Ознакомительная версия.
Богданович М.И. Восточная война 1853–1856 годов, Том. 2, СПб., 1876 г., с.268.
Lieut. George Shuldham Peard, Narrative Campaign in the Crimea; Including an Account. Battles of Alma, Balaklava and Inkermann. London 1855, p.88.
Wood, Evelyn, From midshipman to field marshal, Methuen, 1906, p.25–26.
Дубровин Н.Ф. История Крымской войны и обороны Севастополя. Том. 1, СПб., 1900 г., с.153.
Орехов Д.В. Крымская кампания в «Военных воспоминаниях» генерала Монтодона//Историческое наследие Крыма, № 9, Симферополь, 2005 г., с.44.
Léon Guérin, Histoire de la demiere guerre de Russie: 1853–56, Tome I, Paris, 1858, p. 205.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 131—132.
Lieutenant-Colonel S. J. G. Calthorpe Letters from Headquarters. The realities of the War the Crimea. By an Officer on the Staff. In two Volumes. Vol. I.London. 1856, p. 116–117.
Письма из Крыма капитана конной артиллерии Уолпола П. Ричардса (пер. Е. Тупахиной) http://www.sevastopol.ws/Pages/?aid=21.
Journal of the operations conduced by the corps of Royal Engineers. Published by order of the secretary of state for War. Part 1. From the Invasion of the Crimea, to the close of the Winter Campaign 1854–55, By Capitan H.S. Elphistone. R.E. London. 1859, р.3.
Journal of the operations conduced by the corps of Royal Engineers. Published by order of the secretary of state for War. Parti. From the Invasion of the Crimea, to the close of the Winter Campaign 1854–55, By Capitan H.S. Elphistone. R.E. London. 1859, p.5.
Nathaniel Steevens The Crimean Campaign with «The Connaught Rangers» 1854–55–56 Griffith and Farran. London, 1878, p.36–37.
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Nathaniel Steevens The Crimean Campaign with «The Connaught Rangers» 1854–55–56 .Griffith and Farran, London. 1878. p.71–72.
Богданович М.И. Восточная война 1853–1865 годов. В 4-х томах. Том III, СПб., 1877 г.
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Штенцель А. История войн на море. М., 2002 г, с.485–486.
Обручев Н.А. Смешанные морские экспедиции// Военный сборник. №8, СПб., 1898 г., с.45.
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Nathaniel Steevens The Crimean Campaign with “The Connaught Rangers” 1854–55–56 Griffith and Farran, London, 1878, p.71–72.
Хибберт Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.28.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 124–125
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Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 136.
Edward Bruce Hamley, The War in the Crimea, London, 1891, p.29.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.C.B. The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p.42–43.
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March, Catherine The life of Arthur Vandeleur, Major, Royal Artillery, London, 1862, p. 147.
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The Crimean diary and letters of Lieut.-General Sir Charles Ash Windham, London, 1897, p.21–22.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 138–139.
Lieutenant-Colonel S. J. G. Calthorpe Letters from Headquarters. The realities of the War the Crimea. By an Officer on the Staff. In two Volumes. Vol. I. London. 1856, p. 118–119.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p.140–141.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.C.B.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p.78–79.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 141.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 129.
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Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p.138–139.
Письма из Крыма капитана конной артиллерии Уолпола П. Ричардса (пер. Е. Тупахиной) http://www. sevastopol.ws/Pages/?aid=21.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 142–143.
Mitra S.M. The life and letters of Sir John Hall M.D., K.C.B., F.R.C.S. London, NevYork, 1911, p. 340–341.
Journal of the operations conduced by the corps of Royal Engineers. Published by order of the secretary of state for War. Part I. From the Invasion of lie Crimea, to the close of the Winter Campaign 1854–55, By Cap'tan H.S. Elphistone. R.E. London. 1859, p.8.
Harold Carmichael Wylly, The 95th (The Derbyshire) Regiment in the Crimea, S. Sonnenschein, London, 1899, p.2.
Виноградов К.Е., Суртаев П.Б. Королева Виктория принц-супруг Альберт и Крымская война//Новая и новейшая история, №2, М., 2004 г (http://vivovoco.rsl.ru/vv/papers/history/crime.htm)
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Хибберт Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.21.
General sir Edward Hamley К.С, The War in The Crimea London, 1891, p.34.
Гоуинг, Тимоти. Голос из строя (Gowing Т. Voice from the Ranks: a personal narrative of the CrimeanCampaign. — Nottingham, 1895). Перевод с англ. Е. Тупахиной // Military Крым, № 3–7, 2006–2007 г Симферополь.
Хибберт, Кристофер, Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.22–23.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.С.В. The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p.21.
Field-Marshal Viscount Wolseley, The story of a soldiers life, Vol.1, Toronto, 1904, p. 144.
General sir Edward Hamley К.С., The War in The Crimea London, 1891, p.33.
Хибберт Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.22.
Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.С.В. The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p.76.
Хибберт Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.22.
Хибберт, Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г., с.22.
W Edmund, M. Reilly, Siege of Sebastopol, 1854–5. Journal of the operations conducted by the Corps of Royal Artillery and Royal Naval Brigade before Sebastopol in 1854 and 1855, London, 1859, p. 1.
Хибберт, Кристофер. Крымская кампания 1854–1855 гг. Трагедия лорда Раглана. М., 2004 г, с.23.
The Memoir of captain M.M. Hammond. Riffle brigade. Edinburgh. 1908, p. 270–271.
Higgins jn., George Wetworth Alexander, Sir, Seventy-one years of a guardsman's life, London, 1916, p. 101.
Robert Bonner, capitan, John Brophey of the 63rd Regiment//The War Correspondent, Vol,26, №4, January 2009, p. 27; James Slack, The history of the late 63rd (West Suffolk) Regiment, Army and Navy Co-operative Society, 1884, p.102.
Богданович М.И. Восточная война 1853–1856 годов. В 4-х томах, Том III, СПб., 1877 г.
Ознакомительная версия.