Цит. по: Herzog and Motika, ‘Orientalism “alla turca”’, 191.
Цит. по: Herzog and Motika, ‘Orientalism “alla turca”’, 168.
Selim Deringil, ‘“They Live in a State of Nomadism and Savagery”: The Late Ottoman Empire and Post-Colonial Debate’, Comparative Studies in Society and History 45, no. 2 (2003), 312.
Deringil, ‘They Live in a State of Nomadism and Savagery’, 312.
Deringil, ‘They Live in a State of Nomadism and Savagery’, 334.
Deringil, ‘They Live in a State of Nomadism and Savagery’, 334.
Deringil, ‘They Live in a State of Nomadism and Savagery’, 338.
Mary Roberts, Intimate Outsiders: The Harem in Ottoman and Orientalist Art and Travel Literature (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2007), 21.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 39. Посмотреть картину можно на сайте Британской галереи Тейт: www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/lewis-the-siesta-n03594.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 33.
Бей, бий, би, бек, бег, бик, – тюркский дворянский титул и звание у некоторых народов Ближнего Востока и Средней Азии, категория привилегированного населения, синоним арабского «эмир», соответствует титулам князь, властитель, господин. – Прим. ред.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 21, 31.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 60–61.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 109.
Finkel, Osman’s Dream, 471–472.
Finkel, Osman’s Dream, 473–474.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 111.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 112.
Roberts, Intimate Outsiders, 114.
Edhem Eldem, ‘Making Sense of Osman Hamdi Bey and His Paintings’, Muqarnas 29 (2012), 374.
Eldem, ‘Making Sense of Osman Hamdi Bey’, 371.
Edhem Eldem, ed., Un Ottoman en Orient: Osman Hamdi Bey en Irak, 1869–1871 (Paris: Actes Sud, 2010).
Eldem, ‘Making Sense of Osman Hamdi Bey’, 355–363.
Deringil, The Well-Protected Domains, 150–151, 171–172.
Eldem, ‘Making Sense of Osman Hamdi Bey’, 376–377.
‘Sabbatai Tsevi, A Letter on Conversion’, trans. Paweł Maciejko, in Maciejko, Sabbatian Heresy, 34.
‘Sabbatai Tsevi, A Letter on Conversion’, 35.
‘Sabbatai Tsevi, Bury My Faith!’, trans. David Halperin, in Maciejko, Sabbatian Heresy, 37.
Marc David Baer, The Dönme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries, and Secular Turks (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010).
Baer, The Dönme, 86–87.
Baer, The Dönme, 89.
Baer, The Dönme, 90.
В русскоязычной историографии распространено также наименование сторонников партии «Единение и прогресс» «иттихадисты». – Прим. пер.
Baer, The Dönme, 91.
Его документы, удостоверяющие личность, найдены в Bardakçı, Talât Paşa’nın evrak-ı metrûkesi, 235.
Hans-Lukas Kieser, Talaat Pasha: Father of Modern Turkey, Architect of Genocide (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018), 49.
Erik J. Zürcher, ‘Who Were the Young Turks?’, in The Young Turk Legacy and Nation Building: From the Ottoman Empire to Atatürk’s Turkey (London: I.B. Tauris, 2010), 97–98.
Karpat, The Politicization of Islam, 112; Baer, The Dönme, 92.
Baer, The Dönme, 93.
Lewis, Rumi, 452.
Мистически-созерцательное, безучастное отношение к жизни. – Прим. ред.
Lewis, Rumi, 452–453.
Baer, The Dönme, 94.
Baer, The Dönme, 95.
Baer, The Dönme, 96.
Еще известна как Младотурецкая революция. – Прим. ред.
Декларация независимости США – исторический документ, в котором британские колонии в Северной Америке объявили независимость от Великобритании, принят единогласно Вторым Континентальным конгрессом 4 июля 1776 года в Филадельфии, штат Пенсильвания. – Прим. ред.
Şükrü Hanioğlu, ‘The Second Constitutional Period, 1908–1918’, in The Cambridge History of Turkey, 4:62.
Erik J. Zürcher, ‘The Historiography of the Constitutional Revolution: Broad Consensus, Some Disagreement and a Missed Opportunity’, in The Young Turk Legacy and Nation Building, 26–40.
Yosmaoğlu, Blood Ties, 2.
‘The Young Turks’, trans. A. Sarrou, in Civilization Since Waterloo, ed. Rondo Cameron (Paris, 1912), 40–42.
Baer, The Dönme, 97.
Mehmet Ö. Alkan, İmparatorluk’tan Cumhuriyet’e Selânik’ten İstanbul’a Terakki Vakfı ve Terakki Okulları, 1877–2000 (Istanbul: Terakki Vakfı, 2003), 94.
Baer, The Dönme, 93.
Baer, The Dönme, 94.
Zürcher, Turkey, 93.
Zürcher, ‘Who Were the Young Turks?’, 102–104.
Yeşim Arat, ‘Contestation and Collaboration: Women’s Struggles for Empowerment in Turkey’, in The Cambridge History of Turkey, 4:389–390.