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Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева

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Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв.
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Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева

Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева краткое содержание

Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - Ольга Игоревна Тогоева - описание и краткое содержание, автор Ольга Игоревна Тогоева, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

Монография посвящена проблеме конструирования концепта колдовства применительно к политической культуре Западной Европы эпохи Средневековья и раннего Нового времени. В фокусе внимания автора находятся не столько усилия Церкви по сплочению паствы, сколько осознанные демаршы светских властей, использовавших новое явление для создания образа своего собственного врага — врага политического, угрожающего основам государственного устройства, гражданскому миру и социальному порядку. В монографии подробно проанализирована концепция «королевства дьявола» как вполне земного государственного образования, с которым были призваны бороться светские правители; представлена оригинальная «демонологическая» концепция войны — как причины и как следствия засилья ведьм и колдунов; рассмотрены различные национальные особенности охоты на ведьм — прежде всего на территории современной Швейцарии, в Бургундском герцогстве, во Франции и в Англии. Наконец, заключительная часть монографии посвящена проблемам физиогномики и физиологии, позволявших, по мнению европейских демонологов, распознавать ведьм и колдунов и приводить их к суду.
Книга адресована историкам, правоведам, филологам, культурологам, а также широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся историей.
В оформлении обложки использована гравюра «Три ведьмы» (1863 г.) — иллюстрация к трагедии «Макбет» Уильяма Шекспира.

Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. читать онлайн бесплатно

Короли и ведьмы. Колдовство в политической культуре Западной Европы XII–XVII вв. - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Ольга Игоревна Тогоева
gone" (Potts T. Op. cit. P. 191).


"It hapned the said Richard Burt a month after, meeting hir neere to his maisters barne, and given hir the time of the daye, like a perverse woman, like a perillous waspe, like a pestiferous witch, incensed with hate at the sight of him downe hir head, not daigning to speake" (Anon. A Most Wicked worke of a wretched Witch. P. 142).


"Many other mischeifs might be heere numbred, but I meane not to stand long uppon these detestable actions only this to be noted, that beeing often examined, when she was to answere suddainely there rose in her throate a swelling as bigge as a mans fist, black as pitch, and then she seemed to have the hitchcough, as though she would speake but could not" (Anon. A memoriali of certaine most notorious witches (1595) // Early Modern Witches. P. 146–150).


"This Witch came in, and stood gloting upon them… I cannot abide a nose of that fashion, or else turne your face ye wrong side outward, it may look like raw flesh for flyes to blow maggots in" (Anon. The severall practises of Johane Harrison and her daughter. P. 156).


"This odious Witch was branded with a preposterous marke in Nature, even from her birth which was her left eye, standing lower then the other; the one looking downe, the other looking up, so strangely deformed, as the best that were present in that Honorable assembly, and great Audience, did affirme, they had not often seene the like" (Potts T. Op. cit. P. 202).


"Her eyes are sunke in her head, GOD blesse us from her" (Ibid. P. 224).


"Atkins did dwell, looking so grislie and fiercelie that waie, that he tore and rent al that came in his hands" (Ibid. P. 143).


"This childe being very sick, was set in a chair, and held in it; but as soon as the party who was suspected came in, on a sudden it arose of it self, and got hold of her face to scratch her, 'as its strength would afford, she not stirring. Here you may observe the former Confessions, where the Witch confessed, that after she was scratched, she had no further power over that party; for this woman stood still" (Stearne J. Op. cit. P. 36).


См. выше: Глава 9.


"Yet I say, if those which look to them be carefull, it is to be discerned" (Stearne J. Op. cit. P. 23).


Anon. The Examination and Confession of certaine Wytches. P. 19 (лицо и рука), P. 23 (лицо и нос); W.W. К true and just Recorde. P. 94 (плечо); Anon. The Apprehension and confession of three notorious Witches. P. 135–136 (левая щека); Anon. The Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Phillip Flower. P. 293–294 (правое ухо и шея).


"...and where she pricked herselfe there remayned a red spot, which was styl to be sene" (Anon. The Examination and Confession of certaine Wytches. P. 18); "…she fedde the same Ratte with bloode… the markes whereof evidently remeine" (Anon. A Rehearsall both straung and true. P. 37); "…the place thereof not hidden" (Galis R. Op. cit. P. 67); "The said Blacke-Dogge did with his mouth… sucke at her breast, a little below her Paps, which place did remaine blew half a yeare next after" (Potts T. Op. cit. P. 243).


См. выше: Глава 5. Подробнее о возникновении и развитии данной концепции см.: Durrant J. The osculum infame: heresy, secular culture and the image of the witches' sabbath // The kiss in history / Ed. by K. Harvey. Manchester; N.Y., 2005. P. 36–61.


См., к примеру: "But then steppeth forth the Divell, and not onely sheweth them the way, but prescribeth the manner of effecting the same, with facility and easinesse, assuring that hee himselfe will attend them in some familiar shape of Rat, Cat, Toad, Bird, Cricket, etc: yea effec- tuate whatsoever they shall demaund or desire, and for their better assurance and corroboration of their credulity, they shall have palpable and forcible touches of sucking, pinching, kissing, closing, colling, and such like» (Anon. The Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Phillip Flower. P. 282); "Then she was entertained; and as she confessed, the devill appeared, and first kissed the woman of the house, and so one after another, and at last her self; and so she was asked then if she were willing to be entred into their society" (Stearne J. Op. cit. P. 36).


"Не lifted up his gown and every one kissed his arse. The men were turned nine times about and the women six times" (Witchcraft in Early Modern Scotland. P. 138, показания Джилли Дункан). "Item, the said Agnes Sampson confessed that the devil being then at North Berwick kirk attending their coming in the habitt or likeness of a man, and seeing that they tarried over long, he at their coming enjoined them all to a penance, which was that they should kiss his buttocks in sign of duty to him; which being put over the pulpit bare, everyone did as he had enjoined them" (Ibid. P. 315, «Новости из Шотландии).


"Then he commanded them to keep his commandments, which was to do all the evil they could. Before they departed they kissed all his arse" (Ibid. P. 147, показания Агнес Сэмпсон).

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