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Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин

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Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people
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9 апрель 2023
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Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин

Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин краткое содержание

Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people - Николай Владимирович Лакутин - описание и краткое содержание, автор Николай Владимирович Лакутин, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки My-Library.Info

When years old remind of themselves no longer with the most joyful emotions, and the success and achievements in life are very mediocre, then the internal age crisis can sometimes end tragically. BUT! What if two such characters on the threshold of their extremes in experiences suddenly collide on the border of solutions?

Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people читать онлайн бесплатно

Suicide or DAY FOR MARRIAGE. Play for 2 people - читать книгу онлайн бесплатно, автор Николай Владимирович Лакутин
will hold you, and I will have more weight. There are so offhandedly-that is impossible! The second time already you understand – already quite not the mood, if that…

LIDA: Listen, you're thorough. Go ahead… somewhere. I came first, and I'm here to hang out. Everything! This conversation is over!

Lida continues her attempts to throw the rope on the branch.

Grisha looks at this skeptically, moves aside and watches.

Lida tries everything, but nothing comes out.

GREGORY: Well, how long will I be here to witness this horror?

Lida turns wearily.

LIDA: is there anything else Here? What are you waiting for? This isn't a theater, there's nothing to see…

GRISHA: No, I just thought that since we can't agree on the choice of location, then let everyone remain with their own opinion, that's all.

Lida looks at the man as "a RAM on the new gate".

LIDA: don't you understand?

GRISHA: if you're Going to hang yourself, hang yourself, I'll wait. And then I'm right there. The branch is strong enough to hold both of us.

LIDA: What? Look what he wanted! I don't want to hang next to you. Let's get out of here. Business what was found.

GRISHA: Well … you never know what you want… Here you want – you don't want, but you have to!

LIDA (indignantly): Hear what? I don't want you and me swaying around like two assholes… You never know what people will think.

GREGORY: BUT you don't care who is there that will think?

LIDA (indignantly): No! I just don't care! I must hang alone, pitiful, misunderstood, and unheard… and not companionable and as someone might think-vicious!

GREGORY: it is interesting… Why are you so unheard and misunderstood? Tell me, while there are still a few minutes, can I understand and hear? So you look, and the reason for the event will not be…

Lida thinks about it. Glancing furtively at the door.

LIDA (with a sly smile): Decided to technically eliminate a competitor?

GRISHA: It might be a nice side effect, but I didn't think about it at all. Whether you hang out in that tree or not, it doesn't matter to me. I have decided to put my plan into execution and nothing will prevent it.

Lida puts the rope aside and sits down on the floor.

LIDA (with interest): Oh, Well, then you go first.

GRISHA: what am I?

LIDA: Well, what? First you tell me what drives men in suits like this to commit suicide, and then I will. I'm the first… (timidly) shy.

Grisha looks up at the Lido with out a doubt.

GRISHA: Listen, can I help you better? Give me the string, and I'll make it fast."

Grisha approaches Lida busily. But when she removes the rope, it's a cat-and-mouse game. Grisha does not manage to take the "tool of labor".

GRISHA: I don't understand? Are you going or not going? Let's somehow decide already, there's a line actually…

LIDA (with a twinkle): And I'm not going to report my actions or omissions to anyone I don't know. Let's get acquainted first, and then I'll think about whether to talk to you or not!

GRISHA (surprised): The business is! That's a woman's logic… Why would I want to meet you? Do you have a black eye?

Grisha points to the black eye.

Lida takes out a mirror, looks at it, then takes out a cosmetic bag with powder, or Foundation, and covers up the bruise. In the process of putting on make-up mimics, not looking at Grisha.

LIDA (mimics): You have a black eye over there…

She finishes her powder, looks in the mirror, and looks happy.

LIDA: All, no black eye, meet me!

Grisha thinks about it.

GRISHA (thinking aloud): Well…, in principle… I'm in no hurry. Okay… An hour earlier – an hour later…

Grisha goes up to Lida and holds out his hand in greeting.

GRISHA (with a nod): Grisha!

Lida returns the salute with a curtsey.

LIDA: Lida.

Grisha stands in a stupid position with his hand outstretched. He puts his hand behind his back.

GRISHA (through his teeth): Let's get acquainted.

Lida approaches Grisha in a boyish way and pushes him on the shoulder.

LIDA: What's so uncooperative, Grinya?

Grisha looks at what is happening in confusion. He wasn't used to this kind of familiarity.

GRISHA: Yes there is no…, not that…, I just don't really like it when something or someone interferes with my plans.

LIDA: Oh, come on. Your plans are not going anywhere. Well, if you want, I'll give it to you. And then I'll think about it, maybe I'll look for another branch, or maybe I will…

Lida shyly smiles, does not say anything, she clearly feels sympathy for Grisha.

GRISHA: What and....? What does this mean?

LIDA (after a pause): It doesn't mean anything. We have women in General, anything can mean one meaning and diametrically opposite at the same time!

GRISHA: It's true. I've lived for almost forty years and still haven't learned to understand women. Yes that there women. People! I observe this situation from time to time. You do a man good, and he hates you. And someone commits meanness after meanness, so they run to him in droves with open arms. It's not the others who are running, but the same ones! Those who were betrayed, who were set up, who… (he waves his hand without saying anything). But… What is happening in this world, how do you understand it? How can a person with a pure heart even exist here? Hard, Lida… It is very hard…

LIDA (soulful): Is that why you're here?

Grisha looks at Lida, looks away, thinks for a moment, and nods his head in response.

Lida looks down.

LIDA: I was brought here also not happy news. But … unlike you… this is not a General tragedy, but a personal one.

Grisha looks with interest at the Lido.

LIDA: I don't get married.


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