Ознакомительная версия.
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Смоленский П.О. Предмет и задачи военной гигиены//Военный Сборник, №11, СПб., 1903 г., с. 185.
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Émile Bloch Historique de 95e régiment d'infanterie de ligne (20e léger) 1734–1888, Тур. Tardy-Pigelet, Bourges, 1888, p. 154–155.
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Dauvé, Henri Pierre Émile, Historique du 12e régiment l’artillerie, 1834–1890, Nancy, Berger-Levrault et cie, 1890, p. 55.
Niel, Adolphe Siege de Sebastopol. Journal des operations du genie publie avec Tautorisation du ministre de la guerre, Paris, 1858, p. 7; Charles Auger Guerre d'Orient: Siege de Sebastopol. Historique du service du L’Artillerie (1854–1856), Tome premier Paris, 1859, p. 42.
From the Fleet in the Fifties: A History of the Crimean War With which is incorporated Letters written 1854–1855 By Mrs. Tom Kelly London 1902, p. 104.
Auguste Jean, Charles Richard, Les chasseures a pied, H. Charles-Lavauzelle, Paris, Limpges, 1891, p. 131-132.
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Niel, Adolphe Siège de Sebastopol. Journal des operations du génie publié avec l’autorisation du ministre de la guerre, Paris, 1858, p. 8.
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Niel, Adolphe Siege de Sebastopol. Journal des operations du genie publié avec l’autorisation du ministre de la guerre, Paris, 1858, p. 8.
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Mitra S.M. The life and letters of Sir John Hall M.D. K.C.В., R.R.С.S. London, NevYork, 1911, p. 316–317.
Baudens L. Military and Camp Hospitals and the Health of Troops in the Field, New York, 1862, p.55–56.
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Émile Hippolyte Bourdeau Historique du 7e régiment d'infanterie, 1569–1890 J. Girma, 1890, p. 248.
Fay, Charles Alexandre, Souvenirs de la guerre de Crimeé, 1854–1856 J. Dumaine, Paris, 1867, p. 60.
Богданович М.И. Восточная война 1853–1865 гг. В 4-хтомах. Том III, СПб., 1877 г.
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From the Fleet in the Fifties: A History of the Crimean War With which is incorporated Letters written 1854–1855 By Mrs. Tom Kelly London 1902, p. 104.
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Sir Daniel Lysons, general, G.C.B.The Crimean war from first to last, London, 1895, p. 66–67.
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Wood, Evelyn, From midshipman to field marshal, Methuen, 1906, p. 27–28.
Our Veterans of 1854: In Camp, and Before the Enemy, London, 1859, p. 102–103; Wood, Evelyn, From mid-shipman to field marshal, Methuen, 1906, p. 24–25.
Ознакомительная версия.