Sykes, B: The Seven Daughters of Eve, Gorgi, 2001.
Gray, J: «Israel's Neighbours», Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
Иезекииль, 27.
Renan, E: Mission de Phenicie, Paris, 1864.
Montet, P: Byblos et l'Egypte, Paris, 1928.
Dunand, M: De l'Amanus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953.
Dunand, M: De TAmanus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953.
Dunand, M: De l'Amanus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953.
Dunand, M: De l'Amanus and Sinai, Beirut, 1953.
Lehner, Mark: The Complete Pyramids.
Heyerdahl, Thor: The Ra Expeditions, George Allen & UnwinLtd, 1971.
Heyerdahl, Thor: the Ra Exheditions.
Baramki, D: Phoenicia and the Phoenicians, American College Press, Beirut, 1961.
Herodotus, The History, trans. George Rawlison, New York, Dutton & Co., 1862.
Herodotus, The History, trans. George Rawlison, New York, Dutton & Co., 1862.
К евреям, 5:6.
Hook, SH: Genesis — Peakes Commentary on the Bible.
В православной Библии это Псалом 109 — Псалом Давида. (Прим. пер)
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development.
Anderson, GW: Psalms — Peakes Commentary on the Bible.
Исход, 28:30.
Таблички Рас Шарма, найденные на месте древнего морского порта Угарит, содержат много стихотворных ритуальных религиозных текстов второго тысячелетия до нашей эры. Они значительно расширили наше понимание древних верований и религиозной практики в Ханаане.
A Companion to the Bible, published by T & T Clark, Edinburgh, 1939. Цитата из части третьей «The Early Background of Hebrew Religion» by SH Hooke.
Cohn, Norman: Cosmos, Chaos and the World to come, Yale Univesity Press, 1993.
Hook SH: in Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at Clarendon Press, 1958. См. раздел «Hebrew Conception of Kingship» by AR Johnson.
Cайт «Паутина Хирама», http://www.brad. ac. uk/ webofhiram.
В православной Библии это Псалом 132. (Прим. пер.)
Anderson, GW: Psalms — Peakes Commentary on the Bible.
Knight, С & Lomas, R: Uriel's Machine, The Ansient Origins of Science.
В православной Библии Псалом 18. (Прим. пер.)
Hooke, SH: Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
Hooke, SH: Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
Engnell, J: Studies in Divine Kingship, SPCK, 1962.
Mauchline, J: 1 +11 Kings — Peakes Commentary on the Bible.
Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
Myth, Ritual and Kingship, Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1958. См. «Early Hebrew Meths and Their Interpretation».
«Canaanites», Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2001.
Stiebling, WH: «Did the Weather Make Israel's Emergence Possible?», Biblical Review, vol. X, no.4 August 1994.
Zertal, A: «Israel Enters Canaan», Biblical Archaeology Review, v. XVIII, no.5, Sept./Oct. 1991.
Albrught, WF: From the Stone Age to Christianity, The John Hopkins Press, 1940.
Peake's Commentary on the Bible, Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1962.
Hooke, SH: «The Religious Institution of Israel», Pealce's Commentary on the Bible, 1962.
Hertzberh, Arthur: Judaism, George Braziller, New York, 1962.
Иевусеи были ханаанскими обитателями Иерусалима до появления евреев.
Книга Паралипоменон 21:15–26.
Вторая Книга Царств, 24:13–16.
Whiston, W: Josephus, Antiquities, vii, iii, 1.
Josephus, Antiquities, vii, iii, 2.
Josephus, Antiquities, vii, iii, 4.
Jagersma, H: A History of Israel to Bar Kochba, SCM Press, 1985.
Fohrer, G: History of Israelite Religion, S. P. C. K., London, 1973.
Irwin, WA: «Job», Peakc's Commentary on the Bible.
Fohrer, G: History of Israelite Religion, S. P. C. K., London, 1973.
Peake's Commentary on the Bible, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd, 1962.
Robinson, TH: The History of Israel (A Companion to the Bible), T&T Clark, 1939.
Cassell's Concise Bible Dictionary, Cassell and Company Limited, 1998.
Левит, 18:21 и 20:1–5.
Hyatt, JP: «Zephaniah», Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
Hyatt, JP: «Zephaniah», Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
Butler, A: The Bronze Age Computer Disc, W Fulsham & Co. 1999.
Hooke, SH: «Genesis», Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
Hooke, SH: «Genesis».
Hooke, SH: «Genesis».
B Анналах ассирийского царя Тиглата Паласарра III указана точная дата правления Ахаза (Я-а-ха-зи) — 740–725 гг. до нашей эры.
1-я Еноха, 27:61.
Black, М: «The Development of Judaism in the Greek and Roman Periods», Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development, SPCK, 1952.
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development, SPCK, 1952.
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development, SPCK, 1952.
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development, SPCK, 1952.
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development, SPCK, 1952.
Oesterley, WOE & Robinson, TH: Hebrew Religion, Its Origin and Development, SPCK, 1952.
Ackerman, Susan: «Sacred Sex, Sacrifice and Death», Bible Review, vol. vi, no. l, February 1990.
См.: Исаак 2:2, 40:9; Иезекииль, 17:22, 40:2; Михей, 4:1.
Ackerman, Susan: «Sacred Sex, Sacrifice and Death», Bible Review, vol. vi, no. l, February 1990.
Cohn, Norman: Cosmic Chaos and the World to Come.
B Библии короля Якова (протестантской) говорится только о пророках Ваала, в то время как современные переводы Библии, такие как Новая Английская Библия, связывают их и с Ашерах.
1-я Книга Царств, 18:31–35.
Fohrer, G: History of Israelite Religion.
Dawkins, R: Unweaving the Rainbow, Penguin, 1998.
Marsh, J: «The Thology of the New Testament», Peake's Commentary on the Bible.
Eisenman, R: James the Brother of Jesus, Faber and Faber, 1997.
Eisenman, R: James the Brother of Jesus, Faber and Faber, 1997.
Eisenman, R: James the Brother of Jesus, Faber and Faber, 1997.
Eisenman, R: James the Brother of Jesus, Faber and Faber, 1997.
Deutsch. R: «First Impression — What We Learn from King Ahaz's Seal' Biblical Archaeology Review, May/June 1988.
Bonnet, H: «Skarabaeus», in Reallexikon der agyptischen Religionsgeschichte, Berlin, DeGruyter, 1952.
Иезекииль, 8:16.
Boccaccini, G: Beyond the Essenes, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids), 1998.
Pliny, Natural History, 5:73.
Иезекииль, 8:16.
Graves, R: The White Goddess, Faber and Faber, 1948.
Vernes, G: The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, Penguin, 1995.
Graves, R: The White Goddess.
Layish, Dov Ben: A Survey of Sundials in Israel, 1969.
Levy, A: «Bad Timing», Biblical Archaeological Review, July/August 1998.
Levy, A: «Bad Timing», Biblical Archaeological Review, July/August 1998.
Bellesort, Marie-Noel: «Le Jeu de Serpent: Jeux et Jouets dans l… Antiquite et le Moyen Age», Dossiers d'Archeologie, 1992.