be like . . .’ Esquire Magazine in Why B Corps Matter,
Albert Wenger of New York . . . Albert Wenger, ‘What Benefit Corp Legislation Means to Investors’,, 17 July 2013.
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Early American jurists, for example . . . ibid, p. 2.
‘to prosecution for the paternity of a bastard . . .’ ibid, p. 181.
As Stone says, these examples show . . .’ ibid, p. 181.
‘The reason for this little . . .’ ibid, p. 3.
Stone says it is not inevitable . . . ibid, p. 8.
Given that our own health . . . includes the environment.’ ibid, p. 23.
Alone among thinkers in this book . . . ibid, p. 24.
As Stone then argues, this radical shift . . . ibid, p. 27.
We can only reach a ‘heightened awareness’ ibid, p. 28.
‘hard giving indeed . . .’ ibid, p. 268.
Stone concludes by suggesting . . . ibid, p. 31.
He said he knew the exact . . . ibid, p. xi.
‘How would such a posture in law . . .’ ibid, p. xi.
because the construction would damage its ‘aesthetic and ecological balance’ ibid, p. xiii.
the most ‘committed civil libertarian . . .’ Time, ‘The Law: The court’s uncompromising libertarian’, 24 November 1975.
‘The critical question . . .’ Christopher Stone, Should Trees Have Standing? Law, morality and the environment, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, p.
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as journalist Jason Mark said . . . Jason Mark, ‘Natural Law’, Earth Island Journal, Spring 2012.
‘simply asserted a community’s . . . ibid.
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‘It shall be unlawful . . .’ Tamaqua Borough Sewage Sludge Ordinance,
She wrote that the borough . . . Elisabeth Eaves, ‘Tree Rights’, Forbes, 24 May 2007.
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Because of their experience with environmental legislation . . . Cyril Mychalejko, ‘Ecuador’s constitution gives rights to nature’,, 25 September 2008.
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the report argued that the UNFCCC ‘is based not . . .’ Global Exchange, Does Nature Have Rights?: Transforming Grassroots Organizing to Protect People and the Planet,
Maude Barlow has high hopes . . . Thalif Deen, ‘Global Campaign to Bestow Legal Rights on Mother Earth’, Inter Press Service, 24 May 2011.
which is central to a new body of legislation . . . ‘Law 300 Framework Law of Mother Earth and Holistic Development for Living Well’,, 2012.
Under the new law, Mother Nature is defined . . . ibid.
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The London School of Economics called Bolivia’s law . . . Michael Nachmany, Sam Fankhauser, Terry Townshend, Murray Collins, Tucker Landesman, Adam Matthews, Carolina Pavese, Katharina Rietig, Philip Schleifer and Joana Setzer, ‘The GLOBE Climate Legislation Study: A Review of Climate Change Legislation in 66 Countries’, London School of Economics, Fourth Edition, Globe International, 2014.
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In the preliminary agreement . . . Kate Shuttleworth, ‘Agreement entitles Whanganui River to legal identity’, The New Zealand Herald, 30 August 2012.
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recognise the river as ‘Te Awa Tupua, an . . .’ ibid.
‘embraces the spiritual aspects . . .’ ibid.
‘If the sea had rights . . .’ Begonia Filgueria and Ian Mason, ‘Wild side of the law’, The Guardian, 4 May 2009.
or, as he put it, to advance . . . Stone, p. 23
‘Holding a title to property . . .’ Dr Pita Sharples in Brendan Kennedy, ‘I am the River and the River is Me: The implications of a river receiving personhood status’, Cultural Survival Inc, December 2012.
we need to give up ‘some of our . . .’ Stone, p. 28