Orient: Siege de Sebastopol. Historique du service du L'Artillerie (1854–1856), Tome premier Paris, 1859, p. 17.
Anthony Coningham Sterling, Letters from the army in the Crimea, written during the years 1854, 1855, & 1856, London, 1857, p.33–34.
Charles Auger Guerre d'Orient: Siege de Sebastopol. Historique du service du L'Artillerie (1854–1856), Tome premier Paris, 1859, p. 19.
Dauveé, Henri Pierre Eémile, Historique du 12e régiment d'artillerie, 1834–1890, Nancy, Berger-Levrault etcie, 1890, p. 53.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 124-125.
March, Catherinr, The life of Arthur Vandeleur, Major, Royal Artillery, London, 1862, p. 137.
Lieutenant-Colonel S. J. G. Calthorpe Letters from Headquarters. The realities of the War the Crimea. By an Officer on the Staff. In two Volumes. Vol. 1. London. 1856, p. 37–38.
Thomas Carter, Historical Record of the Forty-Fourth: Or the East Essex Regiment, Gale & Polden, Chatham, 1887, p. 143.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 124–125.
Our Veterans of 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: In Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, London, 1859, p. 29–30.
March, Catherinr, The life of Arthur Vandeleur, Major, Royal Artillery, London, 1862, p. 138–140.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.С.В.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p. 56–57.
Хибберт Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с. 16.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.С.В.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p. 19.
David Murray, Lieutenant-Colonel, The Letters of Lieutenant F.G.Currie, 79th Highlanders, Part One//The War Correspondent, Vol.21, Number 4, January 2004, p. 30; «The Black Watch» The Record of an Historyc Regiment, by Archibald Forbes, LLD, London, 1896, p. 279.
James Alexander Browne, England's artillerymen: An historical narrative of the services of the Royal Artillery, from the formation of the régiment to the amalgamation of the Royal and Indian Artilleries in 1862, Hall, Smart and Allen, London, 1865, p.224.
Thomas Carter, Historical Record of the Forty-Fourth: Or the East Essex Regiment, Gale & Polden, Chatham, 1887, p. 144.
Frank Clark, major, The Greanadier Guarfs in the Crimean War//The War Correspondent, Vol.26, №4, January 2009, p. 39.
Frank Clark, major, The Greanadier Guarfs in the Crimean War//The War Correspondent, Vol.26, №4, January 2009, p. 40.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p.94.
The military opinions of General Sir John Fox Burgoyne, London, 1859, p.75–76.
Anthony Coningham Sterling, Letters from the army in the Crimea, written during the years 1854, 1855, & 1856, London, 1857, p.20–21.
Thomas Faughnan, Stirring Incidents in the life british soldier, Toronto, 1881, p. 173.
Robert Bonner, capitan, John Brophey of the 63rd Regiment//The War Correspondent, Vol.26, №4, January 2009, P. 27; James Slack, The history of the late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment, Army and Navy Co-operative Society, 1884, p. 102.
The Story of a soldier's Life By Field-marshal Viscount Wolseley O.M, K.R G.C.B., G.C.M.G., D.C.L, LLD, Vol.I, Toronto, 1904, p.79–80.
Our Veterans of 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: in Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, London, 1859, p.36–37.
Our Veterans of 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: In Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, Lon-don, 1859, p.17–18.
Хибберт, Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.16.
Нечитайлов М.В. Восточная война 1853–1856 гг.: Униформа французской армии (http://www.reenactor. ru/index.php?showtopic=14713).
Our Veterans of 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: In Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, Lon-don, 1859, p.17–18.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.C.B.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p. 46–47.
Sir William Robert Kennedy, Hurrah for the life of a sailor!; Fifty years in the Royal Navy, Blackwood, 1900, p.14.
Our Veterans of 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: In Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, London, 1859, p.51–52.
Нечитайлов М.В. Восточная война 1853–1856 гг.: Униформа французской армии (http://wwwreenactor. ru/index.php?showtopic= 14713).
Baudens L., Military and Camp Hospitals and the Health of Troops in the Field, New York, 1862, p. 51–52.
Baudens L., Military and Camp Hospitals and the Health of Troops in the Field, New York, 1862, p. 53.
OurVeteransof 1854 [i.e. Eighteen Fifty-four]: In Camp, and Before the Enemy by a Regimental Officer, London, 1859, p.50–51.
Французы и русские в Крыму. Письма французского офицера к своей семье во время Восточной войны 1853–1855 гг. генерала Эрбе, бывшего полкового адъютанта 95-го пехотного полка. Минск. 1894 г., с. 28.
Французы и русские в Крыму. Письма французского офицера к своей семье во время Восточной войны 1853–1855 гг. генерала Эрбе, бывшего полкового адъютанта 95-го пехотного полка. Минск. 1894 г, с. 30.
At Home anf the Battlefield. Letters from the Crimea, China and Egipt, 1854–1888, By Sir Frederick Charles Arthur Stehenson. G.C.B, London, 1915, p.96.
Кириллов П. Синоп: победа или поражение. Хроника боевых действий Черноморского флота в Крымской войне 1853–1856 гг. //ФлотоМастер. №2. М., 1999 г., с.11.
Louis-Édouard Bouët-Willaumez, Vice-amiral, Cte, Batailles de terre et de mer jusques et у comphs la bataille de l’Alma, Dumaine, Paris, 1855, p. 204–205.
Гамильтон Ч.А. Англо-французское военно-морское соперничество, 1840–1870// Hamilton С. I. Anglo- French Naval Rivalry, 1840–1870 гг., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, (http://militera.lib.ru/research/hannilton_ ci/index.html).
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Петров М.А. Подготовка России к мировой войне на море, М.-Л., 1926 г., с. 19.
John Adye.C.B, Lieut.-col., A Review of the Crimean Warto the Winter of 1854–5, London, 1860, p. 26.
Тарле Е. В. Крымская война: в2-хт. Том.2, М.-Л., 1941–1944 гг., с.26–28.
Dauveé, Henri Pierre Eémile, Historique du 12e régiment d'artillerie, 1834–1890, Nancy, Berger-Levraultetcie, 1890, p. 54–55.
Emile Bloch Historique de 95e régiment d'infanterie de ligne (20e leger) 1734–1888, Тур. Tardy-Pigelet, Bourg-es, 1888, p. 155–156.
A. Durand Historique du 3e régiment de spahis H. Charles-Lavauzelle, Paris, 1892, p. 117.
From the Fleet in the Fifties: A History of the Crimean War With which is incorporated Letters written 1854–1855 By Mrs. Tom Kelly London 1902, p. 102.
Camille Rousset, Histoire de la guerre de Crimee, Paris, 1878, p. 189–190.
Lintendance militaire en Crimee: campagnes de 1854, 1855 et 1856, Impr. E.B. Labaume, Lyon, 1864, p. 36.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.С.В.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p.64–65.
Fay, Charles Alexandre, Souvenirs de la guerre de Crimee, 1854–1856 J. Dumaine, Paris, 1867, p.51–52.
Ознакомительная версия.