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Ольга Азарова - Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски

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Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски
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19 сентябрь 2019
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Ольга Азарова - Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски

Ольга Азарова - Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски краткое содержание

Ольга Азарова - Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ольга Азарова, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info
Книга «Я Вам пишу…» – это незаменимый помощник для всех читателей кто ведет деловую переписку на английском и русском языках, собирается в путешествие или командировку за границу, ищет работу. Содержание книги и приведенный Конструктор писем позволяет читателю с минимальными базовыми знаниями английского языка написать письмо любой сложности по основным вопросам бизнеса, составить победное резюме. Краткий разговорник поможет провести и поддержать беседу на любые деловые и личные темы, не потеряться в англо-говорящем окружении. Полезные мелочи, такие как таблицы глаголов и приставок, мер и весов, ассоциативные таблицы «неправильных» глаголов позволят избежать путаницы не только в грамматике, но и в различных бытовых ситуациях.

Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски читать онлайн бесплатно

Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Ольга Азарова

Пример 1. Старший менеджер по персоналу/ Personnel Manager

Довольно простое резюме сотрудника с небольшим стажем работы. В объявлении было указано, чтобы резюме было написано от руки.

Curriculum vitae (data sheet)

NAME: Ann Smith

ADDRESS: 9 Hope Street, Providence, RI, 56789, USA

TEL.: +01 (123) 456 78 90

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: 12.03.1969, Sidney, Australia





PRESENT EMPLOYER: Lambert Consulting Ltd., Providence

EMPLOYED SINCE: November 1997

JOB TITLE: Senior officer in HR Department

PRESENT SALARY: $45’000 p.a.

REASON FOR LEAVING: Better promotional prospected wanted



Mr V. Haave, HR Department Chief, Lambert Consulting

Ниже приведен ряд примеров успешных резюме наших соотечественников, получивших работу в ведущих американских компаниях. Обратите внимание, что в этих документах не указана должность, на которую претендует автор. Данные резюме – примеры так называемых информативных резюме, которые пишутся в отдел кадров компаний, которые, возможно, учитывая высокую квалификацию авторов, найдут подходящее место работы.

Пример 2. Физик ищет работу в бизнесе.


Current address: 214 North Street 85, apt. 19, New York, NY 10023

Current telephone: (123) 456 789 999

Permanent contact: [email protected]


01/96– present     Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. New York,

NY                        Associate. Analytical developer for firm-wide credit risk

                      management systems. Work ranging from FX, swaps, to

                      equity collateralized lending and commodities. Statistical

                      analysis of historical data, advanced analytic for Value

                      at Risk calculations. Work on alternative management


09/92-12/95       Stanford University Stanford,

CA                       Teaching and research assistant, Departments of Physics

                      and Applied Mathematics. Taught physics to a large class

                      of pre-medical students. 15 publications, including the

                      invention of a new type of branching diffusion processes

                      and well recognized work on stochastic model in


06/95-09/95     Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc New York,

NY                     Summer intern in the Information Technology Mortgages

                      group. Implemented variance reduction methodology in

                      Monte Carlo simulation for increasing the accuracy of

                      price/OAS valuation.

11/94-02/95     Darrel Dark Consulting

                      Consultant. Co-developed and implemented a novel interest

                      rate model. Implemented credit risk valuation models.

06/94-09/94     J.P Morgan & Co

                      Summer intern in the derivatives research department.

                      Worked on developing a draft version of the credit

                      derivatives model.


• Modern financial models including interest rate models, credit risk models, and mortgage backed securities, FX, fixed income, equity and commodity derivatives, 6 development notes on mathematical finance.

• Statistics: linear and non-linear estimation, non-parametric (bootstrap) methods, time series analysis, etc. Probabilities and stochastic methods: stochastic differential equations, diffusion processes, point processes, branching processes, etc. Numerical methods: numerical integration of SDE, Monte Carlo methods, finite difference methods, etc.

• Programming in C, ALP and Mathematica, UNIX operation system.


1996 – Member of the New York Academy of Sciences

1996 – Reelected as Associated Member by the Scientific Council of Lebedev Institute of Modern Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences.

1991-1995 – Invited talks at 5 international scientific conferences and numerous research institutes and universities worldwide.

1993-1994 – A member of Stanford University Committee on Research

1993 – Elected as a Junior Researcher by the Scientific Council of the Lebedev Institute of Modern Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences.

1989 – Soviet Youth Organization award for excellence in studies.

1097-1990 – Elected one of four student’s members of the Scientific Council of the Department of General and Applied Physics of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Pre 1984 – A winner of All-USSR Olympiade in Physics (1984), Russian Republican Olympiades in Physics and Mathematics

(1982-1984). – Golden Medal recipient for excellence in high school studies (1984).


1992-1996   Stanford University Stanford, CA

                      Ph.D in Theoretical Physics, Physics Department.

                      Ph.D Minor program in Finance, Graduate School in

                      Business. Courses in Economics, Econometrics,

                      Mathematical and Corporate Finance, Modern Risk


1990-1993   Lebedev Institute of Modern Physics Moscow, Russia

                      Ph.D program in Theoretical Astrophysics.

1984-1990   Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology Russia

                      M.S. Diploma with Honors in»Theoretical Astrophysics».

                      In 1984-1988 coordinated the preparation and conducting

                      of ALL-USSR Phys-Tech Olympiades in physics and

                      mathematics for high-school students.

Пример 3. Физик ищет работу в бизнесе.

Такое сверхполное резюме обычно готовится для распространения без сопроводительного письма и вручается представителям компаний на встречах, Днях карьеры, Днях Открытых дверей, презентациях и т.д.. В данном случае информация, которая должна быть в сопроводительном письме, включается в резюме.

Stepan Egorov

1 Transit Street Providence, RI 09876 Tel.: (123) 456 789 098

Summary: Seven years of research experience in particle physics theory. Course work experience in empirical and theoretical finance. Strong analytical and quantitative skills, proven interpersonal and leadership skills, biased for action and success personality.

Why business/ Why Mc Cartney? Although I enjoy solving theoretical physics problems, I do not feel entire satisfied. I sense that although technically very complex, work as theoretical physicist does not challenge me enough in other areas in which my skills may be of use. My experience in business although limited in scope, has given me a flavor of the complexities of the problem which business world encounters. As a problem-solver by education and vocation, I strongly believe that your company is one of the best places to learn how to solve these complex both practical and rewarding problems. There is also a very personal note for my interest in your company. From a friend of mine, who was interviewed with Mc Cartney last year, I have learned about the creative approach to interviewing your company practice. I feel that is something I would very much like to experience first hand.

Geographic Preferences I would like to work in any of the American offices of McCartney Company. However, I have slight preference for the New York City or Chicago areas because I enjoy very much their dynamic atmosphere and the feeling of life. Although, my interest in finance makes these two cities even more attractive to me.


1991-1995 – Ph.D in Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI. GPA: 4.0/4.0

1990-1991 – M.Sc. in Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI

1983-1989 – B.Sc. in Physics (with honors), Moscow State University, Russia. GPA: 4.0/4.0


1993-present Sigma Phi Sigma, Physics Honor Society

1990-1991 University Fellowship, Brown University

1985-1986 The Best Student Award, Moscow State University

Quantitative Skills:

Finance: The market model, index model, Black-Sholes option model, arbitrage pricing model, portfolio selection models, stochastic optimization methods.

Mathematics: Matrix analysis, optimization/ control theory, differential equations, partial differential equations, initial value problems, boundary value problems, wave equations.

Statistics/Econometrics: Time series analysis, linear and nonlinear statistical models, regression analysis, point estimation, interval estimation, estimation theory, hypothesis testing, numerical methods and algorithms for statistics.

Applied probability: Ito/Stratonovich calculus, martingales, Langevin equations, Fokker-Plank equation, Feynman-Kac formula, Monte Carlo methods, dynamical programming.

Physics: Application of stochastic differential equations in quantum field theory.

Computer skills:

Platforms: SUN Stations, Next Stations, IBM/RS6000, PC’s.

System software: Unix (BSD, System V, Ultrix, AIX), MS DOS, Windows.

Languages: C, Mathlab, Mathematica, Macsyma, BASIC, FORTRAN. Reduce.

Application Software: Excel, Lotus 123, Dbase, MS Office, Word Perfect.

Relevant experience:

1994-present     Brown University, Providence, RI

Finance related course work:

*empirical analysis of financial markets: Analysis stock market

volatility, normality of the rates of return, single and multi

index model, optimal portfolios, hedging, Black– Sholes

options pricing model, market inefficiencies and arbitrage

pricing model.

*Theories of investment and corporate finance: Analysis

portfolio selections models, contingent claims, stock market

models, arbitrage conditions, financial innovations, corporate

investment and shareholders wealth, capital structure and

applications of stochastic control method.

1990– present     Brown University, Providence, RI

Research Assistant, Applied Physics Department, High

Energy Theory Group.

Found a new class of the exactly solvable Fokker-Planck

Hamiltonians. Developed a non-critical string field

perturbation theory. Proposed and analyzed a generalization

of the Planck’s Radiation Law.

Team Work:

July 1994     New Staffordshire College, Vermont, VT

Coordinator, Coalition for Essential School Program

The idea behind the program was to enable hogh school

teachers to work in groups without a formal person in charge.

I have coordinated the work of a group of 12 teachers,

investigated the group dynamics and conflict resolution

methods, suggested possible directions of research, helped

integrate several small projects into one final exhibition.

1989-1990    Lexis Ltd., Moscow, Russia

As a part of the team of 7 which made up Lexis Ltd., I

worked with four different client (a power plant, a glass

factory and two steel mills) in Russian Federation on

improving their Quality Control procedures and technology.

Lexis Ltd. favours a complete problem solution method: a

team of expert would visit the prospective client, inspect the

facilities, suggest a solution, deliver the appropriate equipment

and provide the necessary training for the technical personnel.

My responsibilities included finding the prospective clients,

meeting with the top management of the prospective client

companies and developing the marketing strategy of

Lexis Ltd.


In fall of 1989 together with a group of colleagues of mine I established Lexis Ltd. While in Moscow as a undergraduate I have learned from business people and engineers about the urgent needs, especially in steel and glass industry for highly precise pyrometers and other measurement equipment. The old western equipment, imported in seventies, was outdated and very expensive to be replaced. I knew that one my old classmate, a foremost expert in the field of metrology, could deliver less expensive equipment than their western counterparts. Also, at the time, the federal government eased the regulations on forming private companies. So, I suggested to colleagues of mine to establish our own company to solve the measurement problems in industry using the complete problem solution approach described above. To persuade them I put forward the following risk-averse proposal: we keep our secure University’s positions while working part-time for Lexis and invest the intellectual property only (10 patents ad know-how). During one year of my vice-presidency, Lexis became established a solid business reputation as a company with its innovative approach to measurement problems solving.

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